Monday 29 April 2024

Tempestry Project, Confetti Scraps, Woodpecker Slow Stitching, Friday Nights

 "Into your hands and out of your head"- Kate, The Last Homely House.

She was referring to the comfort and special calm that stitching can bring us. 

Kate was recently a guest lecturer on a Norwegian stitching cruise where she met the lady who is one of the leaders of the Tempestry Project. This is a project where you stitch a temperature chart of the year you were born and one of this year. An easy way to track if the climate has changed much in that area. It would be interesting, wouldn't it?  You can see more about the project, purchase kits, etc. at this link -Tempestry Project. I've seen so many of you making temperature quilts and cross stitch projects that I figured you would be interested.

In between admiring the fjords and villages, Kate taught English Paper Piecing hexagons. It is a lovely video with lots of sights to enjoy. And the food, oh my. 

Last week was a productive one for a retiree. I worked at my fitness, helped Tony with the income taxes which always involves a call to the help line these days, and got in a big shop at the huge Walmart where there is a fascinating international isle. I also finished an online photography course and learned more about the workings of my camera. (I so wish I had taken up this hobby back when much younger!) 

.And of course, stitched. In between the bigger projects I continue to stitch the scraps into Confetti blocks. Info found at Stitched in Color. I try to have them set up ready to go as leaders and enders. More about that yarn later.
Friday nights we've been enjoying going to the arena to watch Robbie play spring hockey. 
It's reminding me of the series Friday Night Lights which we both enjoyed so much. And it helped us understand more about football's place in small town American society. It is still streaming on Crave.
And Robbie has been giving football a try himself. I should say that it is not all about sports with him; he did a pottery course with his mom recently and enjoyed it very much. 
Mystery Meat turned out to be chicken thighs. So YES to those of you who guessed Chicken. I baked them with a butter chicken curry sauce and served with rice. And following so many of you who suggested I bake the Butternut Squash- I did just that. It softened beautifully and was easy to scoop out. Mixed with a tiny bit of brown sugar and butter, it was delicious. We both loved it! 
It's time to get out of my head and into my hands here. Picking this up right now as soon as I leave you.  The Woodpecker, Year in the Woods #9 by Cottage Garden Samplings.
Stitching this one's head. What a beak!
Hope your Monday is going well and your week will be even better!


  1. You have marvellous hobbies! Well done. Retirement isn't for chumps!

  2. I have watched Kate's videos occasionally, and have now started back at the beginning of them, it will take me a while to catch up.

  3. I definitely find comfort and calm in hand stitching! Such a nice way to spend the evenings after the dinner clean-up. A temperature quilt project is on my list, too - it would be interesting to compare two years like that. Chicken thighs are very tasty in a butter chicken curry - I should make that this week, too - yum! Sounds like Robbie has lots of interests - that makes for a well-rounded young man!

  4. I knitted temperature blankets for the year we were married, and the first year of the pandemic. Then since I was on a roll I knit one for each year the boys were born. You could really see the difference. I have been tempted to do one for the snowfall and rain for those years as well. Something to think about when all my other projects are completed.

    The woodpecker is coming right along.

    God bless.

  5. our wal-mart has no international isle - wish it did!

  6. I used to go to all the sports/dance practices and got so sick of it. Looking back now, I sort of miss it! The woodpecker looks like fun! Your mystery meat turned into a great dinner.

  7. Sounds like mystery meat turned out delicious. I love butternut squash baked like you made it. Happy knitting or whatever you're going to do with the yarn!

  8. Robbie sounds like a great kid! Glad you get to go enjoy his sports. You are staying young with such diverse interests - you go Jocelyn!

  9. Whew! You have a lot of enjoyable activities to keep you busy. Hope you are having a great week!

  10. Not sure if my first comment made it. Very nice that you and Tony can go watch Robbie playing sports. Taxes are just so much fun. I use Turbo Tax and start working on it in January so there will not be any surprises in April! Like the yarn, will be interesting to see what you make. Hugs

  11. Started a comment and then veered off to check into the Tempestry Project and the comment disappeared (so if you happen to get two comments from me, I do apologize). It was interesting to read about the project and to see some of the examples. The video had some beautiful scenery including the amazing northern lights.

  12. I LOVED the video about Norway & EPP/hexies. It was a wonderful. I guess I need to follow her too now! What an interesting, positive., upbeat woman!

  13. Great video. The Tempestry project sounds quite intriguing. I wish I enjoyed hand stitching, but after a little bit my hands and fingers begin to cramp. Not fun! Thanks for sharing with Monday Musings!

  14. Loved your video! What an awesome and invigorating trip!

  15. Those confetti blocks look great. How wonderful that you get to go to Robbie's games. Your cross-stitch is so pretty.


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