Tuesday 3 October 2017

Quaker Love

I realized in the post about butterflies that I think of them as 'shes' and I have no idea why.  Growing up we thought of all boats as shes too even though women were considered bad luck on a fishing boat.
 Also cars...my friend's dad had a car before we did and they had named it Betsy.  When driving up steep hills around snowy Corner Brook in the winter, all us kids in the back seat would shout "go Betsy go" as the tires spun and the chains clanked.

Yes, I am old enough to remember tires having to be fitted with chains each winter to make it around slippery roads.  I sometimes wonder if having chains today would prevent some of the winter accidents we have especially during freezing rain situations.  But of course they are illegal these days.

But I digress...
I wanted to show you my Quakers cross stitching which I'm just loving.  The continued spate of sunny days has encouraged my veranda stitching and with good light out there, I have been working on my Cornwall Cottage Sampler.  You might remember it ....

My start in January

A really big project so it will take me a long time to finish it.  Probably till this January!

I am doubly blessed with verandas. When the light begins to fade in the front, I can shift to the back which has equally pretty views.  However, it has cooled off quickly and I took out my afghan to cover my legs...yes, a real Granny I am now complete with blanket covered legs!
Pink asters in the back.

Quakers are so much fun to stitch.  I saw this Halloween cross stitch pattern and thought it one of the nicest of the Halloween projects.  Available from 123stitch.com.

Image result for halloween quaker cross stitch

Today I'm thinking about continued atrocities and wishing it wasn't so.

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My favourite thing about having a blog is hearing from you. I appreciate it so much and I will definitely check out your blog too. Thanks!