Sunday 26 April 2020

Chocolate Chip Cookies, Scrappy Almost Finishes, Free Patterns

I'm trying to stay positive but little thoughts niggle at me. When will it be safe again for folks my age to venture out is one of the things on my mind.  I am encouraged by how the vaccine is madly being worked on all over the globe but best case scenario is saying completion is a year away. Can we stay hidden in our wooden house bubble that long?!!

I don't make cookies often except for Hubby to have as a bikky with his cups of tea but I saw this recipe tour Facebook and thought I would give it a try. It's the DoubleTree Hotel Chocolate Chip Cookie.  I made a batch, ate one myself. That's a lie; I ate two. So good! Here is the link if you'd like to give them a try.
That's my William Morris mug...Strawberry Thief in Blue.  I've become more interested in herbal teas and this is one daughter gave me, a Maple Green Tea which is very nice. Also love the Maple Leaf tin.

On the stitching front...
I want to emphasize the projects I have nearing completion this week.
My OMG at Elm Street Quilts was to have all the blocks quilted in my Scrappy Blue Strings.  I have all but one that I can, finished.  However did not have batting to finish the rest. I had used the thinnest batting I could find at the time (since I was quilting on my little machine) and what I have on hand is miles thicker so I don't think it will match.  I'm a little disappointed because this is a project I wanted to get to the binding stage like yesterday.
I also have my baskets all quilted and joined. They feel wonderful to have in my lap, so soft and warm. However, I'm a little disappointed that this labour intensive project didn't turn out bigger than it is. It is 62 in x 62 in. I could add a couple more rows to one end to make it more rectangle.  I'm still not finished decision making with this one it seems.  However, I don't know if I have the will or energy to invest any more time on tempted to border it and call it a finish.
Note to self: when doing on point again I would border each block like square in a square pattern or some such which is just a sensible thing. Obviously not thinking ahead like I should. 😞 That's a disappointed in myself emoji.

On a more positive note, I am enjoying my cross stitching in early afternoon when light is at its best. January block beginning to take form.
More free patterns! What wonderful news when I heard that Australian designers were collaborating on a project to provide free patterns to their stitching audiences. The project offered through a Facebook group is called Love and Hugs from Australia. It features embroidery and sometimes, a little patchwork, a combination I love.  Love and Hugs From Australia Stitch-A-Long is a link. (If that link doesn't work, let me know.) Australia seems to have an abundance of wonderful stitching communities and I especially love how embroidery is so celebrated there.

I was surprised and happy to get a photo of these two Canada geese who visited the pond two days in a row. Getting this photo involved a long half crawl through underbrush and going over my boots in water and still not getting very close to them. This had to be heavily cropped.
I was curious why one was so much bigger than the other.

We both worked in the garden yesterday laying a new hose for the front flower beds. A job we postponed from last fall to now little thinking that we would have such an abundance of time on our hands. If we'd known, there were several other jobs we could have likewise put off till now.
Fingers crossed that the forecast is wrong and we can have it dry and warm enough to do more outside chores this week. The garden beckons.
 Just thinking about veranda stitching makes me happy.
Also very happy to link this post with Kathy's QuiltsLife in PiecesSmall Quilts and Doll QuiltsMy Quilt InfatuationFor the Love of GeeseMeadow Mist DesignsThe Needle and Thread NetworkFrom Bolt to Beauty Sarah Goer Quilts and The Jesh Studio.


  1. My sister who lives up in Alaska is the quilter. She has a long arm machine for stitching down here in Washington State. I'm not sure if she has another one up north or if she takes it with her when the travel. The drive in a truck pulling a trailer so would have room. I'll have to ask her when I call today. - Margy

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  2. making and eating cookies has been a problem - I'm doing too much of both - now I have a craving for cake - chocolate or carrot cake and problem is I know if I even cut the recipe in have make a small square cake we will eat it within two days. We both love sweets. I think your quilts have turned out lovely - I love that blue and of course I made baskets and like yours too. I go on spells of tea - I am mainly a coffee drinker (with cream and sugar) but I like the herbal teas of the mint varieties - green tea but weak - I hate black teas

  3. This is really lovely. I lack motivation. I just try my best...

  4. Oooh, your basket quilt is to drool over. :-) Looking forward to seeing what you finally do--a border or additional rows. Your cross-stitch piece is darling. I'll check the link later. Maybe I'll find something to try. I haven't cross-stitched in decades but I'm sure it'll come back to me. Cheers to gardening!

  5. Very pretty cup for tea. I love the tin too. The basket quilt looks lovely and will keep your lap warm at least! I'm tall so tend to make rectangular quilts so my legs stay warm when sitting. Hope your weather allows more photos of the geese.

  6. What a pretty mug for enjoying that cuppa! The basket quilt is beautiful. I think we're all wondering what's it's going to be like when we can go out again.

  7. Cookies and tea sound like a good combination . I love that blue quilt.

  8. Love the blue guilt, but also the baskets. What can I say? Since you are doing the work, you decide on the size, haha:) Wow, all the work you did to take the shot of the two geese - a miracle you didn't get wet:):) Love your teacup, very pretty! Wow, those cookies look big - too big for one person, if you know where I'm hinting at:) Thank you much for keeping us at All Seasons up to date with your creative endeavors:) I always get a kick out of all your projects! That it will be a smooth and joyful week, Jesh

  9. The photo of the geese is perfect. You must have a good camera. I have resisted the baking urge, but having seen brownies on Instagram yesterday and your chocolate chips today, I may cave in soon. Nice to have two projects approaching finishing. Hope you can figure out what the thin batting is, so you can get more. I think we're supposed to have rain this coming week. Rained all day today.

  10. I am fortunate because I can work from home and my husband is on SS so we have not suffered much financially outside of our 401Ks. I work for a nearby university so helping college students deal with the situation is one way I contribute. I"m hoping other ways to help people will turn up.
    I enjoy seeing your quilting and that needlework of the months - I love that too. It's been a while since I've done any of these things.

  11. Your cookies look delicious, and perfectly paired with the tea, Jocelyn! I've enjoyed watching both your blue log cabins and your baskets progress. I hope you'll be able to get the baskets to the size you want. I find myself making smaller quilts lately - just enough to cover up with in a chair. Hope you've had a wonderful Sunday!

  12. Those cookies look delicious. I'm a funny tea drinker too, my current favourite is liquorice, a lovely warming flavour on a cold day.
    Your blue blocks look great, I hope you sort out the batting issue soon.
    There are very many free projects out there at the moment, with some very generous people giving great inspiration. I have collected the Love and hugs designs, I'm not sure when or even if I will get to them. LOL
    It may be a long, long time before we can open our lives to the world again, I think a new normal is going to come out of this, one in which we are all more aware of our health and the health of those around us.

  13. I too have been concerned if and when I’ll have a normal visit with my family due to my COPD and age. What a pretty tea tin and the tea sounds good too. That basket quilt is so sweet.

  14. I love the little square plate the cookies are on! There! When I began quilt making years ago when making small quilts and wall quilts I would split a bat. As in the batting had a firm scrim on the surface and the inside was soft... kind of like toast, and I would separate the top from the bottom to put into my smaller quilts. If you have some that is too thick, and would be perfect if it were only half as thick, then perhaps this could be a choice for you? *I'm talking about 1990's era quilt batting*

  15. HI Jocelyn, I'm having a lovely catch up read this morning. I'm pleased you are keeping well and busy but I was just thinking about the subtle difference between being home and staying busy and having to be home and staying busy. Not being able to pop out for supplies if we need them and worrying about the health status of people around us as we queue 2 metres apart is a new thing for all of us. Your baking looks delicious (I'm trying to pace myself there too these days!) as well as your stitching too of course. What a shame about the batting for your blues. Hope you can track some down soon.

  16. That pond does look restful. How beautiful both your Scrappy Blue Strings and Flower Baskets look. Yes, we all have an abundance of time these days. Fabulous you have been out in the yard enjoying spring.

  17. You really are an artist! Hey, those cookies look terrific, our Dad is the original Cookie Monster. Love the geese, we've got some of their relatives here.

  18. I will be happy if this hard situation will be out.I´m sad that I cannot meet my family.
    Take care of you and your family Eva(Czech Republic)

  19. We've been doing a Friday virtual meeting with the people at work everyone shares dessert and what's going on. My Guy has made desserts every week for that. I'm going to need to walk a lot before going back to work, I suspect my dress slacks wouldn't fit right now. Sorry you are frustrated with both projects at the moment. Both are looking great.

  20. Jocelyn - it is interesting that, now that our Montana governor has initiated phase one re-opening, we are MORE nervous. We are glad to have more flexibility, but we are going to take it slowly. And if all else fails, there are always chocolate chip cookies!

  21. I love your blue strings quilt; all the blues are beautiful together. And your baskets quilt is so pretty and cozy looking.
    I love the photo of the geese. I get creeped out when I step in water that goes over my boots. I can imagine all kinds of crawly things getting in there.
    I found a copycat years ago of the Doubletree cookie, and it is very similar to the version they released. I haven't tried the real thing yet. I found another chocolate chip cookie recipe the other day that I think I like better than any I've tried. And I've tried MANY in my 71 years. This one has 2 teaspoons of cornstarch in it. I definitely ate more than two!

  22. The log cabin quilt is look so very cozy. I definitely have a soft spot for those quilts. And the baskets. Sigh.... So very sweet.:) Sorry that it's smaller than you would like. That's always an interesting struggle. Do more blocks? Make bigger? Add a border? Leave be? I'm sure you'll get it right regardless.:)

  23. mmmm - cookies, and chocolate chip too. I'm still loving your blue quilt and that mug you're using is really pretty too.

  24. Oh, I so love the scrappy blue strings, and the basket quilt. Both are beautiful.

  25. There are many different subspecies of Canada Geese and size does vary quite a bit.

  26. I hope you can find a thin batting to be able to finish up the lovely blue quilt. Visiting from Favorite Finish for April.

  27. Oh gosh, how I love that blue scrappy quilt.

  28. Love the fun log cabin blocks. Hope you find the necessary batting soon so you can continue. Stay well! xo Melanie

  29. My waist line tells me I've been making and eating too many baked goodies. Hope you can find enough thin batting for your blue quilt.

  30. Both the cookies and quilts look great! Thanks for linking up to the Favorite Finishes Monthly Party!

  31. So many lovely projects!! Love the log cabins!

  32. Lovely blue quilt! I love the fabric with flowers, beautiful accent!


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