Sunday 9 August 2020

Hand Quilting Dreamy Hearts, Complicated Medallion, Bugs Bunny Memories

 Sometimes I get down on myself because I'm not as productive as I used to be and still have in my head that I should be. For instance, there's the matter of my photos. With Windows 10 I can create albums which would be such a terrific asset when trying to find just the right photo to insert in this here blog. I started doing it, was excited about it and then the will to keep doing it drifted off across an ocean somewhere. But the idea of it still nags at me. I really must get that done. I think I'll set that as a goal for this week. Telling you all just might give me the incentive to do this. 

Saturday was a glorious August day. Sunny and about 27 C with little humidity; it was the kind of summer day dreamed about. I spent part of it down by the pond and watched a number of critters going about their business. Time spent that will be happily thought of come winter. 

Lots of chickadees to be seen and heard down there.

Then I got in some time veranda stitching and made a little headway with another round on the Medallion project. It's a bit wonky-these were fiddly to hand stitch- but by the time I get to the last portion, the fourth, I should be surer with how it all fits. 

I'm enjoying the challenge of this nonetheless.

Murphy does enjoy joining me in the front. Dozing mostly. 

Not bothering to even check out our onlooker who comes around as soon as we appear.

I've started hand quilting the Dreamy Hearts. I'm using dark pink DMC thread because I think it suits the theme of these blocks.

I enjoy seeing each of the pretty fabrics up close.

The hummingbird feeders had to be moved away from the veranda. They were inundated with wasps and hornets, the latter with such large abdomens I had to look them up on Google. They reminded me of the cartoon hornets/mosquitoes I used to watch when I was a girl.  I loved Saturdays and especially The Bugs Bunny Show and made a vow when I was ten I would always watch cartoons.  A vow that hasn't exactly been kept but happy memories nonetheless. 😊 I've gotten to watch lots with both the grandsons which was/is fun.

                                 Image result for the bugs bunny show

Hope there is something fun, even if it's not cartoons, in your days to help you through what continues to be trying times. 

Fun to link with Kathy's QuiltsSmall Quilts and Doll QuiltsOur World TuesdayLove Laugh Quilt and Quilting is More Fun Than Housework.


  1. The hearts are beautiful, hand stitching, I don't do that now, but yours looks great, and the visitor, what a cheeky face. Hope you continue to have lots of days that are not too hot, not too cold yet, are just right to sit on the porch and enjoy .

  2. Stitching on the porch with Murphy seems like bliss!

  3. I find I am not productive in the summer as I am in the winter - to me it is the hot weather - but I have A/C so that really shouldn't matter - right? LOL - I guess summer gives up the time to recharge our batteries

  4. Sometimes we just get busy with life and the things we have listed in our heads to do just don't happen. All part of life I think. It sounded lovely you being able to sit by the pond, love the squirrel photo and your lovely dog keeping you company while stitching. Your hand stitching and quilting looks great.

  5. We enjoy the chickadees here, too - every now and then I think there might have been a nest somewhere close by that just fledged a bunch of babies because they make lots of their sweet noise all over our yard! Your hearts are so pretty, Jocelyn, and look enjoyable to quilt. Good luck with getting those photos in albums - that would be a chore for me, too!

  6. That is sure a cute little chickadee and the squirrel is darn cute too. Keeping track of photos sure is difficult when you have lots of them. I hope you have a wonderful week. Howdy Murphy!

  7. Great character shot of that slightly frazzled looking chickadee. No doubt a parent bird now beginning to moult. Hard to say which consumes the most of my grape jelly now -- the oreoles or the wasps! The red stitching around your sewing elements really compliment them well. What a friendly looking little red squirrel!

  8. Love these photos! Enjoy that great weather.

  9. I'm the same with the photo albums. I also have failed to keep up with tagging/labeling my posts. We have a resident hummingbird that checks out the red seed feeder every day. And a juvenile wren that comes to the breakfast room window to remind me when I haven't put the feeder out yet...

  10. Chickadees! Love the medallion project. The stitching around the hearts looks great. Cartoons! I've been rewatching the Last Airbender (and Rob has really been enjoying it).

  11. Gosh, your Medallion quilt does look tricky. Love those beautiful hearts of yours in those pretty fabrics. Love the tulip heart. How pleasant to sit on your verandah with your sweet companion, Murphy, keeping you company. I hope you get your photo project done. =) Happy stitching.

  12. That is some fiddly hand stitching! It does long nice and those hearts are so pretty too. I can’t say that I watched a lot of cartoons when I was younger, but the ones I did see were better than the ones the kids watch these days.

  13. I find it hard to let that niggling voice go. "You should be achieving something..."
    I am all for enjoying the birds, and the gardens. It's been wonderful having rain. Such a relief.
    I enjoy your quilting. I lack motivation, and so I read and sit.

  14. Love the hearts so much. Cartoons? You just don't see those great cartoons on TV anymore. My 8 year old great grand was watching the "current" cartoons. After watching one for a bit, I mentioned to my grandson that the cartoon characters were disrespectful to their parents and made fun of their friends. Sorry Nic, no more toons for you. Actually they have taken the remote from the TV room. We have HUGE Hummers here. I have not set up any bird feeders yet, but I am on the lookout for birds!
    xx, Carol

  15. I thought I was going to get so much done back in March when we went into lockdown!! Not so. I am even reading less than normal. But the time flies by.

  16. I think chickadees have to be my favourite birds. They're so curious and relatively unafraid of you. I love feeding the birds but we have a huge issue here with the squirrels climbing inside the cars in the parking lots and eating the wires so we can't do anything that will encourage them to come around. Sad, because I do so love the birds. I love your heart project - such relaxing stitching on your wonderful verandah I'm sure.

  17. It sounds like you had a wonderfully pleasant day and you got some gorgeous photos to remind you of summer. Your medallion project is lovely - yes, practice will make perfect (or thereabouts!!). The hearts are pretty and I do like how you've decided to quilt them.

  18. Love your hearts! Nice stitches! I love loony tunes! Send us some good ole' Canadian cold fronts soon, we are burning up down here in South Texas! Hugs

  19. Oh the the floss is perfect for the hearts, this is going to be so pretty. The squirrel wouldn't have been around our house long enough for a photo, my Enzo would chased it away quickly.

  20. What lovely photos of some of your critters. I think perhaps your Murphy knows he's in charge lol! Your hearts are looking beautiful x

  21. The post is beautiful and I enjoyed watching your fabric work and the cute animal photos!
    Greetings Elke

  22. Looks like you are enjoying summer! Love the squirrel. We have them in a few parts of our country. I always wanted one in my yard, but we are to close,to the coast I think.
    Your hearts are lovely, good choice to stitch with DMC.

  23. ahhhh sat morning cartoons. That's where I'd be, then Skyking came on, then the scary movies on VHF
    The squirrel wants to join you two on the porch... imagine that! That's a picture in my mind now, you stitching, Murphy dozing, squirrel flat out watching...the chickadee is gorgeous... paint worthy!

  24. People often ask me to name my favourite bird, a task that is quite impossible of course. But, if push come to shove, a chickadee would be high on the list. They are such wonderful, confiding little birds. Just this morning we were watching a young family in their first flush of freedom. Now comes the hard work required to survive.


My favourite thing about having a blog is hearing from you. I appreciate it so much and I will definitely check out your blog too. Thanks!