Tuesday 20 September 2022

September Scrap Busting, Mushroom Madness, Jenny's Dressing and Jacquelynne's Free Pattern

 I never tire of walking this property in every season. Each time my eye lands on something new or different to take note of. I was happy to read Ralph's quote that  describes my experiences as I try to have an attentive eye too.

As a good example of that, it is newly mushroom season and a bountiful one here at the wooden house. Much to Ned's delight, we've taken extra walks with the camera, foraging for mushrooms, not to eat but to photograph.  I'm going to get my mushroom books (yes, nerdy me, I have several!) out to identify these.
A very rainy summer means more of these interesting growing things popping up seemingly overnight often. (Shame only one in focus here.)

I've been enjoying looking down...amazing what is underfoot.
To Do...September Scrap Busting 
I've mentioned I'm clearing out scraps...I had them sorted by size and then completely rearranged them by colour. I'm determined to be brutal this time and will dispose of the leftovers, as in get them gone once and for all from the sewing room. 
While doing that I've been setting aside any that are fall like colours. I'm hoping to have enough to make an autumn table topper large enough for the coffee table in our sitting area. It is 48 by 24 inches. I'm using the Marti Michell one and half inch square template to size these so they are kind of small.
I thought I'd use the deep reds as an accent and I hope to accomplish this without cutting into any of the fabric I have which isn't that much really. These are just laid out. 
Truthfully, I've had a notion to do something entirely different with this since taking this photo. Perhaps more thinking this week will sort my thoughts out! 

Meanwhile I'm almost finished the binding of the Karnak Hanging. Actually the two longer sides have been sewn together without a binding...just tucked in and I used an almost invisible ladder stitch to sew the front and back together. I'm mostly following how the pattern writer, Christine, finished hers.
I have more of the dotted backing fabric on either end so I did bring it forward for a narrow binding top and bottom.  I think it looks okay so far.
I tried Jenny of Elefantz's recipe for a salad dressing and it is delicious. I've already made it four times and used it in a variety of ways.  One being on my almost daily spinach salad.
It is 
                                  1/3 cup olive oil
                                  1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
                                  1/3 cup maple syrup
Thanks Jenny!

 And to honour Queen Elizabeth, talented Jacquelynne Steves is offering this cute Corgi free pattern to embroider. The Art of Home is her site and there is a lot to check out there too btw.
Hubby and I watched a lot of the simply amazing funeral footage. Her Majesty's loved ones and planners were determined to give her, the longest reigning monarch in British history, everything Britain could possibly lay out and they succeeded. The pomp, ceremony and precise execution of all the details were incredible.  Her due really.
I'm already a little unhappy with the new king but maybe I'll speak of that another time.
Hope you are not unhappy about anything! And I'm certainly happy to link this post with Texas Quilt Gal and all the other busy planners for this week. Also happy to link with True Blue Quilts, Alycia Quilts,Quilting Patchwork Applique,  Quilts Creations Whatever and Sugarlane Designs.


  1. Your mushroom photos are fabulous, Jocelyn! What a variety - they are really so interesting to see. A patchwork of tiny squares is a fun way to use up scraps and make something useful, too. Looking forward to seeing your Karnak finish! I've enjoyed watching the coverage of Queen Elizabeth's passing and funeral ceremonies - fascinating to us Americans. I don't think there'll ever be another one like her - she bridged a lot of eras.

  2. the salad dressing looks good and the mushrooms! wow so many different kinds there are - beautiful photos. I watched a bit of the ceremonies for the queen over the past week+ as I love to watch all that tradition - it was beautiful I thought - I'm not sure why you are unhappy with the king though as he has barely had time to do anything yet and hasn't even had time to grieve - I do wish the media wouldn't constantly talk of the family feuds and all at that at a time like that though - though won't leave them alone and now will be following all the younger generation around not giving them any privacy I'm sure.

  3. Hi Jocelyn, I ,too, have some reservations about the funeral, the seating, and all the media comments who try so hard to make out what might be showing by a hand gesture, a turn away of the head, and more !!! Public funeral, no place for private grief , now maybe they can again wear bright colours and have some wonderful memories of the most remarkable Queen of all time.Raining here, I have worn my scarf so many times.XXX

  4. We watched a lot of TV too about the funeral, sad to see but certainly dine with great British style. Well worth staying up late for in this part of the world.
    I also discovered the cute corgi stitchery on line. I'm thinking of stitching something for my granddaughter Megan who has a corgi, and something for me as well. I expect there will be a lot of corgi stitcheries appearing over the next wee while.

  5. I love your photographs of the mushrooms! They are splendid photos and makes me feel like I'm right there! I'm loving that you are using up scraps! I can never seem to bear tossing any. I love the Karnak hanging and can't wait to see yours! Have a wonderful day and thanks for sharing Jenny's salad dressing recipe. I need to try it! Sending hugs!

  6. Thank you for another lovely post to start my day! I LOVE the Emerson quote - perfect especially for us daily walkers. I’m jealous of your mushrooms! Last year we had an amazing plethora of them in my area, but with a drought the past few months, almost none so far this year 🙁. Thanks for the photos. Looking forward to seeing what you do with those scraps.

  7. Love those mushroom pictures. I've noticed them springing up a lot around here too. Don't know if you caught the picture I took of one that looked like a fried egg! Ha! I believe that Ralph Waldo Emerson sized it up perfectly.

  8. I’m fascinated seeing mushrooms. Occasionally they show up in our yard where they are a nuisance. In the wild they are so amazing! I get Jacquelynne Steven’s emails, I missed the Vorgi stitchery! Isn’t he cute? Your spinach salad looks lovely! I have some I need to use up and the dressing sound wonderful! Thanks!

  9. Your Wheel Within a Wheel quilt is looking fabulous. Love all of the fabrics. Oh yes we used to cover our school books with brown paper bags as children. I loved to do that and as a teacher wanted my students to do the same. It's hard to find brown paper bags now though. Lol. Loved seeing all of the mushrooms in the previous post. Hubby and the grandchildren love to forage for mushrooms to eat and to identify. Have a great weekend.

  10. Love the mushroom pictures! I find it a little creepy when we get some popping up after a rainstorm here in the Arizona desert, LOL. The patchwork with red accents looks like my kind of epic scrappy project! Happy quilting.

  11. Great scrappy stash buster!!! I'm going to try your salad dressing for supper tonight--sounds easy and delicious!

  12. It seems there have a lot of different mushrooms showing themselves this year. You got some good photos of them.
    I agree that the funeral was well done. I'm sure the family is hoping for some time to just grieve in private but one wonders if that's an indulgence they will manage to get.

  13. Jocelyn - fabulous quote from THE Ralph. It certainly reflects my experience tramping around our property. We have had nary a mushroom this summer given the dryness, until last week when we had two random Shaggy Manes show up where I had recently watered the Honeycrisp apple tree. I will be downloading that Corgi pattern - my husband is a Brit and someone in our family will appreciate it. We watched some of the footage and were also impressed with the elaborate nature of it all. I can only imagine the years of planning that were required!

  14. Oh those mushrooms are beautiful! I am hoping you weren't seated on the ground to get that level shot, but maybe you don't have trouble getting up like I do - lol! Seems like every time I sit on the ground I get a tick or chigger bites - ugh. Your scraps look great together. They will make a pretty topper. I like the dotted fabric backing and binding on your Karnak hanging. Gosh that salad dressing sounds good. I didn't find your post linked to TDT (although maybe I missed it?), but thank you for sharing! I'm thinking I probably need to open the linkup late Monday night, what do you think? I think I will pose the question on my next To Do Tuesday. Have a great weekend Jocelyn!

  15. These mushrooms look very pretty, beautiful photos! I love your colorful squares too, and I'm looking forward to seeing what your thoughts will be ;)
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up today!

  16. The photos of your mushrooms are amazing!! I love the one with the tree stump - i can just see fairies gathering there to have a party!
    Good luck with your scraps!!!! You can do it!!

  17. You captured some beautiful pictures of the mushrooms. I love Emerson's poems and sayings. Wish life were like it used to be! Oh well. I lost a lot of my post due to changes in Bloglovin. But now that I have all my blogs that I follow in Follow.it or Feedly I am back on track. Hugs


My favourite thing about having a blog is hearing from you. I appreciate it so much and I will definitely check out your blog too. Thanks!