Monday 1 July 2024

Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge #1, Tilda Peels, Chicken Dinner

This little guy kept popping his head out. He's living in the tunnel under the back terrace plus has inherited what I imagine to be an elaborate tunnel system all over the property made by groundhogs that came before him. 

This is a very young groundhog, which are the largest of the squirrel family. Those cute ears are small and rounded to keep dirt out of them while doing all the continual digging. The yellow flowers are a mystery visitor but it has flourished there beside the little rocky manmade pool. Anybody recognize it?
Is it St. John's Wort?
The two sunny, without rain, days we had, I was outside a lot. I attempted to weed the front beds and pulled the extra large weeds that had overrun, so quickly it seems, a couple of beds in the backyard. I feel badly how the back yard gets neglected. The dogs running about back there hasn't helped. 

I took the Tilda Orange Peel blocks- slow stitching, out to the veranda and it was so enjoyable to sit, relax, and lay a few stitches. The only distractions were the beautiful garden colours and bird songs. I'll remember this come winter when the view out my kitchen window will be starkly different. 
Then I laid out all the blocks and got a sunny photo. Inside shots will not do the colours justice. 
I've prepped enough peels for 10 more blocks and see where that takes me size wise. I hope to get these all finished this month. So I'm setting this as a monthly goal and linking to OMG at Stories From the Sewing Room.

 A bit of new organization in the sewing room. I'd bought this for basement storage and decided I can make better use of it in the sewing room closet.

Moving it in there will require major moving/reorganizing what I've got tucked into that area...quite a lot. But that's okay. I love the after feeling of tidying and always discover things I'd stowed away. Update...After pulling absolutely everything out of the closet, the darn thing won't fit in there. It is too square so it will have to live tucked away in this spot, a little bit out of view in case it starts to look overrun and unruly.  But then, I'm the only one who sees it, so.... 
 But on the upside, in all the rummaging about I was pleased to realize I don't have as many UFO's as imagined (typical me to have exaggerated that number). Happy to know it's mostly flimsies needing to become fully finished.
Speaking of projects Deanna at Dreamworthy Quilts has chosen #1 for our July Chookshed Stitchers Challenge. That is another wintry project for me- the Crabapple Hill Snow Days quilt that includes a lot of embroidery. Because of that sewing room reorganization, I was able to put my hand right on it. It will be a pleasure to add stitches to these pretty scenes. Then on to those easy pieced blocks. 
 I cooked us a Sunday night stuffed chicken dinner. All the vegetables were from my weekly box. They were small potatoes so I cooked them with the skins on. Do you ever do that?
Looking forward to the leftovers too.

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians!
I'm so happy to have been born in what was the newest province of Canada.  I love Canada and what it stands for. We just topped the three safest countries in the world for travelers list and importantly, we are number three in the world for quality of life for citizens. Here at the wooden house, we have nothing but praise for our healthcare system, in particular, which we have had to avail of -a lot (for one of us especially). This, despite all the depressing news reports and complaints about our elected officials, etc., etc. which, the older I get, the more I'm learning to ignore. 
  • “Canada is not a country for the cold of heart or the cold of feet.” – Pierre Trudeau
I always liked that quote. 
Another week and I hope you have something wonderful taking your interest and enthusiasm. 


Anonymous said...

I think the yellow flowers are St Johns Wart. I have seen them on our hikes. Happy Canada Day to you too. I am also happy to live in this country. We visited Nfld. Last summer and are in awe of its beauty and friendly people. We want to go again! Love your orange peels. Gail at the cozy quilter.

Nancy J said...

Canada and safety, great news for our grandson as he departs for your part of the world this weekend. Love the wee fellow visitor, or is he a permanent resident now ?

Quilting Babcia said...

Your orange peel quilt is so lovely with all the wonderful pastels you've chosen. I always cook our potatoes with the skins on, even when making mashed potatoes. The skins are supposedly the most nutritious part and add some of our needed daily fiber. I've not been able to keep up with weeding the garden beds either, and am about to give up on gardening altogether. Too old and bad back makes it an unpleasant task these days.

loulee said...

Two lovely projects to keep you busy.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I've heard some say they like your healthcare system but they don't like how much they are taxed from it? I don't know the system enough to know. The groundhog is cute - I had something destroyed the beds last year and I'm not sure if it was that or something else. No sign of it this year.
Yes I leave the peels on small potatoes - they are good for you too.

Out To Pasture said...

Happy Canada Day, Jocelyn! Your orange peel block colours look so lovely together. Great shot of the young groundhog. Cute little round ears.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Groundhog/woodchuck - definitely cute but certainly destructive.
Sorry I can't help you with the flower identification but hopefully someone can.
Your Orange Peels are looking so pretty.

Jenny said...

After all that effort and the baskets will not fit in the cupboard, bet you were a bit cross. You've chosen a lovely project for July's challenge.

Libby in TN said...

Snow Days is a fun quilt. I look forward to seeing your progress.

Jackie said...

Happy Canada Day. I hope you had nicer weather than we did. Rain appeared once again. Though it is really nice to see so much green for a change.

Love the orange peel colours.

God bless.

PaintedThread said...

Great photo of that chuck. I've seen flowers like that in my yard - I think it's St John's Wort? Those orange peel blocks look great! I love the colors and the prints. That chicken dinner looks delicious. Happy Canada Day.

Lin said...

Lovely orange peels. Your challenge for the month looks like a great project. Just so annoying when you feel something should fit and it doesn't! The peel on potatoes is good for you! xx

Michele McLaughlin said...

Happy Canada Day! I just love your wildlife photos! The Tilda Orange Peel quilt is fantastic! You do such amazing work! I can't wait to see what you do with the snow days pattern! Have a lovely day!

Hubblebird said...

Being of Irish heritage, I always cook small potatoes, and sometimes not so small, with skins on. After they are just cooked I toss them in a garlic butter and sprinkle with fresh chopped parsley. Yum!

Linda said...

I am LOL over the "elaborate tunnel system" that you imagine. Would be fun to attach a camera to the little guy. LOVE your orange peels! Good luck with your "new" storage baskets - I've always had trouble getting those to fit into my space, and I just love the idea of them. I have one tucked in a corner filled with longarm paraphernalia. I do love skin-on potatoes - your dinner looks so good. What did you stuff your chicken with?

Susie H said...

How disappointing that the organizer didn't quite fit in the closet. I know it'll be fine out in the open where you can get to it easily though. That chicken dinner looks delicious. I love roasting a chicken too! The orange peels are really coming along and I'm glad to hear you had some nice weather to enjoy while stitching them down. Enjoy!

cityquilter grace said...

a nice roast chicken dinner is always good comfort looks yummy...with only me i never roast a whole chicken anymore but a couple of thighs do the trick...i love tilda peels...sooo pretty

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your photo of the groundhog, Jocelyn! We don't see them here, but certainly have plenty of other wild visitors to the yard. (Or maybe they think we're the visitors?!) Your Tilda orange peel project is lovely! It sounds so nice to stitch out on the veranda, too - I haven't done that yet this year. Your basket storage unit looks very handy! And yummy dinner, too. Hope you had an enjoyable Canada Day! With our worrisome political situation in the US these days, I would happily move to Canada, if I had the opportunity.

Anne-Marie said...

Your Tilda project is very pretty and your dinner looks delicious.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

You take the best animal pictures. The woodchuck youngster is adorable. I can see why the garden and critters distract you as work outside.

I can't imagine cooking mashed potatoes any other way, but with the skins on. I like the add texture and vitamins.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Lovely Orange peel blocks, Liberty fabric makes them look very romantic. Too bad for the brand new storage, but even if it doesn't fit inside the closet, it's a very useful set of baskets, and I'm sure you will find a lot of things to put inside ;)
Happy Canada Day! said...

Chicken dinner with all the trimmings. . .yum! I always think the leftovers the following day taste even better. .. maybe that is because there is only the warming effort involved! LOL Your orange peels are lovely. How nice to be stitching and to be distracted by birdsong!

K Reeves said...

The colors on the orange peel are just lovely, like a summer day! We are like you, haven’t experienced the record hot weather so many are. This week we will get a taste of summer, with highs in the mid 90’s toward the weekend. Your chicken dinner looks so yummy! I leave the peels on potatoes when they are new, so many vitamins there. :)

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Happy Canada Day! I'm glad you love being a part of such a wonderful country. Your Tilda blocks are so lovely and I bet they were so relaxing to stitch! They look so peaceful and happy. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

Michelle said...

That little guy is the cutest! Thank you for linking up!