Friday 21 June 2024

Cardinal Rule, Tilda Orange Peels, Cakes, Free Patterns

Thanks for the lovely comments about my veranda views. I miss Newfoundland very much but I certainly can't complain about where I'm living these days. It is beautiful and I enjoy all the critters so much too. Of course, those photos don't show the mosquitoes or the heat. However, no sun this morning; it is rather gloomy with promised thunder and lightening today.  So it goes.

Our busy week is over that included two medical appointments for Tony. And we did take Ned to the vet and now he is on two drugs and has a special shampoo. One week into the treatment and he is already feeling much better. Fur is growing back in a spot he had scratched almost bare. Perhaps this will do to see him through the hot summer in comfort. Hope so. At the practice we go to, the vets are all young women. They are slim, energetic and favour athletic wear. They are eager to share their knowledge and are kind with us too. This latest doctor immediately called Ned "Neddy Boy".  I noticed how she could kneel down, pop back up, get down on one knee, etc. with such ease. I could do that once but not anymore and I don't know when exactly that became impossible for me. I wonder is it retrievable??

Tony is enjoying another lovely Chocolate cake from Beth. I had a sliver and it is rich and delicious. Here is the link to Rock Recipes 20 Best Chocolate Cake Recipes that includes this one.

Here is my progress on the Chookshed Stitchers Challenge for June... Cardinal Rule. So it begins...better late than never!
I used the machine to stitch the background and then prepped some leaves.
These wools are thin and very soft-lovely to the touch. But look so much alike, it was a challenge to keep them straight. And they photograph poorly. Here is part of the vines and I am hand stitching them using easy blanket stitch .
How bad is the lighting in the sewing room?  I didn't know these vines were a deep greenish shade till I brought the piece out to the tv room. I've had to use the lighten button on the computer so you can see any of this clearly. When these are all secured I can begin to attach the "fun" bits. 

It's also fun stitching these appliqued Tilda Orange Peels. The freezer paper prep for each takes longer than the stitching. I've found a few solids to work into the mix too. I realize these have such a sameness about them...perhaps I'll show them on the wall all together so you can better follow the progress. 
Over at the FAT QUARTER SHOP, they are readying for Christmas in July. Then they are offering their FREE Star of Wonder Mystery QAL and SAL, a Christmas quilt and cross stitch design. I'm interested in seeing what patterns they will be offering this year.

LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color's prompt this week is did we ever go to camp as a kid?  I did...once. It was a Girl Guide Camp beside a beautiful lake near Corner Brook where I grew up. It was held over a long weekend and we were able to work on our outdoor related badges. I remember two things...the mosquitoes (I returned home with a ring of bites around the back of my neck that Mom made a fuss about) and how much I loved the singsong around the fire each evening. What about you? Did you get to go to any summer camps? 

I've got a chicken soup with lots of vegetables cooking in the slow cooker and I'm looking forward to catching up on my cross stitching while watching several of my favourite Flosstube stitchers this weekend. What about you? Any similarly comforting or special weekend plans?

Happily sharing this post with Kathy's QuiltsBolt to BeautyMelva Loves Scraps and Quilting is More Fun Than Housework.


Jeanna said...

Cardinal Rule looks like a fun project and your orange peels are so pretty. The hand stitching on those will certainly keep you busy.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Cardinal Rules is so pretty and the organize peel blocks are too. Tomorrow I'm attending a birthday for my SIL 75th birthday! Time marches on. There is no way I'm getting down on a knee then bouncing back up anymore. I'm just glad I can still bend them! Happy stitching!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I think most of us as we head to our 60's and beyond notice less flexibility unless you are exercising and stretching on a very regular basis - it is just a fact of life. I have nothing cooking yet but will be making baked beans in the instant pot (from scratch) and brats for supper - nice and easy

Jenny said...

No summer camps for me, it wasn't a thing here in New Zealand. But we did go camping, I can remember several years of camping with my girl friend and her parents a young teen. They had the big tent and we two young teens slept in a pup tent. We spent long days at the beach, such lovely memories.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I think we probably didn't appreciate the ability to get up and down so much when we were in our 20s- 40s, and now that it's harder we're wondering where all that ability went! It's something I practice because I don't want to get myself in trouble, like I've watched happening with my mom. That chocolate cake looks yummy! I would have a hard time staying away from it. Singing around the campfire was one of my favorite things about going to camp, too!

Jackie said...

I never went to camp, but we did go camping every summer as a family and loved it. During the week it would be Mom and us kids, then on weekends Dad would come. We would go fishing or travel around to historic sites.

You are such a neat stitcher. My hand sewing at the best of times leaves a great deal to be desired.

When I get on the floor, I definitely have to have a plan on how to get up now. Age does that to all of us I am finding out.

God bless.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

Thanks for the recipes! It looks like you're making a great start on your wool project. I want to look into Flosstube. Any recommendations???

Angie said...

Jocelyn - that chocolate cake looks so decadent - I am salivating over it!

It is so interesting to read about winter and autumn patterns in June, but then our days are going to get shorter from here, right? In Montana, our summers are short, so it occurred to me today that we are about one-third of the way through our summer! Yikes!

I wrote about my camp experiences in my post - none! As for this weekend, we have a busy one ahead - working with several neighbors to tidy the entrance gardens, and a dinner party - not sure I am going to get any stitching in!

Linda said...

Anytime I see "cake" in your blog title, I race over to see what Beth has made you this time! I have the Rock Recipe chocolate cakes page saved to my Favorites. :D You must feel about Newfoundland the same way I feel about Oklahoma. The scenery is pretty nice here in north Texas, and I'm only 7 miles from Oklahoma, but I long to be back in Oklahoma. Your start on Cardinal Rule is so pretty! I love those colors. Thanks (or not?) for the link to that sew-along. Christmas fabrics in July sound pretty good right now!
I went to church camp and absolutely loved it. I'm sure Mom and Daddy enjoyed the break from my sassy mouth. ;) We are headed to Dallas this afternoon for an engagement party for grandson and his fiancée. Then the weekend is ours for supreme laziness - lol!

Cathy said...

I also attended Guide camp. They created a new award to present to me. I was called the “yuck” award. It seems I said that to all of the food that was presented to me. It’s not that I was a fussy eater, it’s just that my Mom was a far superior cook and I was a bit spoiled by it. (Looking back, this seems to be a good problem to have….and hey, I won an award for something��)

PaintedThread said...

I love your cake photos. You are a lucky gal. I like your orange peels - such pretty colors!

PaintedThread said...

You are one lucky gal with those cakes! That looks delicious. I like your orange peel blocks - such pretty colors.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

You have had a busy week. I hope the doctor's appointments went well. It is good to hear that Ned is feeling some relief. Cardinal Rule is gorgeous and love seeing your progress on Orange Peels. Have a great weekend. Happy quilting. Hugs.

Deb said...

I came for the cake and loved the quilting too! Have a great week!

CathieJ said...

I love your orange peels. Those fabrics are so pretty. Cardinal rule is looking great. I hate when the lighting makes colors difficult to distinguish. That cake has my mouth watering. Ugh, I could never eat just a little slice. I never went to camp. I enjoyed lazy summer days at home reading books each year.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Jocelyn, I just love your orange peel blocks. I have a whole quilt top of these that needs to be quilted. I think that I've procrastinated for years because the background is white (so will get dirty quickly) and I'm not sure how to FMQ it. I'm sure I'll get over these eventually! I also remember the year I went to girl guide camp. It was a lot of fun, even for introvert me!

Karrin Hurd said...

That cake looks scrumptious! I went to a Girl Scout camp once I think in Ocean City, Maryland. My mother was one of the chaperones and unfortunately for me that meant she wanted me to help clean up after dinner, instead of enjoying the campfire with the other girls. Loved the location though, ocean has always been my favorite place. We have been in the 100+ this week, am looking forward to 90 degree weather next, week, and Hawaii the week after that! Happy stitching! said...

Your orange peels are sure pretty and Cardinal Rules is amazing. I bet you are excited about finally getting to the fun bits! I only went to camp once. . .as a camp counselor, , ,it was fun and I would have liked to have gone another year; but, growing up on a farm, we needed all hands on deck in the summer.

Cathy said...

I also attended Girl Guide camp. The camp leaders created a new award for me. It was a trophy called the “yuck” award. Apparently I said yuck to all of the food offered to me. In my defence, I was not a fussy eater it’s just that my Mom’s cooking was so superior that I had become spoiled by it. Yay to my Mom!

Michele McLaughlin said...

Love your Tilda orange peels! So pretty! That cardinal Rule will be wonderful! Your cake photo made me hungry :D Have a great day!

grammajudyb said...

OMG! Chocolate chocolate cake! To die for! Love all the progress made on your various projects!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I know what you mean about not being able to hop up as easily as we used to. I know better than to get down on my hands and knees anymore and am thankful for my Lee Valley 'gardening' stool which I don't use for gardening.
Never went to camp as a kid - don't even know if there were such things because I don't remember hearing about them. We didn't have the money for me to go even if there was one available.

Nancy said...

I hope Ned is still doing well with the drugs and shampoo for his coat. It's hard to see our pets miserable in the heat.
This chocolate cake looks delicious, especially with its thick frosting.
The fabrics and colors in your peels remind me just a little of my rose fabrics, though I know mine are nondescript and yours are Tilda fabrics.