Thursday 10 September 2020

Flower Garden Quilt, Free Bird Quilt Blocks, Don't Take Anything Personally

 Everyone talking about fall here as after a wet August we are experiencing a rather cloudy September so far. Our temperatures are starting to take a dip too especially overnight with several going down to single digits. Time to order our firewood. Small sigh about that -though sorry to see this season end,  I'm looking forward to using the fireplace again. 

I received this magazine subscription from daughter for my birthday and the first issues arrived with a gorgeous bag as well.  Love Quiltmania, as you all know.  I actually deliberately didn't look through them till now as I just can't have my head turned by more projects till I get those I have "on the go" further along.  Did you ever do that? Deliberately avoid what you know might be too inspirational. :)

Sure enough the cover quilt is one that features applique and I love it.

I saw this amazing little insect on one of the cone flowers and had to look it up. It was white with pale violet coloured stripes and seemed to have captured a small moth. I was struck by how the stripe matched the shade of the faded cone flower it was on. So happy to have the macro setting on my small camera to snap a special photo like this!

It's the Ontario Golden Rod Crab Spider and has a magical secret to help it catch prey. It can change colour somewhat to match what it is sitting on, a process researchers aren't sure how it works. 
Those same cone flowers have spread themselves into the neighbouring hydrangea and seem to be thriving there. I don't really know what to do about them...should I try to transplant them somehow?
Bird Migration is taking place as we speak. Here is a most interesting article, If Birds Left Tracks in the Sky, from Environmental News. Some of the images are breathtaking and so artistic looking.

Speaking of birds, I visit a Quilting site that has this post... 5 Free Bird Quilt Blocks.

This turned out to be a special photo when I uploaded it to the computer and realized what it was. Parent and perhaps a juvenile together at the feeder. I think they are chipping sparrows.

Ask me if I'm enjoying hand stitching all these seams at the points on my Flower Garden piece!  It's a labour intensive process and one that involves lots of pinning and is taxing my patience. Thank goodness I have lots of both so let's just say I'm enjoying the challenge of trying to get a hundred seams meeting at one point nice and flat. If I don't succeed somewhat it will be a table topper with 20 odd weird little bumps here and there. 
Daughter shared this book with me, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and I enjoyed reading it very much. I especially liked the discussion for Agreement #2, Don't take anything personally.  It reminded me of several very big issues in my life which I did take things personally and it turned out to be totally foolish. 

                                                        The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom - Trade Paperback

Hubby mowed the side lawn and perhaps it will only need it one more time, if that.  He deliberately kept several bunches of the pretty little fleabane I showed you a few posts ago.  He thought I'd like that and I did!

Hope you've had a good week and the weekend will be even better. 

Linking with  Not Afraid of ColorFloral Friday Foto, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Wendy's Quilts and MoreJaipur Gardening and Paying Ready Attention


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

what beautiful birds. I love those magazines too but haven't renewed my subscription - I don't need more ideas right now - we are not getting cooler temperature but should in a week or two.

Nana said...

What a wonderful spider. The pic with the birds in the sky... is it real?


Denise :) said...

What a lovely, thoughtful gift! I can just picture your with your cuppa, perusing the pages! That's a fascinating spider ... good capture, too. Wow! That photo of the trails of migrating birds is fascinating! The Four Agreements sounds like an interesting read...I'm going to have to look for it. Have a great rest of the week/weekend!!! :)

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Great job on the spider photo! That cover quilt is gorgeous- I can see you making it. Unbelievable bird migration photos- we have no idea how many beautiful scenes of nature there are. I just want to lay down in that lawn. I’m starving for greenery.

Mary in Boulder said...

Great photo and great sleuthing for the spider. How neat that it can change color!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I would love to read that book and I enjoy seeing your quilts. I've heard that hand quilting is very rewarding and enjoyable. I just got new glasses so I should try some embroidery or something! Love that tiny bug and your beautiful flowers!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Jocelyn! The side yard does look pretty with those patches of flowers poking up through the grass. Your Flower Garden piece looks so pretty and so very, very, VERY labor intensive. I'm glad you are enjoying the process and remember to rest your hands and your extensive patience. ~smile~ Roseanne

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those birds are so cute but I'm not sure about that spider. Darn, your yard is beautiful, we should be so lucky.

Michele McLaughlin said...

Really enjoyed today's post! It should be easy enough to move the coneflowers if you don't like them there! They are very hardy! I love your new masthead photo! Very cool! Have a wonderful week and hoping you get a little bit warmer temps!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your magazine subscription looks like the perfect gift - your daughter knows you well! There's lots of inspiration to be found in so many places. I'm definitely susceptible to starting new things based on what I see! That's a wonderful photo of that interesting spider! I love the way your husband mowed, leaving those pretty little bushes. He knows you well, too!

Libby in TN said...

We have one juvenile sparrow that is molting so badly he doesn't have a tail! I wonder how he flies? Kinda reminds me of those awkward acne teen years ...

LA Paylor said...

I was happy to see the four agreements... I read that about 15 years ago and am still struggling with take nothing personally! I love the message in this book. The quilting is ALL pretty... I want to do it ALL too. (but here I sit)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Leaving those Fleabane standing reminded me of how my Hubby mowed lawn. Every Daisy plant was left standing.i like it a lot. I don’t think the neighbors always did.

Out To Pasture said...

Didn't know a crab spider could change it's colours at will before! How clever! Your hydrangea are beautiful. Mine are very old, very straggly and woefully neglected. I simply must pay them more attention!

Magpie Sue said...

I absolutely ignore certain things for fear of being too inspired or distracted by them! You caught an amazing photo of that spider. And thanks for the link to the article and photos of the bird "tracks" in the sky. Gotta check that out... :D

PaintedThread said...

Ha! I like the tufts of flowers in your yard. Ew - spiders. But that one is so cool looking! Those bird photos are pretty wild. And I love the mini-me chipping sparrow. said...

What an interesting spider. I kind of like the coneflowers in the white hydrangeas, but I am not too sure if they would end up choking the hydrangea out eventually. I have been getting Quiltmania and enjoy the lovely quilts. Love the handwork and can't wait to see how it all turns out.

Needled Mom said...

That spider is so interesting looking and the bird migration path is very interesting. My mind would be taxed trying to match all those seams too.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I love Quiltmania. I used to take other magazines, but when I learned about Reproductions and Quiltmania I was hooked! I love the quilt on the magazine cover. What month is that magazine? A new one or an earlier one. The birds are pretty and your yard is really beautiful. Hugs

Michelle Ridgway said...

What a thoughtful giftand yes I definitely avoid gorgeous things sometimes lest I be tempted lol! I just love the quilt on the cover too! Nature is so fascinating. I enjoyed that book also. Good luck with your sewing xx

dq said...

I marked that book to read. It seams maybe I need to learn a few things.

Yes, I have to avoid temptation. Mine is online fabric discounts.

Linda said...

I'm happy for your magazine subscription! What a fabulous little spider, and your photo of him does him justice. I admire you hand stitching those points. I found out I'm not of my Granny's ilk when I tried hand-stitching a project. I couldn't wait for it to be over! Your cone flowers do seem to be thriving; I'd be tempted to leave them where they are. ;)

Jenn Jilks said...

I love those feisty spiders! I've found some big ones.
Good luck sewing!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

The subscription was a wonderful gift. Great pic of the spider and bug. Bet Autumn is really in the air for you. We would still be hot and sunny if not for the smoke hanging in the sky. Honestly I'd rather have the hot and sunny. So much destruction by these fires is really scary.
xx, Carol

Lynn said...

That spider is amazing, as is the bird flight tracking image. Glad you have the patience for your quilting, lovely.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

That's a perfect gift for a quilter! You are going to find lots of inspiration I'm sure. I'm not familiar with that magazine so I'll have to keep an eye open for it if I ever get to a bookstore again. That spider is pretty cool - never seen one of those before.

Arun Goyal said...

Lovely blooms.I like sparrows ,they often make their nests in our ceilings .It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening here

Yvonne said...

I'm a fan of companion plants, so if your coneflowers are happy, why change anything. They look beautiful growing among the hydrangeas. Really love your photo of the crab spider on the coneflower.