Monday 27 May 2024

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge, Bramble Blooms, Free Redwork Patterns

I'm amused watching this small turkey flock trot through the front yard. The male is displaying constantly and looking so special. 

But as far as we can tell, the females don't even give him a glance. In fact, one day they all left and trotted off leaving him standing there alone. We felt a little sorry for him. 
What a great gift! My sister always hits the mark with the books she gives me. 
I've enjoyed reading it very much and just love the collection of over 50 easy and healthy recipes Helen has included with her tales of life on the farm. I was interested to see she made Custard using Bird's Custard Powder which was a staple in the house when I was growing up. Would you be familiar with this? I looked up the Rebanks and there are YouTube videos of them as well which I have watched. They herd their sheep and cattle with those Border Collie dogs that are always amazing to watch work. Here is Helen speaking about her life and the importance of women having choices. Amazon link to Helen's Book.
I've failed to mention my Chookshed Stitchers Challenge choice for May month. Deanna chose # 5 which is my Christmas Quiltmania Applique blocks. I just didn't feel like working on Christmas right now in May so I took out another old project, my #7, and put it on the sewing room wall...the FPP Trees and have been joining a few rows here and there. Here is a portion of my colourful scrappy forest.
And I should share an update of my Bramble Blooms...four rows of leaves and embroidered running stitch vines are finished. This was a bit labour intensive but you'll never hear me complain about hand stitching.
 I need to get them sewn on.
 This is turning into my summer of working with scraps which is a good thing. 

While researching spruce tree bark, at Anna Lena Land, I came across her recipe for Spruce Tips Syrup. It sounded delicious and that piqued my interest, living here in a mostly spruce forest as it were and all the trees sprouting such new tips. What you wonder, piqued my interest in spruce tree bark? I'd seen one of the contestants on the series Alone pare a spruce tree trunk and eat the inner layer, the cambian, of bark! I just had to look that up and yes, it turns out to be very nutritious. There is so much more to learn. Never lose your curiosity.

Oh, btw, HERE is the link to Anna's post where she shares the free Redwork chicken patterns she found on Pinterest. The ones she stitched for her kitchen curtains. I've noted these in the distant past so it's funny how things come back round sometimes. 

I hope your week will be a good one with lots of time for you to do what you love. 

Also love sharing with Songbird DesignsA QuilteryQuilt FabricationQuilts Art Whatever, Quilting Patchwork AppliqueLife in Pieces and It's A Small Town Life.


  1. I feel sorry for Tom Turkey too - poor guy, spurned by the ladies.
    I must see if our library happens to have a copy of 'The Farmer's Wife' book because it looks like a good one.

  2. Let me see, when was the last time I made Birds custard??????? That would be yesterday Yay! Love it, still use it regularly. Elaine in UK

  3. That Turkey is quite the showman! This scrappy trees are fun!!! Sew on!

  4. Tom Turkey is one silly bird. Sorry the ladies don't appreciate his good looks! Lol! Your Bramble Blooms are so pretty. I love handwork too.

  5. We haven't seen many turkeys this year!
    Happy to see yours.
    I am happy with a new bank account.
    I don't have nearly the number of projects you have. Good for you.

  6. Turkeys in the garden, what fun. Although Mr Turkey doesn't seem to be getting his way with the girls. Are they dangerous, or just movd away when you come outside? Thanks for the link for the redwork chickens.

  7. Poor Mr. Turkey just can't seem to hold their attention. Love the scrappy and bright forest you are making, and the leaves and vines are gorgeous.

    I kind of remember learning in a history class that pine needle tea and pine bark tea were used to ward off scurvy.

    God bless.

  8. Tom Turkey looks quite handsome and is put on quite a show! Aren't they fun to watch, Jocelyn? Your FPP trees are so cheerful; they look like a fun project. Thank you to the link to the embroidery designs. Have a great week. Hugs.

  9. What a turkey! Love those trees. Those bramble blooms look cool!

  10. There is always a tub of Birds Custard powder in my cupboard - my husband loves it! I am not keen and always make the proper stuff for a trifle or fool. However, I do love custard cream biscuits which are made with custard powder so we do get through the tub. Your leaf and vine borders are pretty. xx

  11. love the trees...i made one for myself, christmas fabrics...could make a few more with what's

  12. Custard powder and Lyle's golden syrup were two things I used to want when I was madly into recipe experimentation but never bought either one. Your scrappy forest is just beautiful, and I love those pretty vines!

  13. Seeing the turkeys is so fun! Mr. Turkey definitely looks like he was trying to impress the ladies, but no luck. Your tree project seems to perfect to work on this time of year, and the Bramble Blooms borders, too. The embroidered vine is the perfect touch! I haven't heard of Helen Rebanks, but the book looks interesting and her podcast, too. Thanks for the recommendations!

  14. Your sister gave you a nice gift. It is always nice to receive something so useful.

  15. Aww poor Mr Turkey buy good on the ladies for being discerning lol! We always had custard powder in the cupboard but don't remember a brand. I love your scrappy trees..beautiful. Belated Happy birthday to you xx

  16. Those turkeys are amazing!

  17. Our wild turkeys don't look like these! What a parade. Your Christmas trees are charming.

  18. I am not familiar with the custard, but I can say that I had to slow down, twice, today while driving the back roads to the grocery store. They are everywhere around here. I love nature, but sometimes they surprise me! Thank you for linking up!

  19. Jocelyn, I have never heard of Bird's Custard Powder! That book really does sound interesting. I'll have to check it out. Love your scrappy FPP trees and your Bramble Blooms project is coming right along. That's a lot of work! I did not know that about spruce trees but sounds very interesting. There are so many plants and trees that can be used both for nutrition and medicinal purposes. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

  20. Your colourful scrappy forest is lovely, and these appliquéd leaves... wow! I love them! Stitching these cute blocks is more motivating than playing with Christmas fabrics ;)

  21. We haven't seen any turkeys walking around our neighborhood but a neighbor (who lives backed up to trees) posted a picture of a bear! Say what? We live in a populated area with only a bit of forest around some of our streets. It took 6 years for a squirrel to cross our small residential street to find our bird feeder. And it took him a couple of years to come back. No turkeys for us and hopefully no bear walking down our street! Your Bramble Blooms is beautiful. Nope, never heard of Bird's Custard Powder. Although I will admit I haven't made custard before -- unless I did to fill some eclairs. I'm too lazy these days to make eclairs now.

  22. Such a bright and fun forest you've got started. And the leaves and handwork is just gorgeous. Happy stitching this week, you've definitely have some fun projects to play with.

  23. Poor Turkey..... They look so grand when they are all fluffed up.......
    Easy to swap to another project in the challenge.....
    I'll check out the video.......


My favourite thing about having a blog is hearing from you. I appreciate it so much and I will definitely check out your blog too. Thanks!