On the drive to our place there are lots of fields, farms and horse ranches. Many of the original zigzag cedar rail fences built by the pioneers have been maintained.
I had my late August birthday too...73 trips around the sun now. Beth made me a wonderful chocolate with marshmallow frosting cake.
The butterflies were edible! Very special and on such an occasion good to take stock and feel so thankful for the folks in my life.
It is my habit to choose a theme for each year and this years' is music. I love music but I don't listen to it as often as I should. So I'm making a point to have music accompany my early morning rituals, my workouts, etc. I used to use music for those times and had gradually moved to listening to you tube videos.
My new sewing area is taking shape. The furniture, two small tables, two narrow storage closets and a bedroom armoire, have been moved into the new space and I've begun filling them up. I'm trying to sort as I go and so far, I've filled a bag to go to donations as well. It is very satisfying to do such a clean sweep, as it were. It really is wonderful to go through every piece of fabric and dream about how it could be used. I'm still on the fabric fast begun last year and probably this will be permanent, not a diet. I have great fabrics on hand that definitely need to be worked into a project.
With that in mind, I put aside a bundle of autumn fabrics...colour wise. I've had Carolyn Friedlander's Everglade Quilt pattern in my drawer for a few years. Seeing it again gave me the impetus to try it out. Here are the first four appliqued blocks. There are a few different options for arranging these unique shapes and I like all of them. An interesting design.
On a personal note...I've shared before how I overthink things, usually at 3 am but something different is going on with me these last weeks. I'm finding it a bit of a struggle to maintain a good mood. I'm not having bad moods, just feel low if you know what I mean. ( While writing that the old Eno commercial jingle popped into my head; remember this....feeling low, take Eno.) For me right now, it's a general lack of interest in things even blogging that is not like me. I keep thinking I will snap out of it. I'm trying out all the usual antidotes especially exercise which always worked for me. Has this happened to you and what did you do??? I'd welcome any advice you are willing to share.
Meanwhile, my hope for you is that you are enjoying every minute of every day!
I am sorry you are feeling low. I wish I had some great words of wisdom for you.
Happy, albeit now belated, birthday to you! The view on the way to your place is beautiful. I do love those fences and rarely see them around here.
I've been on a fabric diet too, but the odd thing does sneak into my stash if it's something I've either run out of or is perfect for a project.
As for the 3am overthinking of things - I'm with you on that. Between that, restless legs, and a RC who snores loudly sometimes it's often a chore to get even close to enough sleep. I'm not much help on the low mood issue but perhaps you should consult with your doctor. Maybe something simple as adding a supplement or a slight change in diet might be all you need.
I do get these moods at times--I find I need more rest--or just need to do something totally different--go shopping to different store, visit someone I haven't seen in a long time--start a new project with new methods--I am a routine kind of person--so can get in real 'ruts' at time--so need to shake things up--good luck--take care--sending extra hugs, di
Seasonal disorder, is that what they call feeling low? Great idea to have a tidy up, clean out, I have things to give to a friend today, gradually sorting everything to be in order but a very slow process. Raining again at 5 a.m. And in Vancouver very wet for Josh out on site. A very late Happy Birthday, a trip around the sun, I do like that phrase.And maybe our previous doctor's words might help, He said to Hugh, " Any morning when you put two feet on the floor is a good morning" !!! XXX to you both.
Happy Birthday, Jocelyn! That looks like delicious cake, and it's so pretty. You'll have to share some photos of your new sewing space when you get it the way you want it. Your new blocks have a neat shape to them! I'm sorry you're struggling with feeling low, and wish I had an idea for you. Most likely, my usual things for times like that are the same as yours - get outside, exercise, visit with a friend, sew. Maybe we just need to drink more water! đź©·
No interest in things you normally enjoy? sounds like depression? I have been taking a low dose of something sine 2015 and it has helped me a lot. Maybe speak with your doctor and see if they have any ideas or recommendations. Big hugs to you.
Happy belated birthday, Jocelyn. Such a wonderful birthday cake from your daughter, she is very talented. I do hope you can find a way out of the doldrums, I'm sorry you are feeling like this lately. No tips I'm afraid, and I know that you count your blessings, livingbas you do in such a pretty area, and surrounded by the wonderful people in our life.
How you have described feeling is what I was going through all summer. I couldn't get interested in anything. Usually I'm working on a couple of projects while planned two more in my head. But, there was nothing I wanted to make. So, I made myself finish some old UFOs and quilt some old quilt tops. And I waited for some energy and enthusiasm to come again. These feelings happened about the time my husband painted over my sea green/robin's egg blue/haint blue (hard to describe) walls of my sewing room with gray blue paint. He is blue/green color blind and so it was an accident. I decided to go through my tubs of fabrics and tried to find something that might spark some interest. It worked. I'm not over it completely but I am sewing again.
To begin, Happy Birthday. That will sometimes bring on the feeling you are talking about. The smartest thing for me to do is call my sister and tell her I am blah. She usually has a response of get out of that chair, go brush your teeth, comb your hair and put on some lipstick. Now go take a walk in a different direction than you usually go. By the time I leave the house, I am usually feeling better. Hope this passes for you soon.
Cute cake. I think we all have our highs and lows, I hope you feel better soon.
Jocelyn - I love autumn colors, so your project is very appealing to me. And I admire that you are on a fabric "diet" - hard for most quilting folks I know! I am sorry to hear that you are feeling low. In the last few weeks, I have experienced something similar, and for me, it seems correlated to having more time on my hands. When I am busy (visitors/volunteer commitments/events with my hubby), I don't have much time to think about how I am feeling. I also find that when I am doing something for someone else (volunteering), I feel this less. I hope this is helpful? Linking up from LeeAnna's I Like Thursday!
That cake!! I would have a huge piece of that. The drive to your house is really pretty, that fence is cool.
I "get" the low mood and not being able to snap out of it. Mine started with a couple of physical (aging) things, and it has been very hard to overcome. Some days I just go with it and do whatever I'm lead to do. If that is researching minutia on the laptop, then that is what I do. Somedays baking helps. I know that a thorough house cleaning would help, but I don't feel in the mood. In my depressed state, I've gained 10 lbs since Thanksgiving, and that adds to my low mood. I recently got back on Weight Watchers and started on the treadmill again, and I do feel a bit lighter. Yesterday I bought a $25 Marketplace kitchen cart and am making it into an ironing cart, so I had to move stuff around to make room for it. Reorganization always lifts my spirits. And of course the approach of fall is good for my soul. I truly hate hot, no-rain weather.
I feel for you and wish I could help, maybe by just sitting with you and eating your cake. ;) I will pray that you find some solace, dear Jocelyn.
When I get into a funk and don’t want to do much, I find going to a thrift store, looking at the treasures and maybe buying one or two to decorate around my house makes all the difference in my attitude. The bonus is there are others shopping too and clerks to check you out that suddenly you feel connected to others in this world. Enjoy sorting your stash as being overwhelmed can cause undo stress so finish up that and dream of all the projects to work on.
Gorgeous cake! When is your birthday! My mom’s was late August too! What fun to have a new sewing space. I thought I got rid of lots last year when we upgraded the flooring in my room. Alas, it needs it again! I do feel low or blue or even you could call it anxious because I can’t do all the things I want to. I’m on a medication, I can’t say it is helping. But Steve says he notices, so that is something. As for DIY remedies, I think exercise, music, and being grateful is a good start! Know you are not alone! Good thoughts your way!
Happy birthday! Delicious looking cake, as usual. :-) Interesting quilt pattern - I'll enjoy seeing what you come up with. I had hit a low-energy/lack of inspiration lately. Change of seasons? I seem to be better now, but have no energy. I'm hoping I'll snap out of it soon, too. so good luck to you! (No advice... sorry.)
Happy Birthday! Your cake looks lovely, almost too good to eat. But, I'm sure you all ate some! I know I would have. I think we all have times when we feel sad. I have my moments too but I just usually wait for them to pass. I don't think I do much to get rid of them. I will admit there are times I feel like crying and I just let myself get it out. That usually helps me. I hope your mood gets back to normal soon.
Happy belated birthday Jocelyn. That is a wonderful looking cake. Well done on your sorting. I had mine looking great but have made a big mess again lol! I often feel low but that's still grief I think. I allow myself a little pity party and then go do something that brings me joy. I am sorry you are feeling below par xx
I feel the same way. I blame the change of season (Autumn is the worst for me), and age (I'm slightly older than you). I find that if I force myself to sew or do anything creative, even a little, every day it helps.
Jocelyn, I have felt just like this in the past. I don't have a magic formula, but I decided not to be nasty to myself anymore. I no longer call myself names if I make a mistake, I try to be kind to me, as well as other people. I count my blessings all the time. ( an old chestnut, but it works!) I would say go outside as much as possible, but I think you already do that. I have been doing this for several years now, and haven't had a repeat of the lowness.( Bit scared to say that in case I'm tempting fate! ) Good luck, I am sure people will have lots of suggestions. Best wishes, Loraine.x
Firstly I want to wish you a belated Happy Birthday, and may you have many more.
Next, I have been feeling pretty down as well and I can not for the life of me figure out why. May both of us get out of this funk very soon.
God bless.
A belated Happy Birthday. Just a thought but have you had your thyroid function tested? An underperforming thyroid seems to be common at our age and can effect energy and mood.
Happy Belated Birthday Jocelyn. Sorry you have been feeling low, I have had the same problem, and have spent whole days doing nothing but reading. I think I am getting out of it now, and started a new project.
some how I lost track of you when we were on vacation - let me send you a belated Happy Birthday mine was the 24th and I was 72 so we are almost exactly a year apart - I get to feeling down sometimes too but it always passes. Most times I will try to stay busier and that helps me - some people need a mild anti-depressant only you can tell if you are depressed or just feeling down. Did turning 73 bother you - I find the political atmosphere in the US very depressing and hate how things are going and it upsets me greatly - but it what pulls me down
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