Tuesday 7 November 2023

Bramble Blooms QAL, Books, Binding Sewing

I've been on a biography binge lately. I read both these books below many many years ago but enjoyed rereading them. I admire both women's work very much and it is always interesting to see what folks will share in a biography/journal style book. Both write with a similar frankness about their lives and there the similarity ends. Nuala O'Faolain once famously described herself as being "a nobody from a long line of nobodys" and May Sarton- ahh, what to say about May. I carried a line of hers in my head from when time was young for me too..."Now there is Time and Time is young." 
It is interesting for me to compare my present self who now in my seventies is a younger elder ( Tony at 84 is an older elder) to how I thought about the words I read that made an impression on me when I really was young. When I think back on all those days- the people close to me, events, happenings, etc., it was a world that is no more- to quote Frodo. :D But still very much in my mind.

See the miniature African Violet in the picture. They were selling these cute tiny things at Farm Boy and I couldn't resist buying one. They need no watering from the top as the holder unscrews and you put a little water in the bottom. This is clever as there is wide debate about how to water African Violets as in some say never from the top as it may damage the leaves.

I've collected and bagged lots of seeds to save till next spring. That reminded me that Scattering Wildflower Seeds is one of the 52 Favourite Things in Sophie Blackall's sweet book Things To Look Forward To. Love that illustration.
Audrey at Quilty Folk has started an Improv QAL called Bramble Blooms and I'm taking part. This will be a very relaxed process with an emphasis on learning how to embrace improv with lots of applique. Our first step was to find neutral scraps and sew a background block which I have done. So far, so good. Next step is to choose Bloom fabrics which will be fun. 
I may have mentioned I finished the hand quilting on the improv Autumn table mat.  Someone asked...I used DMC 402 for a little contrast.
The border has been pinned; it's a simple one where I brought the backing forward and folded it. I hope to finish this one completely this week.
Another bug in the house...it was a good summer for Western Conifer Bugs. Happily these are harmless. However, they are drawn to sunny windows just like the one where my stitching chair is. They are easy to capture and put outside. I like their interesting markings. This one sat on my notebook for quite a while and I regretted no longer having a camera that can take good macro shots.
We have appointments to keep this week. Though the garden has been more or less put to bed, I have to stow away the wheelbarrows and pots. We got the the winter tires on the car last week just in time for the first snowfalls, none of which stuck.  But freezing overnight now every night so the season has moved along. Hope your week is a great one!

Sharing with Quilt FabricationConfessions of a Fabric AddictAlycia QuiltsKathy's Quilts and Quilting and Learning.



  1. I am so glad you are joining in on Audrey’s QAL! It is going to be so fun to see everyone’s quilts progress. Your background piece is perfect. I noticed on your Autumn table mat that your blanket stitches are beautifully neat.

  2. we have been having maybe the last warm spell of the season this week and it is about 80 degrees this week - windows open at night - in a couple days we go back to 60/40 my garden is not put to bed still and I have a feeling some of it won't be as it is just me doing it and my back and feet are not in tip top shape right now. we will see what I can get done with the wheel barrow and equipment are still out!
    I haven't read either of those books. Your stitching looks great.

  3. Love your table mat--nice choice of colors and thread!!:)))
    I can see why you couldn't resist that baby African Violet...
    Your background looks great for this...hugs, Julierose

  4. I've found it interesting too, as I read through the years, comparing my younger self with my older self etc. Always a different perspective to go back and read something years and years later! Great start to the BBI QAL! I'm loving seeing all of these get going.:)

  5. Our winter tires get put on our vehicle on Thursday. I am hoping the ice and snow are not too bad as I will be driving the car and Harvey following with the truck.

    That bug looks pretty large....

    God bless.

  6. I get that same bug in my house! I never knew what it was called and just considered it a nuisance. I just finished The Lioness of Boston which is all about Isabella Steward Gardner. I visited her museum when I was a student in Boston. I really enjoyed learning all about her. I hope to visit the museum soon knowing more about her. We may get a little bit of snow Thursday morning. I guess it's that time of year!!

  7. So good that you're planning to take part in Audrey's QAL. It's going to be fun seeing everyone's take on the prompts plus the challenge for those of us that don't normally do much applique. I think the photo in the book of wildflowers is a great inspiration for the flower applique for the center. Have a great week!

  8. The stitching around the leaves is really nice, sets them off even more.
    Happy Reading

  9. I love May Sarton like you do! I have to say I love watching your progress on your projects. That autumn leaf one is fantastic! Wishing you and Tony a wonderful week! Hugs!

  10. I'm so glad someone else captures bugs and puts them outside! I wish I could tell my younger self to do that. :( So nice to see your Autumn table mat up close - I just love it. I saw an ad by Superior Threads for their Sew Sassy thread to be used in cross stitch. It is a 3-ply polyester and seems so much easier to use than the floss. I'm going to order some and give it a try.

  11. Hi Jocelyn, it's always interesting to read books that our younger self loved. I'm sure that this applies particularly to memoirs but I don't read many of those.
    Your new QAL sounds interesting and I'll be a lurker on this one. I've got my snow tires too because the car had to go in last week. I'm glad that I won't be scrambling as usual. Thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks. Take care.

  12. A creative idea to use some DMC floss for quilting... can't wait to see how it turned out. One day we had an infestation of ladybugs, and they were covering the bricks on the house, and then just disappeared! Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  13. With the warmer temps I have a couple of house flies that have come back to life in the house. They flit around bouncing off the ceiling. I love the idea of the bloom improv blocks, will be watching to see how they come along.

  14. I haven't seen one of those bugs in years. I always thought they were something from medieval times.
    I've noticed several other people are taking part in that QAL - going to be fun to see each one develop.


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