Thursday 9 February 2023

Free Patterns, Not Sewing This (For Now!), Monty Don, More Panama Pyramids

Older grandson, Jack, walking Neddy
This morning's walk with Neddy was accompanied by the sound of dozens of ravens cawing wildly. They very oddly seemed to move with us as we proceeded around the perimeter of the property. We were thankful all the while for the snowmobile run around Hubby did recently that flattened the trail making it far more walkable than it had been.  I kept a sharp eye on the ravens looking to see if they were chasing off a Barred Owl. But no owl was seen. One of my birder friends said this is mating time for the ravens so that may account for the massing together so early in the day.    
This is not the best photo; it was taken during a snow storm. I was aiming for the beak. Tony had questioned if the birds I've been calling ravens were not crows. It is all about the beaks and I think this beak proves my constant visitors are ravens.                                    
 With the arrival of a seeds catalogue this week, I remembered this guy below and how much I love his videos. This is the wonderful Monty Don who became a YouTube celebrity back during the pandemic. I 've always loved his message of not being afraid to be a bad gardener. Just give it all a go is his motto. Which I have tried to do and it is as he says... a very rewarding experience for little effort overall and even if you're not producing show winners, who the heck cares! 

I also like how he has been open about his years' long battle with depression.

 What I badly wanted to start but did not! Yes I stayed strong! I follow Rachel at Stitched in Color and absolutely love whatever she stitches. She has hit a delicate mark between vintage and modern that definitely speaks to me in both the patterns she chooses and fabric choices too.  I just loved her take on the very old fashioned Log Cabin block in a QAL she called Circus Cabin. The contrast between those very bright colours and the lights was very eye catching. Does this appeal to you too?

Thank you for all the interest/encouragement you showed my Lone Star Medallion attempt. There will need to be six of the large diamonds eventually, hopefully. I did cut out more of the diamonds and matched fabric last night. And I pulled out a few more of the EPP Panama Pyramids in pinks to snap a quick photo before continuing machine stitching together.  I will share these with the So Scrappy Saturday Pink Party. Sorry, didn't have the time to give them a press and how long have I been talking about this project??? Hubby spoke of it today by name; he's never been able to do that with any other of my projects!
 It seems my organization in the sewing room is lacking despite recent efforts to improve it. I'm still finding blocks/bits of blocks that were just tucked away. I need to purchase bigger tote boxes so I can keep it all in one place rather than two or three smaller ones. 

LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color's prompt this week was anything special we will do or have enjoyed for Valentine's Day. We don't celebrate it and never did. I don't remember it being a "thing" very much when I was growing up. On second thought, I've been reminded that we did share paper valentines that were cut out of a large book of valentines bought at a local 5 and dime store, Stedman's. On the night we would run from house to house leaving the valentines and giving a loud knock to let folks know we'd been.  I know I will enjoy reading about any of your special memories, meals, gifts, etc. 

Thursday's Free Three

From Wee Folk Art comes this adorable cardinal pattern to applique. Kimara shares lots of simple shapes to applique. And she has also provided a cache of links to over 350 free patterns/projects for stitching, knitting, crocheting, etc.  Wonderful winter reading!
Here's a neat take on the old Dresden fan kind of block. This one is called Friendship Fan Block and a free download is found at Nancy Cabot's Sewalong blog. Reprisal of a 1933 pattern. What a great scappy block! I can picture this one in modern day fabrics with a combination of solids and prints.
Our own blogging friend, Melissa, is offering more continual lovely free stitching patterns.  In This post, Melissa provides all the links to her Parade of Houses to cross stitch...including this one called Winter Manor; isn't that house blue a beautiful shade! DMC 317

She has included house designs for the months and all the occasions of the year. Thank you Melissa for the bounty of your gifts to us!

Folks asked....Daughter's chocolate cake with marshmallow frosting recipe can be found here..
And Napper or Not?  It appears to be just about an even split on whether you, dear readers, nap or not. And those of us who do not, so wishing we could. 


LA Paylor said...

wonderful list
you didn't exchange cards in elementary school? I remember bringing a box to decorate, and we all took turns dropping cards in all the boxes. I love ned...
I also love circus cabin quilt and now need to go sew some logs... LeeAnna

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

here in Arkansas we have crows not ravens - aren't raven's larger also? beside the difference in the beaks? not really sure. love your winter scenes but bet you will be glad for warmer weather in another month or so

Jenn Jilks said...

Such beautiful pieces!

Nancy J said...

Valentines, I cannot remember ever celebrating that day. Love the top quilt pattern. I am resisting starting anything new until all those half done items are finished, demolished or given away!!!! -42C, that's colder than south of Argentina where an Instagram friend is on a cruise ship for a Sony Photography trip, she is one of the tutors I think. Rough seas, and fantastic photos of icebergs, seals, and penguins galore. Check her out at meghanmaloneyphotography , on Instagram.

Jenny said...

Oooh, that snow does look cold. Just right to stay nice and cozy indoors stitching one of those gorgeous red cardinals.

Rosa said...

My husband and I don't celebrate valentine's day either. When I was living and working in Japan though, I refused to celebrate it the way that Japanese do, with valentine's day being the day when women give men chocolate. And not just to husbands and boyfriends but to all men in your life, including co-workers. I said no to that one! (Men reciprocate a month later on a made up holiday called "White's day." But since I didn't give out chocolate, I didn't get anything on White's day either. )

Jennifer said...

Valentine's Day isn't such a big thing in Australia, but commercial interests are pushing it to be so. We don't celebrate that - we celebrate my husband's birthday, on 14th Feb!

Jackie said...

I fell down the rabbit hole looking at the knitting patterns. Many are going to be added to my collection I think.

God bless.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is some pretty snow scene and Ned looks happy out exploring. That Cardinal is very pretty!

Scrapatches said...

I love the Circus Log Cabin Quilt, though I am too deep in other projects to even think about sewing along right now. You have much more snow than we do. Heavy rains melted most of ours, although I am sure it can be found in the woods, which I admit that I have not visited. Thanks for the yummy chocolate cake with marshmallow frosting link. One of my personal favorite type pf cakes ... :) Pat

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Great photo of your grandson with his red plaid coat in the wintry woods! I'm never sure if I'm seeing a crow or a raven, so I'm always curious, too. Apparently, besides their bill shape, ravens also are much bigger than crows and don't live in populated urban areas. Probably you're seeing ravens, and we have crows in our well populated neighborhood! I love seeing Melisa's designs, and have even stitched a few. That house design is very pretty!

Carol in Texas said...

Jocelyn, thank you for introducing me to Monty Don and to Rachel also. I do love that log cabin she presents. It is one of my favorite patterns. Do you follow Gladi? She is working on a log cabin of Japanese fabrics. Her quilts are gorgeous. I know I’ll enjoy Rachel’s blog also. We had Valentine boxes at school when I was in elementary school. I think we covered shoe boxes and class mates would put a little valentine in a slit in the top. When I taught, I think we made bags……kids bought inexpensive punch out valentines and the stress was on not forgetting anyone in class. The home room mothers usually had cookies and punch for a small party. I’ve sent Valentines forever. Even now I send the smallest boxes of chocolates to grandchildren, now grown!, and the cost of postage far exceeds the cost of the treat inside! I did that yesterday and wondered at the total price of the postage. I think next year I may look for another avenue for a treat……we’ll see. But I’ve always thought it would be fun for kids to get a little package just for them in the mail. Silly grandmother!!!! Carol in Texas

Cloudia said...

Very much enjoyed walking with you and the ravens! I heard them caw in your words and images. Thank you

Pamela Dempsey said...

Thank you for the great post! Love the pic of a snowy walk with Ned and grandson. 🥰

PaintedThread said...

That snow is pretty. The titmice around here are starting to act "twitterpated". It's that time of year! That Circus Cabin is a pretty looking project. I've bookmarked that video to watch later - looks interesting.

Linda said...

That is such a cool photo of your grandson and Neddy! That sounds like a weird encounter with the ravens, glad it didn't turn into "The Birds" - lol! Well I tried not to look, but I had to click on the link to Circus Cabin. I love log cabins, so I'm going to check it all out. I'm impressed your Hubs mentioned your pyramids. :D

The Joyful Quilter said...

Rachel's new QAL was enticing, but goodness knows I don't need ANOTHER project at the moment!! There's already enough to sew, right? Your scrappy Triangle blocks turned out beautifully. Have fun with the rest of your PINK scraps, Jocelyn!

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I just love that log cabin quilt. The contrast in colors make it so great! Our snow has all melted thanks to some warm weather. I've notice more birds have been around lately. Thanks for the free patterns. Your pyramid project is coming together nicely.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

your pink pyramids are perfect! pressing will make them awesome!

Anonymous said...

We enjoy watching Monty Don’s shows on tv. Beautiful wintery scenes in your neck of the woods Enjoy your stitching Gail at the Cozy Quilter

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I always enjoy your posts - so much to read about and explore.
Log cabin designs have always been a favourite of mine but that's not to say I'd ever make one. I do love those lovely bright colours though.
Valentine's Day wasn't (and isn't) much celebrated by us. When I was a kid we handed out Valentines (mine came from Woolworth's) at school and sometimes Resident Chef surprises me with chocolate or flowers. My mom used to buy me those little red cinnamon hearts that came in a heart-shaped plastic box....I hated the candies, but loved the box.
Great links - thank you!!!!

Sara said...

Your Circus Cabin looks great - so cheerful with those fun colors. I have a couple of pinks sorted out to make more Panama Pyramid blocks later this week.