I was lamenting to my phone friend that I seem to just want to do all the fiddly bits with my projects, that I don't take the pleasure I should in finishing, in having a completely finished item, which is the goal of course. Truthfully there is a small part of me that doesn't want to finish any stitchy thing...I'd love to be handing it off to someone else to fully finish.
I began to think this was a kind of laziness or being slack which defied the fact that I'm undaunted by who knows how many hours of slow stitching I put into some of these EPP and cross stitch projects. And love every minute of it. My friend said there's no conundrum here.. that's easy to explain, you're a process person. The fun for you is in the details, not the overall outcome. That gave me pause- I'd never heard of this and of course, I had to check it out. Read Quin's article here that gave me more idea of what being a process person means and it definitely applies to me. I could think of several things that I engage in that are process rather than goal oriented. The slow stitching for one, loving the details of macro photographs, the love of sorting syllables when writing a bit of poetry. I used to joke I'm a person who sees the trees, definitely not the forest. And sometimes I will miss something big because I'm focusing on the tiny details. It might even apply to how I always thought I was strange because I love baking...mixing the ingredients, etc. but when it's put in the oven, I'll forget about it and need a timer reminding me.
I guess the ideal is to land right in the middle of that process/ goal scale where finishings would be just as enjoyable as the starts. I wish!
Funny how you think you're unique or the only one with some affliction of whatever sort-medical, mental, physical, emotional, etc. and then find out it is an actual documented thing shared by many. We are never as alone as we may think. So do I have fellow travelers like myself whose journey is all about the stops and the smelling of the roses and that tiny little leaf you spy too?