Thursday 19 March 2020

Gifts, Quilty Shopping, Itty Bitty Turquoise Triangles

There is so much to keep us busy and enjoy even though a thread of worry is winding its way through these strange days. I'm limiting how much I'm reading about it. I'm concentrating on feeding us well, reading your blogs and choosing the neat things to share with you for this happy Thursday post.

I just loved this little video from 1964 and was totally gobsmacked by how fast these women could knit.  What they produce are works of art really.  The opening bit badly needed an edit but the rest of the film is well worth a watch. Here is the Link as I couldn't get the video link to work...Shetland Knitters.

Julie at this post at The Crafty Quilter shared good news in the form of quilty news.  She shared links to BOM's and QAL's coming up.  I have my eye on the Fat Quarter Carolina Lily one which isn't quite ready yet. I've always loved that block.
Julie also shared a free pattern for a block she calls Glass Half Full.  I really like it.

Quilt-y news is good news and I'm here to share some with you at The Crafty Quilter!
  I made a little piece last year with a lily type block; enjoyed the process very much.

It always helps whatever is the situation when food and treats are dropped off by our own little family.
Chocolate cupcakes decorated by a 6 year old...
And farm fresh eggs
The old jigsaw puzzle is done and a new one underway.  And we have one very large Lindt chocolate ball to finally tuck into. Christmas gifts both.
My last outing last week was for necessities -to a grocery store and a little nearby quilt shop, Happy Wife Quilting.  Jenn, who is knowledgeable and friendly, runs her shop with her long arm services in her home. It is beautifully appointed with lots to look at.  I made these two purchases, a new Oliso mini iron...been scouting this for some time, and more batting. I can't seem to keep that on hand; I guess because I usually buy only little bits at a time.  I must be thinking I will make an actual quilt by how much I got this time.  :)
The colour of the month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is turquoise.  I went to my fabric cupboard expecting, like Old Mother Hubbard, to find it bare of anything turquoise.  But there were a few things similar to that colour, some with blue too, so I made a few more of those flag blocks.  I just call them that...I think technically they are itty bitty triangle blocks or some such name.
Home- that's where you'll find us for the time being feeling comforted and knowing our glass is half full.


So happy to link up with Not Afraid of ColorIt's a Small Town LifeSugarlane DesignsFor the Love of GeeseSo Scrappy and My Quilt Infatuation.


  1. We are tucked into our home and mostly, enjoying it. I LOVE seeing those fresh eggs and hearing your positive words through all of this...."stuff"! Thanks for linking up!

  2. Cool cupcakes and I hope the eggs didn't get left behind. Y'all be safe and stay healthy up there!

  3. I'm enjoying the first week of not having external demands . . .

  4. What great cupcakes! lots of eggs. And THAT is a chocolate! Yum!

  5. Staying home is never a hardship for me although I suppose as time goes on that feeling could change. I have lots to keep me occupied and we can get outside to go for a walk. Resident Chef has a new jigsaw puzzle that's proving to be quite challenging so he's happy. Unfortunately I have to do a grocery store run for my elderly friend in a day or so and I had to go to the drug store this morning to pick up a prescription for Resident Chef. Too much 'out' to suit me but it is what it is. Take care of you - stay safe, stay well.

  6. I love the little iron I had looked for that one once and couldn't find it. I have been spending too much time watching and reading news stories I have to stop that. Love that big flat of eggs that you have there! take care

  7. Sounds like you are prepped. Huge Lindt truffle. Puzzles are an awesome diversion. Stay healthy.

  8. I really love those little triangle blocks! I've got a rainy day to work on my turquoise, and I'm itching to get at it.
    Let us know how you like the baby Oliso. My adult Oliso has developed arthritis and is reluctant to self-raise, so it is due to be replaced by Oliso in April. When I purchased it I also got a 5-year warranty, which they will extend. Their customer service has been very helpful, so they definitely have a fan in me.

  9. I know what you mean about that thread of worry, Jocelyn - definitely winding its way through my thinking. Love that your grandson brought you chocolate cupcakes! I always love your flag blocks, and want to go make some myself when you share them. What size are you making them?

  10. Oh, I'd love to get a cupcake delivery! Yum! Thanks for the links to the QALs...I'll check those out. I have heard about the Elvira Quarantine Quilt Along and I'll be participating in that one-day event :)

  11. I've always loved your flag blocks, simple but so effective, must make some one day.
    Thanks for the link to the Shetland knitting ladies. My own rather clumsy style of knitting is nothing like theirs!

  12. Those chocolate cupcakes are priceless. I’m glad you and hubby are healthy and safe.

  13. Very nice and tasty drop offs for you....that large Lindt and I definitely could be friends. Keeping busy with things we enjoy is the way to go xx

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Sorry-I was very glat to visit your sites.

  16. Thanks for the reminder that we have SEW many things to be thankful for!!

  17. Pretty teal blocks. Enjoy your extra sewing time.

  18. You had some lovely goodies to eat.
    I love your blog header - I made that too and really enjoyed it. I wish Leanne would do something new & similar.
    Love the Glass Half Full piece too.

  19. You have some wonderful things going on at your place.
    Those cakes look good enough to eat and I'm sure a lot of love went into them.

  20. It feels good to be stocked up on necessities right now. I think that batting counts as that for quilters. Glad you found enough turquoise to make some blocks

  21. LOVE the teal scraps you found in your cupboard! The cupcakes decorated by a 6-year old are the best. I raise chickens. I have been delivering eggs to some of the neighbors. I raised chicks that hatched last October. They are seriously producing now. I have a couple of odd birds that lay different color eggs. I like to mix the gifted eggs with one of the green ones and a lilac one. It's another surprise.

  22. Looks like you are keeping busy. The only place I am going is to Grandma's to drop a kid off this morning. I'm being a home body and I am able to work from home, thank goodness. Beautiful cupcakes and love the egg delivery. Your puzzle looks fun and your triangles are a pop of sparkle in blues. Stay well.

  23. Love that Jane Austen quote ... <3 Staying in and sewing works for me. You have found much to appreciate. I want to make chocolate cupcakes. Those beautiful eggs! We cannot find them in the local stores at the moment. Maybe a will use a few of our last for cupcakes. Shall we be looking for eggless recipes from the 1940's soon? We will make do. May you and yours stay well and safe ... <3 Pat

  24. The best thing to do right now is to keep busy! I'm mostly staying home unless I have to work. Love your cupcakes! I love your turquoise blocks too! That's a fun block for scraps! Stay healthy!

  25. Thanks for all the links. Time to put sewing into high gear! Right after enjoying a perfect cupcake!

  26. Sorry it took so long to post, I love the Shetland knitters! Your quilts are looking fantastic! Especially love the baskets (WOW!). Today is a sewing day I think. Stay well my dear friend!

  27. We have seven chickens so we have an abundance of eggs. I'm giving them away to anyone who wants some. Those chocolate cupcakes looked yummy!

  28. Your block looks great. Chocolate, yum. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.


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