Sunday 30 June 2019

Sunday Amid Celebrations

This is Canada Day weekend here in Ontario and we went to sleep last night to the sound of fireworks.  There will be continual celebrations and in fact, we have a couple of outings on the go too. Today we just returned from meeting up with friends for brunch in the neighbouring little town of Almonte. We ate lovely omelettes at the Heirloom Bristo situated in an old mill on a river....if I could make omelettes as good as those, I would have them much more often at home. Since we see these folks just a few times a year, there was a lot of chatting and catching up. Very enjoyable. 

                         Image result for heirloom bistro almonte    

I permitted myself a little national pride and wrote this post, Ten Interesting Facts About Canada, in 2017 telling why Canada deserves a lot of love. I'm a proud Newfoundlander who is also loving Ontario so much and it is a given of course that I will always be devoted to Canada. 

Meanwhile, my camera developed a problem last week something to do with a jammed lens and is in Hubby's fix- it corner of the basement.  I'm quite lost without it and have not been able to get photos of my OMG finishes or my Cornwall Cottage Sampler that I'm happy to report is all done! I now have the fun of choosing what to work on next. 
I thought by way of compensation, I would show a couple of other cross stitch finishes from the recent past...still to be framed.
Strawberry Fields by Blackburn Designs, another much much smaller sampler.

and Floral Bouquet, a kit I think I got from The French Needle...a huge number of stitches in this one  
Our international SAL hosted by Avis at Sewing Beside the Sea continues and it is time for our June update. This is the kindest, most encouraging group of people who are all working on diverse and amazing stitching projects -
AvisClaireGunCaroleSueConstanzeChristinaKathyMargaretCindyHelenLindaHeidiJackieSunnyHayley,Megan, Deborah, Clare, Mary MargaretReneeJennyCarmelaJocelynSharon

Our garden is flourishing. Hubby and I have both been working hard outside to that end.
Four blooms for June.  The start of the poppies and blue cornflowers, end of the iris and lilac.  

I'm off to my little cabinet where I keep my cross stitch patterns to do a search for the next project. Oh the fun of a new start!
Hope you are having a fabulous Sunday! So happy to link this post with Letting Go of the Bay Leaf.


  1. such lovely flowers - I hope your camera gets fixed. I love omelets but kind of lazy when it comes to making them!

  2. I love omelettes, too, but I have found strata to be a good substitute for us. I clean out the fridge, put a layer of hashbrowns on the bottom of the pan first and pour eggs over the top of everything. Add shredded cheese a few minutes before the eggs totally set and serve with chopped tomatoes and green onion (if I have it) on top.

  3. New starts are certainly fun, and finishes make us feel so pleased with ourselves. I make omelets at home, usually if we have had a nice lunch out at a cafe and don't need another big meal. I like to mix a little cream in with the eggs, makes it nice and fluffy. Happy Canada Day!

  4. Happy Canada Day! We'll be suffering under fireworks in the next few days too. How lovely to be able to get together with good friends to share your celebrations. Hope that camera can be fixed soon, I want to see those finished stitcheries!

  5. Omlets are pretty darn popular here too. Your stitchings sure are pretty as are the flowers. Happy Canada Day from all of us!

  6. Fireworks outside my window at this moment - the boaters tie up across the river from us and I guess they're playing with them. Hope they know what they're doing! Hope your fix-it guy can figure out your camera (another thing that I'm fully expecting to die here because mine is old and living on borrowed time). And oh, the joy of startitis! Have fun choosing!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. So much fun to pick out a new project! Happy Canada Day to you!

  9. Have a great Canada Day, and that blue Iris, such a lovely deep shade.

  10. congratulations on your `Strawberry fields` Sampler finish. Have a great Canada day.

  11. Happy Canada Day! I now have a niece who lives in Canada - this will be her first Canada Day.

    Stewart M - (finally back in) Melbourne

  12. That's too beautiful finishes! Gorgeous flowers too. I hope you get your camera fixed soon. Now, what's next, I wonder?

  13. Beautiful embroideries and beautiful flowers!

  14. Happy Canada Day ^^

  15. Happy Canada Day, Jocelyn! I enjoyed your 10 Things about Canada post - so interesting! Your Strawberry Fields stitching is so pretty, and I like the floral one, too. You're enticing me to do more embroidery - I think I'm going to order a Gail Pan book soon! Enjoy your flowers - this is such a lovely time of year, isn't it?

  16. The pieces you showed are beautiful. Hope your hubby gets your camera fixed soon.

  17. Strawberry fields is lovely. made by the fabric you have stitched it on.

  18. Hello,

    Happy Canada Day! Your Strawberry Cottage Sampler is really pretty. The flowers are all beautiful, I love the colors. I hope you camera can be fixed. Enjoy your day and week ahead.

  19. Oh, Jocelyn, so glad to have you back at Mosaic Monday. Happy, happy Canada Day. You have a right to be proud of your country; I am very proud of the US but despair of our leaders at times. Sigh. I was so excited today to see that we have poppies blooming in our garden - this is one of the wildflowers that was included in the wild grass seed/wildflower combo that we planted last fall. Joy, joy, joy!

  20. Happy Canada day. It sounds like you had a great time celebrating. Your pieces are beautiful, thanks for sharing.

  21. I enjoy Almonte!
    Happy Canada Day!

  22. Happy Canada Day! Your flowers are gorgeous and I love seeing the Cross stitch projects you've completed. The strawberries are very pretty for summer! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  23. Jocelyn, you always stitch such beautiful pieces! Hope you enjoyed your Canada Day holiday.

  24. Your cross stitch pieces are amazing. It is a kind of needlework my eyes would fail to do. I love your sweet Northern Flickers in the next post after this one. Looking at just a few of your posts I can see why you might feel lost without your camera. You put it to good use. I hope it's fixed by now, or will be soon!

  25. I love your Strawberry Fields!!

  26. Congratulations on your Cornwall Cottage Sampler! I look forward to seeing your next project.


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