Thursday 26 September 2024

Birthday Cake, Carolyn's Everglade, Feeling Low

 On the drive to our place there are lots of fields, farms and horse ranches. Many of the original zigzag cedar rail fences built by the pioneers have been maintained.  

I had my late August birthday too...73 trips around the sun now. Beth made me a wonderful chocolate with marshmallow frosting cake.
The butterflies were edible! Very special and on such an occasion good to take stock and feel so thankful for the folks in my life.

It is my habit to choose a theme for each year and this years' is music. I love music but I don't listen to it as often as I should. So I'm making a point to have music accompany my early morning rituals, my workouts, etc. I used to use music for those times and had gradually moved to listening to you tube videos. 

My new sewing area is taking shape. The furniture, two small tables, two narrow storage closets and a bedroom armoire, have been moved into the new space and I've begun filling them up. I'm trying to sort as I go and so far, I've filled a bag to go to donations as well. It is very satisfying to do such a clean sweep, as it were. It really is wonderful to go through every piece of fabric and dream about how it could be used. I'm still on the fabric fast begun last year and probably this will be permanent, not a diet. I have great fabrics on hand that definitely need to be worked into a project. 

With that in mind, I put aside a bundle of autumn fabrics...colour wise. I've had Carolyn Friedlander's Everglade Quilt pattern in my drawer for a few years. Seeing it again gave me the impetus to try it out. Here are the first four appliqued blocks. There are a few different options for arranging these unique shapes and I like all of them. An interesting design. 
On a personal note...I've shared before how I overthink things, usually at 3 am but something different is going on with me these last weeks. I'm finding it a bit of a struggle to maintain a good mood. I'm not having bad moods, just feel low if you know what I mean. ( While writing that the old Eno commercial jingle popped into my head; remember this....feeling low, take Eno.) For me right now, it's a general lack of interest in things even blogging that is not like me. I keep thinking I will snap out of it. I'm trying out all the usual anecdotes especially exercise which always worked for me. Has this happened to you and what did you do??? I'd welcome any advice you are willing to share. 
Meanwhile, my hope for you is that you are enjoying every minute of every day!

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