Friday 31 May 2024

Cross Stitch, Hour Glass Blocks, New Food

 I just flopped into my chair feeling a little bit winded. I just cleaned all the baseboards here in the main area and while that was not hard, being on my knees and all the getting up and down was. That is definitely getting to be more of an issue with me. Can't tell you the last time I did them so thoroughly. Such a good feeling to have that satisfying chore done. Some small dust loving creature could have been making a home anywhere here. And a few spiders definitely did!

I made myself a little snack. I never buy Bosc pears, only ever the Bartlett, but a couple appeared in my weekly box. With a little feta cheese, I'm finding them delicious. I don't think I'd ever had one before. Have you?

My flowering Weigela shrubs are awakening. How welcome the tiny blooms!
The spring sunshine livening them even more. Not fully focused but pretty nonetheless.
I've given my cross stitched Pileated Woodpecker a little attention. This is 2 over 2 stitching on 28 count Light Mocha Cashel linen. And yes, the called for colour for that tree on the right is pink! DMC 152- medium pink... debated changing it but decided I will stick with the designer's choice.

And out have come a few blues. I have a lot of blues actually; well, compared to the other colours, for sure. These appliqued Hour Glass blocks are turning out to be a great So Scrappy RSC project. 

LeeAnna's prompt this week has to do with our summertime fashion choices. I have several summer skirts and a couple of dresses that I love to wear. I never wear white you?  I guess with dogs and what I get up to around here, I just don't find white practical. I also never wear shorts. I always wear capris and usually black. I'll share photos of some of my summer best thrift finds next time. Btw, love to read your responses to LeeAnna's, Not Afraid of Color, prompts. Interesting, fun, definitely learn new things and a way to get to know you better too. 
There's more I want to talk about but I don't like the posts getting too long. Take care all of you whether coping with heat waves or frosty mornings these last of May, 2024 days. 


  1. The great thing about waiting a little too (or a way too) long between cleanings is that you can immediately see where you've been. It's satisfying to see the difference.

  2. Aren't they lovely!
    I am loving the blossoms.
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  3. I totally relate to the getting up and down exhaustion. At some point I noticed it was no longer "easy" for me. What a letdown! And our baseboards are full of cat and dog hair. I'll be saving many little spiders too, once we finally get on the floor and attempt to clean them.
    Love your blues! And they are appliqued? What is the photo of the rainbow circle on the sidebar of your blog? And I love your new header, been meaning to tell you.
    No white pants here, but Judy (Busy Hands) has me thinking about purchasing some. I bought a Hawaiian print (blues, yellows, whites) shirt the other day and I bet white pants would look good with it, maybe some cropped length ones. No shorts here, gave those up a decade ago. I have a capri wardrobe, nothing fun - lol!

  4. I invested in the kneeler stool from Lee Valley ( ) and it's a godsend when it comes to getting up and down to clean things like baseboards and the lower kitchen cupboards. It's a bit expensive but I love it because I can sit on it for some jobs and kneel for others. Makes getting up SO much easier!! Worth every penny!
    I love seeing the wonderful blues in your latest project. As for summer apparel - depending on the temperature I pretty much live in long dresses and sometimes long skirts. Never shorts and never white. I have some darker coloured capris that I wear when I'm going out.

  5. when i get bosc or winter pears, i incorporate them into my home made applesauce...i too prefer bartletts for eating fresh...woodpecker coming along very nicely!

  6. I finally got caught up on reading your recent blog posts. I’ve been lackadaisical about taking time to catch up. I enjoyed see you using your boxed veggies. I need to try that again. My hubby likes pears, so we have tried Bosc pears. They are very expensive here, so not often. Like your blue hourglass blocks!

  7. I do not wear shorts any longer my legs are not pretty - I don't care to how them off. I wear capri's half the year, jeans & leggings the rest of the time. I too have a harder time getting up and down and if on my knees long I have to have a pad under the knees to cushion them. I do not wear white pants I would get too dirty. I don't like dresses or skirts I don't like my body look in them.
    Nice stitching and flowers

  8. It is definitely hard to believe it's the end of May already. Although it is cool and windy here today after a week in the 80s - I guess it still is Spring! Those weigala blossoms are so pretty and your pears look yummy, too. Pretty blues in the hourglass blocks. Enjoy your stitching projects this weekend, Jocelyn!

  9. I've never had a Bosc pear either, but pears are one of my favorites in a salad. The flowers on your shrubs are a pretty shade of pink, like the tree in your cross stitch piece. I've just begun to make my own conversions on charts. I don't do it often as I think most of the designers do a good job. You have some nice blues in your hourglass blocks.

  10. I know what you mean, getting down on your knees, then struggling up again, not easy as we are getting older.

  11. I have worn white capris, but I think that they seem to add weight to me and I have enough weight to begin with.

    I wonder why the designer chose pink for the tree? Seems a slightly odd choice.

    God bless.

  12. hey, you let the posts get as long as they need to!
    I seem to remember bosc are harder than bartlett which I so love.
    I tried to make an almond croissant with puff pastry, and it called for canned pears. We got some expecting the soft ones but they were rock hard!
    I just picked them out and ate the almond filling!lol
    I so need clean baseboards but that kneeling thing isn't going to work on my knees after a few injuries.
    I use a swiffer on a pole but that doesn't get it, just annoys the dust critters

  13. You're making great progress on your cross stitch. You're fast! I love your pink flowers. It's so nice to see all the flowers blossoming this time of year. My brother bought Bosc pears when he came to visit. My mother had never tried them. I'm not sure how much she liked them.

  14. It's been years since I have a Bartlett pear. It looks very delicious with Feta cheese. Your hourglass blocks are looking fabulous, Jocelyn as is your woodpecker stitch. I wish you a lovely weekend. Hugs.

  15. I like all pears. The Bosc are nice, and I recently bought two Flamingo pears. They have a texture more like an apple. The Bartletts remain my favorite. My recent goal is to get my house reorganized and hire someone to do the cleaning that is becoming more strenuous for me. I am not as fast I used to be, and I feel I am no longer to keep us with it.
    I wear shorts all summer long. I have only a couple of pairs of capris that I wear if going out in the evening and shorts seem too casual. I have white capris, and some white cropped pants. Yes, they are hard to keep clean, but they look so nice for summer.

  16. My pink shrub is blooming too. It sits next to my egress window in my sewing room, so the lower branches drape down into the window well where I can enjoy it. I just wish it would continue blooming all summer.

    Your cross stitch woodpecker is looking awesome!!

  17. What, You already started your blue blocks. Most impressive. Yes, I've eaten many a Bosc pear. In fact I had one as a snack this morning after our walk. I frequently use them in my salad when they are in season. No, I wouldn't dream of wearing white pants or shorts. You can beat if I don't sit on something that will stain them, I will dribble something on them. I lean towards capris for the summer.

  18. We have one of those pretty trumpet shaped pink flowering bushes in our backyard too. I never knew it's proper name until now.

  19. We usually buy Bartlett pears too, but have tried the Bosc since they were on sale and liked them also. Your Weigela blooms are so pretty!

  20. Our weigela bushes are in bloom too! The woodpecker cross stitch is coming alive as you add more stitches and colours. Have a great week. Gail at the cozy quilter.

  21. Cleaning baseboards, not my favorite thing to do. It feels so good when it's done, doesn't it? I seldom buy pears and I don't even know the varieties. Pears are imported and what we get are usually bone hard and has to stay for some days to get softer. Pretty Weigela flowers. I had to LOL (sorry!) of the woodpecker! He looks like such a funny guy! I loved watching them at the farm I grew up. Pretty blue blocks too.

  22. Pears and Cheese sounds like a healthy and yummy combination. Love your pink blooms. I think I have a few pet spiders somewhere :-D You know dust is a noun, not a verb in my house :-D I don't get Applique Hour Glass Blocks. Have a great week!

  23. Your weigela is so pretty. I like your cross-stitch project. I think I have a ton of blue fabrics also. Your blocks are very pretty. Personally, I have never liked pears. I am not sure why. Enjoy your week.

  24. That deep cleaning is hard, but it's so nice to see it all done. But, yes, that getting up and down is really the hard part these days. Very pretty blue hourglass blocks. Enjoy your stitching time this week.

  25. Well, you can tell we're all of a certain age. Don't wear white pants, do wear capris, hard to get up after you get down to clean or garden. I do wear shorts sometimes when working in the yard. I usually get Anjou pears. They don't ripen quite as fast as Bartlets , so I can buy a bag and just keep two or three on the counter to ripen.
    Your cross stitch is coming right along.


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