Friday 5 January 2024

Quilting and Stitching Updates, Shopping and Reading

A Healthy and Happy New Year to you all! I hope 2024 will be good to us all.

Do you believe in angels? I've read more people believe in angels than God these days. And I've also read over 80% of us believe there are things which science or nature can't explain. Interesting. This was one my ex found in the house we shared and gave it to me this Christmas. 

During the holidays I read Prince Harry's book Spare.
 Since I love the Royals, I thought I owed it to him to read his story. I finished it feeling an enormous sadness for him and his wife. And how sad for Prince William also, to not have the comfort of his only sibling by his side when he eventually must manage the monarchy himself. Regardless of means, relationships in families can get so messed up; I hate to hear of it. 

A little shopping...Online in this case. I've received this 12 pack of  these zippered mesh project bags from Amazon to organize embroidery floss, applique scraps, pattern pieces, etc. I've spent many hours in the sewing room taming all the bits and bobs and am looking forward to putting these to good use.  They're a good size at 16 x 12.5 too. 
 Here is where I finished cross stitching on my Autumn Quakers. This is on the left side and the motif started at the bottom is the last one. What remains to be done should be manageable the next time this one makes an appearance. 

I've chosen Madame La Fee's Jour De Neige -Snowy Day project for my 2024 winter slow stitching. A snow day was such a treat back in my teaching life. You can take a peek at Madame's other beautiful projects here at 123Stitch.Com. I have my eye on Winter's Tale.

Here is my start. This is being stitched on 28 count Ice Blue Lugana fabric which is kind of a greyish pale blue but is bluer than how it shows here. I'm using all DMC threads.
And in sewing I finished a little cabin in the woods for my Quiltmania Xmas project. Stitching houses is fun. 
And my crocheted blanket is all done as well. I'll share a photo next time.

LeeAnna at  Not Afraid of Color's prompt this week has to do with which appetizers you enjoy. At our Christmas Eve gathering, we enjoyed a number of Presiden'ts Choice appetizers that were from the frozen food section of the grocery store. They included wings, cheese tarts, shrimp, and sausage rolls. They were all very tasty. 

Not sure about the masterpiece, but the work in progress bit definitely applies.
 So I'm starting another new year in this new place that, while not home, is beautiful and peaceful. Also so happy to have my little family near and in my daily life. Thankful and grateful always!

Also grateful for the wonderful folks offering these link up parties like Kathy's Quilts, Life in the ScrapatchSmall Quilts and Doll Quilts and Quilting is More Fun Than Housework.


  1. Those cross stitch projects are perfect for working on when it is cold outside! The view outside your window is lovely. No snow here. We have had a lot of rain and gray days. The snow really brightens things up. Enjoy your stitching. I'm reading a book my daughter gave me for Christmas. The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot by Marianne Cronin. A great story!

  2. Your little blue angel is pretty. Those mesh bags look useful. And I enjoy watching your projects progress. Happy New year!

  3. I tend to not buy the biographies I always wonder how true they are, how much is exaggerated to gain sympathy. What would Prince Williams view point be? if you know what I mean.
    Your stitching is good love those little bags.

  4. That's a sweet little angel - one that you could keep out all year.
    I read 'Spare' as well and, like you, was saddened. Living in a goldfish bowl as the royals (and any celebrities) do has to be so hard.
    Love your new slow stitching project and look forward to seeing it evolve.
    Happy 2024 to you and yours!

  5. It's always enjoyable to see what you're stitching on and hear what you've been up to, Jocelyn. Those project bags look very handy! The Snow Day design looks like fun! Is that a type of linen you're stitching it on? I haven't tried cross-stitch on linen yet. Happy New Year!

  6. Dear Jocelyn, I wish you good health and creative strength in 2024!

  7. I really think those little mesh project bags will suit your stated purpose. Once I get my stashes used up a little I just might have to get some of those as well.

    Love your slow winter stitching project.

    God bless.

  8. We've been watching "the Crown"'s latest episodes; I have always been interested in the Royals...and I'm waiting for my copy of "Spare".
    Your stitchery is really lovely--I can no longer do fine embroidery--but love seeing it.
    I did some glue booking today in my "En Masse" Journal" as I am resting my hands from crochet and hand quilting (big stitching).
    We are awaiting (in hopes) for a predicted snow event here...fingers crossed for some lovely snowfall...
    Have a lovely weekend...hugs, Julierose

  9. I havent wanted o read Spare, all the excerpts which I've read seem to be one long grizzle. So what if his big brother had a larger bedroom, thats life, as is fighting between siblings. Enough said.

  10. You have some very pretty project to work on this winter, happy stitching!

  11. Your stitching choices are a delight, the "Winter's Tale" love the story telling between the animals. A new place, not home? Have you moved? Or are you still adjusting to where you are now? All good here, I need some HUGE motivation however to start my blog again.Meanwhile I so enjoy all your news,. Happy New Year from a warmer summer down here.

  12. Jocelyn - that Madame La Fee design is GORGEOUS. If I didn't already have enough projects stacked up, I would buy that one in a heartbeat! Happy New Year to you.

  13. I bought 2 packages of those mesh bags in different sizes as well as a pack of multiples sizes. They come in very handy. I'm now home from a 3 week visit to Texas, but unfortunately acquired a head cold just before leaving. I've lots to do, but am taking it easy for a few days, trying to recover.

  14. I 100% believe in God and angels. I believe angels that visit us are our ancestors and those who really love us.

    While I have never thought of myself as a masterpiece, a work in progress is fitting for sure.
    Your slow stitching project will be beautiful!

  15. You're the only person I know who read Prince Harry's book and I'm glad you liked it even if it is sad. Both Princes have been through so much. It all makes me sad too. I love watching your Autumn Quakers progress! The Snowy Day project is fantastic! I love that one too! Sending hugs!

  16. That is a beautiful angel - stained glass? That ice blue Lugana is so beautiful. Do you miss your former home? I miss the last place we lived in Oklahoma for sure. I laid awake last night thinking about how we talk about moving back to Oklahoma in the next few years. Then I thought, how in the world will we move 5 cats and 2 dogs in our little truck? Kind of a wakeup moment for sure!

  17. Angels for sure exist.
    The angel is beautiful, elegant and unusual.
    I love the snow scene,Jour de Niege.

  18. I believe in angels and God. I believe that my John is now my guardian Angel who reminds me of things all the time. I started listening to Spare, and got about 1/2 through it, and it was so sad, I haven't been able to finish it. I suppose I should. I think I need some of those project bags. Happy stitching

  19. All your projects in process are beautiful and you seem very organized with all your bits and bobs to me. Looking forward to seeing more. Thanks for sharing in my linky party, Hugs & Stitches ...
    :) Pat

  20. I am envious of your counted cross stitch -- 24 count? I only worked on 14 count when I could actually see the stitches correctly. Your little project will keep you entertained all winter long. I try not to get sucked into the royals. I keep thinking it's sad there is such a riff between them all. I wonder if they can ever make up.

  21. Your lovely cross stitch project almost makes me want to take up counted cross stitch again! But I'm afraid that 28 count cloth would be out of my league! Look forward to seeing your progress.

  22. I loved having snow days when teaching also. Now, many schools have the teachers and students learn remotely on those day. How sad. Autumn Quakers is gorgeous. I love the floss colors. Your cabin in the woods looks cozy. Enjoy all of your pretty stitching!

  23. Several years ago I had the zipper bags in my Amazon wish list. DH is bad about just buying everything on my list for me for Christmas. He always had my son do it for him. They didn't pay attention to the size that I had saved (about 15") and I received a package of, I think they are 7x9. I use them for the leftover fabric when a quilt top is finished and I use the leftovers to make a scrappy binding. So the binding fabric is always together. Lately I have been putting these in the drawer with the quilt tops and backings waiting to be quilted. I love them!!

  24. That linen looks so fine. . .I can't imagine cross stitching on it and being able to actually count the threads! Your work is beautiful. I always enjoy reading about you and your projects!


My favourite thing about having a blog is hearing from you. I appreciate it so much and I will definitely check out your blog too. Thanks!