Sunday 5 May 2024

Bramble Blooms, Future Dreams Wool, Free Pattern

 I got a start when I glanced out the kitchen window. This guy was over close to the veranda seemingly looking in the window. I wondered what had caught his attention. I keep my camera there and took this shot while he kept staring. Then I realized there was a Red Squirrel on the wood pile in front of the window and no doubt that was what he was staring at. 

Got to treat ourselves with a fast food take out meal recently. The fries were good and the wrap was a bacon, tomato/cucumber salad one. It was tasty and very filling. I don't know how they get so much in a wrap and it stays so tidy. Is this something you would like?
Below is my Bramble Blooms improv project to date, the inspiration and challenge from Audrey at Quilty Folk. Mine is definitely the Flower Power version. All the little appliqued orange peel blocks are finished and I did put a little dark turquoise dot in the centers as someone suggested. Thanks! When sorting scraps, I found a small piece of Kaffe fabric and wanted to use it one way or another in this project. It wasn't large enough for four corners so wound up in two. His designs highlight the power of flowers, that's for sure. Now it's time to sort out the next border. 

Maybe this outside shot shows the colours better.
My eye seems to be craving colour more. I saw this yarn below and fell in love with the combination of those reds/roses/pinks and the summer leafy green. I liked it even more when I read the West Yorkshire Spinners had specially produced it for a cause.  It is called Future Dreams and for every ball sold, they are donating one pound to the Future Dreams Breast Cancer charity. I ordered a few balls to try out for a new blanket.
 Being variegated, it is a little tricky to choose a pattern that suits. First I began a crochet pattern, Lucy's Cosy Stripe, to see how the colours would play out. 

Then I thought about knitting for a change since my recent wooly projects have been crochet. I researched knitting patterns best suited to variegated yarn. Several stitchers mentioned Moss Stitch works well with such yarn so I'm going to give that a go this week. 

And one last thing I wanted to share today. I was very taken by this post over at Barbara Brackman's always interesting Civil War Quilts site. The lovely appliqued block, Kentucky Wildflower, is featured.

 She states that overgrown plants in need of repotting are a Kentucky classic quilting theme. The pots are often shown as ridiculously small compared to the size of the flowers. I read about Carrie Nation and her personal war on bars and saloons. Women willing to go to jail for what they believe -that made me wonder about the depth of my own convictions. 

Meanwhile, here is a link to this free pattern for the the Kentucky State block found at the American Quilters site.  I came across it during my unsuccessful search to find out more about that appliqued flower block above. This interesting formation would work well being stitched using  EPP.

This week will be a week of no appointments! I will be free to begin gardening and preparing pots for sowing, etc. The ground is thawed and now is the time to transplant a few flowers that get hidden under bushes later on. I'm no longer planting any bulbs as the 50+ I've put in the soil since coming here have all been removed by the squirrels and maybe the groundhogs. I hope it was tasty eating!


  1. I am luving where this quilt is going,the flowers remind me of a painting, absolutely beautiful!

  2. I like a fast food meal occasionally we don't do that near like we used to do. I haven't seen a deer in awhile now, sometimes I see them a lot nearly every day then other times rarely I'm just not looking out the window towards the woods at the right time. Your Bramble Blooms is looking great! love the colors used

  3. love the flower power... so much! All the colors and those petal shapes
    and the yarn is so pretty.
    happy to have a week free!

  4. The yarn is lovely! I'm like red more than I used to. Happy stitching!

  5. Those naughty squirrels, eating all your newly planted bulbs.

  6. Losing flower bulbs to those varmits has gone beyond reasonable here as well. I think I might use those bulb cages in the fall.

    Love you Brambles Bloom quilt! It is super cheerful. Happy Quilting!

  7. Your hand work is amazing! Well done!

  8. Moss stitch is awesome with that type of yarn. Your Bramble Blooms is gorgeous. Great work.

    God bless.

  9. It's always such a treat to see a deer in the yard.

  10. i love your bramble's the best i've seen in my travels in blogland...i could go for a wrap like that myself!

  11. Oh, yum - that looks delicious. I like your quilted flowers!

  12. Your flower power bramble blooms is cute. And so is that yarn.

  13. Bramble Blooms is just beautiful Jocelyn! I love that yarn too, and I look forward to seeing how your project goes with it. I love the moss stitch, makes my project look like knitting. :D

  14. I think your BB is the prettiest I've seen. Lovely work. Sorry the animals munched on your bulbs!

  15. Your piece is advancing wonderfully! And I do love that yarn too.

  16. Bramble Bloom is more gorgeous ever time I see it!! I love the way you used the Kaffe fabrics. They fit in gently instead of too bold.

  17. Your use of color and neutrals in Bramble Blooms is wonderful, and I love the way the flower petals appear three-dimensional.

  18. Your wrap looks delicious. Your Bramble Bloom is coming along beautifully. I would love that yarn too. The colors are so vibrant.

  19. How amazing to have a deer so near your house!
    You're making great progress with yoru Bramble Blooms. I'm looking forward to seeing your next border. I'm still working on mine.
    Your rose/red/pink and heather yard is so pretty. I hope the Moss Stitch works well with it.
    How lovely to have no appointments for the week. Your time is all yours!

  20. Your Bramble Blooms is wonderful! I love all the applique of course.:) And the Kaffe fabric is a great touch! I admire those fabrics so much, but it's sometimes a challenge to use them without overpowering a quilt. This is perfect! Loving your yarn too. I just love the variegated look!

  21. Jocelyn, I am in love with Bramble Blooms! It looks fantastic. I look forward to seeing where this goes! Thanks for sharing with us on Monday Musings!

  22. Love how Bramble Blooms is coming along. So pretty! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  23. Your bramble blooms is so pretty - maybe that is what the deer really wanted haha!

  24. Perhaps the deer was wondering what was going on in your house...great photo!
    Your Bramble Blooms project it progressing wonderfully. Can't wait to see what you do next.
    And oooh, that variagated yarn is SO pretty! I'm generally not a fan of pink but I do like it alongside that green.

  25. I would totally eat that! Thank you for linking up to Put your foot dwon.


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