Thursday 30 April 2020

Maytime, My Design Wall, Hand Pieced Projects, Bee's First Food

My Design Wall
Three hand pieced projects on the go right now, the Book Club Hand Pieced QAL, the Grandmother's Flower Garden and Basket Case. I took this photo this morning with a weather statement in progress about heavy rainfall so rather dull.  Colours are much brighter than seen here.
I'd like to complete the Book Club Hand Pieced QAL blocks this month. I'll set that as my OMG  for May at Elm Street Quilts. At first, I wasn't sure about my colour choices as they are outside my comfort zone but I'm glad I did that for a change. It accomplished reconfirmed for me that while my likes are somewhat eclectic,  I need to work with fabrics that bring me happiness. Not ones chosen because they may be considered cool or artsy. We all should choose the fabrics and colours that, as so many of you put it, make our hearts sing.  I think we all know by just looking at them which ones accomplish that.

Melva has released another block for the Pieces of the Past SAL, a Kansas City Star, that is just wonderful. You can find the pattern and information in this post.

Hubby took apart my camera to see if he could fix it. He's been working on it off and on all winter and watching various videos to guide him.  But still no luck. I've been looking for another new one.  For bird photos especially, I really need a better camera than my sturdy little carry along which is great for close ups. Doing the research for a new camera has been fun and a learning experience.  I've done it before but need reminding of the details.

Here is my May redwork  block from A Patchwork Year called Bees 'n Blooms by Kathy Schmitz. Hand pieced as well and I can tell how much my piecing has improved when looking at the wobbles in this. But note the little bee!
And the little poem by E. Parker Kathy included with the pattern says
              Oh! In my garden every day,
              It should be always playtime,
             And every bird should have a nest
             And all the world be Maytime.

Yes to all the world being Maytime!
Grandson with his sunny smile feeding their chickens. Don't worry; the chickens have a much larger enclosure to roam in surrounding this little house. And return to live with the farmer for the winter.
We have  a solitary dandelion flower in bloom.  Everything else is just popping through the soil so this was quite a surprise to see in the middle of the side lawn. Such hardy little blooms and the first food for all the bees.
A bit more brightness on this rather gloomy day.
Hope it is anything but gloomy weather wherever you are in this big world of ours.
Linking this post with Not Afraid of ColorFloral Friday FotoWendy's Quilts and MoreQuilting is More Fun Than HouseworkMadd Quilter and Alycia Quilts.


  1. a dandelion! spring is coming for you then (we generally have a dandelion here and there for most of the winter) such a cute photo of grandson. Hope your hubby can fix the camera.

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  2. We should all celebrate dandelions! I am not quite sure how they got to be such a maligned plant, and it is a bit of a mystery that it continues thus. They are colourful, great food for insects and the leaves are good in salads. What's not to like about all of that?

  3. Wonderful chicklets! And dandelions!

  4. Both of your pieces are really very pretty. How cool to see the chickens with their handsome caretaker!

  5. Hi Jocelyn,
    Your grandson looks like he's your redwork pretty. Have a great day!

  6. Before my husband mowed earlier this week, our back yard had lots of dandelions (I love this name - I can just picture a Dandy Lion) in various stages of "mane". In just a few days time new stems with buds are all over.
    We've been back and forth with gloomy then sunny days.
    I enjoy your blog - I am not a quilter yet.

  7. It's always fun to get a peek at someone else's design wall, especially when you're making blocks that I'm making, too! Your hand-pieced blocks are so soothing with their dark neutrals and pops of yellow, Jocelyn. I love your May redwork block, and I agree that all the world should enjoy May! Dandelions are definitely a happy flower to see when Spring is first waking up.

  8. Chickens, a yellow jacket and a golden flower, all brightening our days. A new camera, that will be so exciting.

  9. We have seen dandelions this week and even a few sprigs of goldenrod....ahhchooo! I love your redwork ....that's my favorite quilt! I had a chance to buy one years ago but it was so expensive that I didn't think I should. I know a lot of work goes into them! Take care!

  10. Love the chicken photo, such a happy smile on the face of your grandson. Super fresh eggs are a real delight. We buy ours from the local free range egg place, and I love to see the chooks fossiking around outside looking for bugs.

  11. My lot and field are full of dandelions already. Beautiful quilt blocks, and redwork. Cute pic of the grandson and the chooks.

  12. Lovely blocks--and that redwork is really pretty with the hand quilting framing it so well;)))
    Grandson is so cute with the chickens..what an infectious smile he has...
    thanks for sharing ~ ~ ~ waving from afar julierose

  13. Hi Jocelyn! That dandelion looks so darn pretty up close, doesn't it? They always say one person's weed is another's blossom. Fitting in this case, it seems. I'm slightly chuckling about your camera being worked on all winter, and now you're thinking about a new one. I hope that works out well for both of you. I was thrilled to see two pretty yellow birds sitting outside our window recently. I don't know what kind but I find I am drawn more and more to bird watching. Your redwork block looks beautiful, as does your Book Club blocks. Project that you enjoy doing should only be allowed - no one wants to work at a hobby. Finally, how sweet is that smile on your grandson's face?! It has to light up your heart. ~smile~ Roseanne

  14. I love your redwork. It's so pretty. What a cute grandson! He looks so happy with the chickens! It's been cool here but my lilacs are starting to bloom. I'm hoping it warms up soon!

  15. Interesting blocks. Feeding chickens - what fun. Rain and gloom today - but we should have sun over the weekend!

  16. maytime... what a wonderful phrase. My birthday is in May, and I always think it's the best month. Your quilt making and embroidery are as always inspirational. One dandelion... oh my. We have more than one to balance the brown

  17. May is my favorite month and your poem and redwork are enchanting! Your grandson looks so delighted! That photo made my day! Love the blocks you are working on, hope you get some warm weather soon and a true spring! Hugs!

  18. PS, love your embroidered header!

  19. Lovely blocks, your Basket Case are so pretty! Beautiful redwork too.

  20. The bees ar happy to get food :)
    Beautiful hand craft!

  21. I know what you mean about working with colours that are outside our comfort zone. My current crazy quilt project is that for me. The colours of the blocks are fine but it's the fact that I'm challenging myself to use triadic colours for the embroidery....not exactly pleasing to MY eye, but a good learning curve. Happy to see a dandelion - they are such sunshiney flowers!

  22. A good camera is a good thing to have. I find that the camera in my phone is much better than the actual camera at the moment. Technology is a wonderful thing.
    Your GS looks like he is enjoying feeding the chooks.

  23. Love your Red Work. Cute photo of your grandson.

  24. Lovely pic of your grandson. Nice job to do for kids feeding the animals. Lovr your embroidy picture at the start of your page. Have a nice weekend.

  25. I love your redwork piece! And the design wall is so fun with many creative projects on the go!

  26. Love your little embroidered block!

  27. I always think about hand piecing, but never do it. LOL Have fun.

  28. Golly where to start - your gorgeous blocks, the pattern from Kathy (and the lovely poem!), such beauty!! I agree about using fabric that makes your heart sing - in trying to use up fabrics from my best friend's stash, I'm learning what my actual preferences are. Happy 50's colors.....they cheer me right up, but I don't have enough of them! Love the pic of your grandson with the chickens. Hubby has been laid off for a few weeks, so he's seriously thinking about chickens again, and a very large garden - which will vanish when he gets back to work, lol. We have loads of dandelions here this year, it's wonderful to see them - the landscaping companies haven't been able to work so there's a bountiful crop!
    I enjoyed reading all your posts that I've missed, and it made me tear up to see your Garden of Contentment quilt - can you believe I haven't hung mine up yet?????

  29. Those are really beautiful blocks! and the yellow on the dandelion is bright and cheery! Hope you are able to get your camera fixed

  30. Great blocks. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

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