Thursday 23 May 2024

Hourglass Blocks, Free Patterns, Berry Scones

The garden and land is getting a summer look with so much green grass and sprouting leaves everywhere. No matter the season or weather my morning routine is exactly the same... get up and get out.

 I take Ned out for a big walkabout first thing. How tall our trees are!
Then back home where he gets fed and I get a coffee. Then I usually get my laptop out and work a little on my blog or photos or emails. What about you? Do you have a morning routine? This was our latest Prompt from LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color.

 On Tuesday we had a late afternoon violent thunder and lightening storm that lasted a couple of hours. It got dark enough to need the lights turned on and the wild wind bent the tree tops which worried us. And it rained so heavily our gutters couldn't handle it.
But it all cleared up without a power outage and none of the hail that some places got. Phew!

I baked a little treat for us this week. I'd torn this recipe from one of the Costco magazines and since we both love scones/biscuits, I gave it a try.

 I used whole wheat flour and added cranberries and chopped strawberries and didn't cut back the sugar which I usually do. Not as pretty as the picture but tasty with a mug of tea. 
I put all my appliqued scrappy Hourglass blocks together and realized I need more colours especially blues. Seems I have just one sad and lonely blue block there. Thank you those who suggested more darks to form contrast. I have no shortage of dark scraps. 
So back to the scrap bins I go! 
Speaking of which, I continue to cut scraps into more appropriate sizes rather than blobs. I'm using my Marti Michell's template set and the pieces will be stored in marked bags from now on -rather than left in a bin able to mill about and get totally jumbled up.
 I never mind doing this chore; seeing the pretty fabrics up close is enjoyable and reminding me of the projects sewn with them too. I get in a fit of doing this from time to time when I feel overwhelmed by the yardage on hand...which seems to be bothering me more lately. However, I'm happy to say I've stayed true to my fabric diet so far this year.  

This is a wonderful block I found at Free Patterns web site. It is called Bountiful Blessings. They have covered all the hobbies with free patterns to sew, crochet, knit, quilt, cross stitch, etc. so lots for you to check out. What a pretty table topper this would make!

Since I've been researching how to use my Tiny 9 Patches in an interesting arrangement, I've found many different patterns. Below is one such...Sweet Menagerie, a free pattern from the folks at Moda Fabrics.

 I've been watching Peter Santenello videos for a few years...think I started during the Pandemic. Peter visits different areas of the US- mostly out of the way spots, doesn't do anything political, just speaks to local people to learn about their lives. It seems everyone has a story and some are so fascinating.  He also tries out whatever is the local food which I enjoy. This is the one where we learned so much about West Virginia and the coal industry which is doing quite well just now.  
Our house guest, Petey, has gone home and Ned has been catching up on his rest. Similar to human house guests, he found Petey amusing but the busyness very tiring. Interesting how two dog brothers can be so different. 
Hope you all have a good weekend doing something you love!


  1. my morning routine is the pretty much the same most days, make coffee and come back to the sewing room where my computer table is and drink coffee while going through email and blogs - then get my bowl of yogurt berries and granola and bring it back to the computer and continue and read the news too. Mike doesn't get up until much later as he seems to be up until the wee hours of the morning - we each have our own routine and get our own breakfast

  2. Oh, I love your scrappy hour glass blocks! Scrappy quilts are the best!

  3. Such a lovely day to start the day being out and about in nature. I am sure every now and then you see critters on your stroll. The photo of the trees is so pretty. Yum on the scones; thank you so much for sharing the recipe. Our blueberries are beginning to ripen and soon we will have fresh blackberries. Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  4. That quilt block is beautiful and so is the Moda pattern. I'm off to check them out now.

  5. It is so lush and green at your house - lovely to see! That looks like quite a storm, too. Your hourglass blocks are a happy bunch! Some blue would definitely be pretty with those brighter colors. The Bountiful Blessings block is a pretty one - you're so good at finding free patterns, Jocelyn. Hope Ned gets a good rest after his busy house guest! I can sure relate to that feeling.

  6. Walking a dog is good exercise.

    The quilt blog from the free pattern is a beauty. It would make a gorgeous pillow as well.
    Thank you for the tip about Santenello. I love travel blogs.
    Have a creative weekend

  7. Mmm, those scones look nice. Interesting that they are made in a round, then cut into wedges. Over here we cut our scones and bake as individual squares. I say we, but then, I can't make decent scones at all, guess I'm a bit heavy handed.

  8. Thank you for the scone recipe as well as the free patterns. It looks like you had quite a storm. We were supposed to have thunder storms today but they seemed to move south of us. I feel 9-patches are very versatile. You can do so much with them. My usual morning routine is coffee! I forgot the prompt this week.

  9. I am hoping to get a few plants in on the weekend. It is beyond time that I do so.

    I found out something, using heavy fabric does not work well with hour glass blocks. I will try with the lighter fabric scraps I have put away.

    God bless.

  10. Aren't you loving the lushness? Oh, the green. :-) Wow - that's some serious rain! Mmm... yummy scones. Ooh - that's a pretty block.

  11. Don’t you just love the colour of the Forest when the leaves are coming out??? So fresh and beautiful! Those scones look delicious! I would join you for tea and a scone anytime! A fun array of hourglass blocks!

  12. That scone recipe looks good. I just saved that recipe photo to try it. I compared it to my regular recipe - similar but more sugar of course. I never cut back on sugar Jocelyn - lol! I like the Menagerie layout, and that Bountiful Blessings block is beautiful.
    My message to Ned: I get it! :D

  13. The scone looks yummy and that block you found would make a lovely table topper! I tend to get up first, get my coffee and browse the news and facebook on the computer. Then the dog gets a walk, then a shower and breakfast and work, or back to the computer on weekends to browse. Some daily brain games happen as well. Have a lovely weekend.

  14. carol/sunshine25 May 2024 at 08:06

    My newest morning routine (since getting the new puppy in March) is getting dressed first thing and taking both of my dogs for a walk down to the corner and back (about 20 minutes round trip). Usually, our just turned 92 yr old neighbor joins us - and sometimes her dog comes along too.
    I recognized Bountiful Blessings right off as it's one I've done myself...don't know if I still have it or not - I supposed I'll have to go look for it lol... just not today.
    Peter Santenello! I've been watching him for a couple of years, too. I'll admit there are some areas that he's gone into that I didn't watch, but only one that I can think of right off. I just watched him visiting a couple in Hawaii this past week. They've lived off the grid since the 70's?. I really enjoy most of his travels - like the island between Alaska and Russia where he needed special permission before he could step foot on it- and the Jewish people in NYC. Also the Cajuns in Louisiana and the Indian tribes out west.

  15. Your home looks lovely and lush. My morning routine has gone by the wayside but coffee and quiet time is still apart of it. Your hourglass quilt blocks are lovely. Glad you fared OK in the storm xx

  16. I have to try those scones. They look tasty. I start my day by using the Duolingo app on my phone to brush up on my French and learn Spanish....I am up at the crack of dawn usually. I make coffee, empty the dishwasher and then I am trying to go for a walk around my neighborhood each morning, but sometimes it is already too humid for me by 8am. I usually work on a craft of some kind after breakfast. Your hourglass blocks look great. I love the Moda "Sweet Menagerie"

  17. My morning routine now involves doing my plantar fasciitis exercises first, going on a walk around the park with two neighbor ladies, then coming back and playing my Words with Friends games and having a bit of breakfast, then working outside until lunch most days. Love that Bountiful Blessings block, thanks for the link!

  18. My morning is coffee and a walk with the dog. I love a quiet start to the day. I also like to watch Peter S. His videos are very informative and not judgmental, which I like. Thanks for linking up and have a great week.

  19. A walk in the forest is the best start of the day. My routine is feed the cats and get them out, then it's breakfast, coffee and catch up on the computer. I love the early morning quietness. My DH gets up much later, he's a night owl. Lovely hour-glass blocks, and yes, more dark for contrast. Thanks for sharing the scones recipe. I have to try it out. It happens we get fresh blueberries from South-Africa. A few frozen or dried berries are available, but that's not the same as fresh!

  20. My morning routine is pretty similar to yours, but without the dog and the walk. Coffee first is pretty much a requirement these days. Your Hourglass project is coming along and your potential 9 patch project looks nice too. Keeping up with the scrap cutting isn't easy, but I'm so ready to get rid of my scrap bags that I keep tripping over. Happy stitching this week.

  21. Morning routine here, beyond breakfast of course, is for both of us to tackle the 'card system' for housework. We have all our chores set up to be done at certain intervals and every morning we pull out the ones for the current day. I know we don't likely need to keep doing that but it serves as a good reminder (I'm looking at YOU cobwebs hanging from the light fixtures!!) and also means that Resident Chef pitches in without me having to nag him. The chores generally take us less than half and hour and then the rest of the day is free for other things.
    I'm not a sane quilter but I must admit the Bountiful Blessings block is beautiful. It would indeed be a great table topper but can you imagine how stunning a full-sized quilt would be?

  22. You are a productive scrapper!

  23. Trees greening up, fresh scones, and scrappy blocks... LOVE!!

  24. Your morning routine sounds like an absolutely lovely way to start the day. Your hourglass blocks are looking nice, and the scones sound delish! Thank you for sharing the recipe.

  25. The quilt you found for tiny 9 patches would be so gorgeous! Sometimes simple is best.


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