Thursday 23 April 2020

Irish Loaf, Scrap Busting, Book Club Block, Nana Mail

Here I am once again regaling you with my most exciting pastimes here at the wooden house.
 I can honestly picture my grandmothers doing much the same things back many decades ago like the jigsaws for instance. One of my grandmothers had a large puzzle glued and made into a picture hanging on the wall in her living room. It showed Balmoral Castle and she had pieced it during World War II. No doubt as a break from her knitting, darning, tending the chickens and all the other chores she had to do. And worrying about the war of course.

That same grandmother (the Irish one) made this bread but she would add raisins, slather it with butter, and wash it down with tea as everything was in her house. I made bannock when living in the far north and coast of Labrador and it would remind me of her soda bread which she called "loaf".  Hubby has been enjoying this loaf which is surprisingly bread like.
 Coarser texture of course. I didn't have buttermilk, but used soured milk instead which is easily done with vinegar. Great toasted. I used the Stay at Home Chef's recipe.
The Phoebes are back.  I meant to clean out the nest under the eave of the backyard shed but didn't think they would arrive so soon. Taken July, 2019. They like to use snug quarters which it quickly became as three chicks fledged from this little spot.
 I worry that there are not enough insects out for them but they seem to find enough.
I took this photo last week from the patio door...spring snow and little Phoebe.
I managed a little scrap organization when I had my big tote out. I cut the smaller pieces into triangles and felt satisfied with that evening's work. Good way to keep busy yet rest my eyes too from the close work.
As well I decided to use some scraps to make two slabs, in this case, about 12 1/2 inch blocks. This was such easy stitching with the back ache.
I have more reds so I used them because really what else will I be doing with them.
I sewed Jo from the Book Club Hand Pieced QAL.  Another fun one to make and I've stitched another version of her to take better care with the four outside triangles.  This is teal blue, definitely not purple.
And a couple more baskets because as Michelle says these are addictive.  This was in between working on my two old projects.
I don't usually talk a whole lot about cleaning here on the blog but I have been tackling one job a day that really is more organizational than cleaning I guess. (Around here, organizational most often occurs when we are searching for something.) Yesterday I chose to sort those two silly bottom corner kitchen cabinets with the swing out doors where the shelves can only be reached properly on your knees. Stuff gets put in the back of them and rarely sees the light of day. So both of those have had an good sort through with a couple of happy surprises.  An unopened bag of Costco quinoa and one of golden sugar (why did I buy that!).

I had Nana mail delivered this week along with more of those farm eggs.  A bookmark from 6 year old Robbie. I will use it in one of my bird books that are now out and in use. Despite snow, rain, hail and sleet and occasional sun this week, the birds are twittering and the frogs are croaking. Spring must go forward in spite of the weather I guess.
On that happy note, I'll close this post.
So happy to link it with Not Afraid of ColorPaying Ready Attention, My Corner of the WorldMy Quilt InfatuationViewing Nature With EileenI'd Rather B Birdin' , Quilting is More Fun Than HouseworkSum of Their Stories and It's a Small Town Life.


  1. That bread looks terrific and of course your quilts always do. Those we birds are really cute. Oh boy, farm fresh eggs are popular here too.

  2. Fun to see the baby birds already! We have some chickadees checking out our birdhouse, and would love to see them hatch some babies! Your bread looks delicious! I like seeing your Jo block all stitched up, too. I was just thinking about getting my pieces cut for that one today! How sweet to get some Nana mail!

  3. love the bird on the pine branches - good shot. I think the loaf of bread looks perfect and for toast and jam - and yes wash it all down with tea or coffee. I think I would add raisins because I like them. You are staying busy - I was cleaning out a few cabinets yesterday organizing so I would have more room to store food - I have been staying stocked up and I guess that might mean over stocked but I had things put in a few plastic boxes in the corner of the room and now they are in a cupboard instead and all pots and pans that are rarely used are stacked upon each other in one area. I am thinking things will be bad again in the fall like they say - can you imagine this with flu season!! I think there will be shortages to come more so than now

  4. I love your new bird book! What fun things to get in the mail! And the red work is beautiful. Makes me want to look at quilting books! Love that bird....they are such pretty birds! We have them here too. Take care and stay safe!

  5. What do you recommend as the best bird reference book?

  6. I have a needle case made by a daughter some 45 years ago or so, your book mark will be a keeper, and in times like these, what a delight to receive in the special mail. Love that bread recipe, a good one right now as yeast, even baking powder ,is in short supply.

  7. I love the treasures sent to us by friends and family.
    Precious and maybe one good thing that comes from this not so normal time of our lives.
    Beautiful quilts and designs.


  8. Love the little baskets. So sweet!:)

  9. Our swallows are already back -- I don't remember them this early, either. But they are swooping over the lake and eating their fill. It's almost time for Mayflies, which look like giant mosquitoes but they don't bite.

  10. Pretty little birds, how nice that they have come back again. That bread looks tasty, great to have family traditions surviving. And special Nana mail too, wonderful!

  11. Hi Jocelyn! The loaf looks delicious! I would love to taste a bit of it . . . I guess I'll need to just make it. Your HST trimmings look very productive - that had to make you feel good. Happy Thursday, my friend. ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. Such a lovely post of varying items! Your quilt squares are just beautiful! I think many of us are cleaning out 'those' places where we don't usually look!

    It's delightful to see you over at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

  13. My wife, who is a quilter by the way, made banana bread yesterday, so of course we are eating it! i wonder how many of us will gain wight during this period of confinement? I had a slice of the banana bread this morning with a generous coating of homemade raspberry jam.

  14. The phoebes have arrived in force here, too. That bread looks delicious. I like the scrappy block. I'm on a scrappy kick myself right now!

  15. Nana mail - lucky you! How I would love for our mailbox to yield something addressed to Grandma but it seems it only goes one way, at least at present anyway. We've been eating a lot of homemade loaf too - our one of choice at the moment seems to be beer bread, made primarily because yeast doesn't seem to be in the stores at the moment. We don't drink the stuff but it does make good bread! So glad the wee birds are back and I really hope they're finding enough to eat.

  16. Nana mail - what fun and so sweet. :) I love that name "Phoebe". I need to try Soda Bread sometime. It is truly a quick bread with so few ingredients. "Jo" made a pretty block. I do love your baskets! How big are your slabs? I must try those.

  17. Yum, your soda bread looks delicious. I did a grocery shop yesterday and did manage to snag some flour. No yeast though. And no facial tissues, alas. I'm running low due to seasonal allergy sniffling. I'm having still having trouble focusing on quilting projects, although I did make a mask for yesterday's grocery store foray. The sun is trying to shine today, but it's still very cold for this point in April. Enjoy your bird watching. I can only identify the most common species like robins and cardinals and blue jays. I'm much better at plant ids.

  18. I need to work more on my bread skills. Yours looks lovely. I also like seeing your quilting progress. Nice that you receive Nana mail. Thank you for linking up and stay well.

  19. I used to make bannock and soda bread, both are lovely. I should have another go, yeast is difficult to get at the moment, so both would make a good alternative.
    I love to watch the birds, there was a nest in our cherry tree last year.

  20. Aw, that's a darling bookmark, so full of loving and sweetness. :-) Your description of butter slathered on bread full of raisins has me wanting to bake a loaf. Seems to me I may have baked Irish Soda bread 20 years ago or so.

  21. What a lovely bookmark and fresh eggs too! Just love looking at your projects, those baskets make me want to applique but I've too much going on! Yummy looking bread! Have a wonderful week Jocelyn!

  22. Your bread looks so good. It's making me hungry! You received some great gifts! I love your applique baskets. Your birds look quite content where they are. Enjoy the week!

  23. Your bookmark is so very sweet. The bread looks awesome. Beautiful pictures of the birds, and your hand pieced block is fabulous.

  24. I am amazed that you already have baby birds! Wow! The bread looks wonderful, and I know that satisfied feeling you must have had after dealing with all those scraps, now ready to use and some sewn together! Your hand piecing is lovely. :)

  25. Yummm! Your bread looks amazing! Love the bookmark.

  26. Hello, your bread looks yummy. Your Phoebe photos are cute, I am hearing here too. I know they are somewhere in my yard, but I am not sure where the nest is. The Nana mail is sweet, cute bookmark. The bird book looks great. Thanks for linking up! Take care and have a great day. Wishing you a great new week!

  27. Wonderful handi-work. Beautiful colors. And, of course the sweet birds/nest. Yep, they do know where to find food for the young.

    Thanks for sharing this with us at I'd Rather B Birdin


  28. The loaf looks delicious. Your baskets look lovely and YES they are addictive lol! The little bird is so sweet! Wonderful mail too xx

  29. Those little baskets are amazing, and your patchwork is beautiful. Thank you so much for stopping by at Handmade Monday to share your happenings!

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