Monday 22 July 2024

Birthday Celebrations, Shopping, Pinterest Pages, Jackie's Meditation Moment

 Order of business from the last post, Beth's cake was officially a Chocolate Filled Kahlua Tiramisu Cake from Rock Recipes. This cake is delicious and surprisingly light. 

Tony's birthday celebrations continued Saturday night. It included a wonderful and fun limo ride to Quebec. We did the same thing for his 80th, some of you may remember. We enjoyed oysters and the four course Table d'hote meal at the Gatineau Sterling and it was delicious. Here is the Salmon Tartare. Most of our main dish, steaks, came home with us.
I gave myself a haircut the day before. It didn't take long. And I figure it couldn't be worse than the last one to cut it...the sad professional. And I want to show you my summer dress I wore to the dinner. Very light and loose (a must for me these days) with a lining. It is the Coral Pattern Ruffle Midi Dress from online Northern Reflections and was half price...still available HERE. I should figure out how to properly take selfies!

I wore Mom's charm bracelet..oh, how she loved jewelry and these kinds of outings so much. So I had her with me, so to speak.

I'm happy and grateful to be continuing my summer fitness regime, I guess you could call it. Several have asked how it is going these days. This summer it includes the elliptical trainer in the basement. I go down first thing in the morning and listen to music on my ipad. I aim for 20  minutes but have to take breaks, not because of my breath, but my leg muscles burn. I usually use just the left arm to give it a workout too. Then I get a little swim in late afternoon before supper. It feels so refreshing and of all the fitness type things I do, swimming is my favourite. Not that I'm a great swimmer; I'm not... don't do the front crawl just the breast stroke. Somewhere in late morning I take Ned out for his walk before it gets too hot. In summer this is less than brisk, let's say. It's more of an amble and we stop to smell (and sometimes photograph) the flowers. I hate heat and humidity and have so much respect for you folks who work, exercise, play, etc. in it. The only two things that are constants in my fitness...I like to change up the method of exercising to keep me motivated and certainly never overdo. Lol

Here is Ned at the top of our driveway; he'd been smelling the swath of wild flowers Tony kept there for the bees. Now fading.

Three Pinterest Pages to Note
I enjoy looking through this Pinterest page collated by Marci Patch...Quilts By Cheri.  Cheri Payne was a wonderful improv primitive quilter. There is a photo of her sitting on the floor surrounded by piles of fabric scraps. In front of her is a design she is creating, literally making order of chaos. I've stitched a couple of Cheri's fall/Halloween designs.
Sheila Barfield Quilting Ideas Pinterest page is full of wonderful patterns, many free and lots of eye candy. If ever stuck for an idea, have a look and you will find inspiration for sure. 
Alejandra's Embroidery page is full of embroidery ideas, patterns and techniques. I keep saying I'm going to try Sashiko stitching for instance. On my bucket list, I guess you could say. 

Below is one of my favourite Flosstubers, Jackie, whose channel is called Comfort Stitching. She has a lovely voice and offers a short stitcher's meditation at the end of her episodes. It's been so popular she made a video of just that and I've returned often to listen and take a quiet moment to slow the breathing, ease the thoughts, etc. I invite you to give it a try if there is a time when you need a "moment" to calm yourself. 

Project updates next time. And summer news too. Hope your week is off to a wonderful start!


  1. I think your hair looks just great--nice work! I am letting mine grow out after a horrible over texturized and layered chunky cut!! What is it that hairdressers' don't understand about "simple one length bob"????And a picture!!! annoying!!
    We are in the midst of quite a heat wave here--very humid and close these days...staying in our ZC pretty much...hugs, Julierose

  2. You are looking wonderful! Sounds like much fun.

  3. It sounds like Tony had a fabulous celebration. You did a fabulous job on your hair cut'; you look so pretty. It just warmed my heart to hear that you wore your Mom's bracelet; I know she was with you in spirit. You are having a busy active summer- I love it! Have a great week, Jocelyn. P. S. Now you have me in the mood for an afternoon swim. LOL. Hugs.

  4. Going out to birthday celebrations in a limo, what fun! But I have to ask, how long is the ride to Quebec from your home? I've got no idea. You look wonderful with your new dress and haircut, every birthday should be well celebrated I believe.

  5. A wonderful way to celebrate a special birthday! Your hair and dress are beautiful. Gail at the cozy quilter

  6. You look wonderful! I can't believe you cut your own hair! Your exercise regime sounds like it's working out great. I walk 5 miles a day and that's about all I can muster. Thanks for sharing Comfort Stitching. I'll check it out later!

  7. Your adventure for Tony's 85th sounds wonderful! Cute hair and dress, too. It does feel good to change up your exercise routine at different times of the year. Mine is mostly a daily walk these days, and I feel the other body parts going flabby, lol! I enjoyed that Cheri Payne Pinterest page very much! I think I've stitched one of designs - just a single block of it. The distinctive black crow in so many is what reminds me of it.

  8. I love your hair! You look so beautiful in that dress, your skin just glows. And I'd love to have your hair color. Mine will forever be stuck in "pepper" - lol! I had decided to take the day off, but I think you just inspired me to get on the treadmill again this morning. Seems like it takes up a swath of time that I can't get back, but I always feel better afterwards. That cake, well it's at the top of the list for my Hubs, who loves Tiramisu in any form.

  9. Jocelyn, I have never succumbed to Pinterest, but with your suggestions I’ll give it a try. When I go on Instagram I spend way too much time just looking and enjoying the lovely photos, and I’ve figured Pinterest would be even worse! I have watched the Comfort Stitcher’s first two flosstubes and enjoyed them very much. She has a calm, deliberate manner about the stitching that I enjoy. I’ll look at the 3rd one this week. I have 4 or 5 flosstubers that I always look forward to. Recently I’ve added Celeste. Also the Periwinkle Stitcher from Wales is wonderful. She started about the same time the Comfort Stitcher did. I can spend hours with flosstubers!!!!!Your haircut is precious and how brave of you! And the dress is lovely and looks lovely on you. I know you all enjoyed your night on the town! Take care.

  10. What a wonderful 85th birthday celebration and you looked marvelous! As marvelous as that cake looked! So many wonderful ideas in this post from Pinterest. I always forget to look there. Thanks for the reminder.

  11. What a delightful way to celebrate a birthday. Jealous that you're swimming - I haven't had a pool nearby for years. I'd love to get back into it. Enjoy! Anything that keeps you moving is worthwhile. :-)

  12. What a fun birthday celebration, the food looks delicious! Your haircut is lovely as is your dress, you are looking good!

  13. Good for you for cutting your own hair! RC does mine (and has, since covid started). I could cut the front myself but I just know I would think inside out and backwards on the back and end up hacking something the wrong way.

  14. Belated happy birthday to your hubby! What a lovely selfie, too!


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