Tuesday 18 June 2024

Veranda Photos...Garden and Stitchy Stuff

Writing outside this morning. 8 am and already 25 C. We have a heat wave warning but it is very pleasant just now. A little breeze is blowing too. I must be a pessimistic gardener. In front of me is a Blue Beech tree I planted here years ago with little expectation that it would grow. 

Well grow it has and is now at a point of crowding out the other things I've planted like the Weigelia. It was a wild shoot that had sprouted on the opposite side of the house and I read that it was slow growing. I do like it- especially the way the leaves alternate daintily along the branches ending in a tuft of little leaves. It's disappointing now because it will have to be cut down or trimmed back unless I figure out a way to dig up the roots. The early spring, though so wet and wild at times, was especially good for all the growing things. The garden is amazing this year.

I removed the robin's nest from the front door light. I knew there were two fledglings and there usually is three. Sadly one of the eggs did not hatch. What a gorgeous colour that is!
I took outdoor photos of my weekend stitching. More Hour Glass blocks.
And also Tiny 9 Patch blocks on white batting resembling snow in this June light.

I shared Thrifted blouses in this post. Still on the topic of clothing this body of mine...I must tell you what happened one morning when I pulled on a pair of those elastic waisted capris from Walmart. The waist was so tight I was uncomfortable. I always buy size large so I can be comfy in such things so all sorts of thoughts, all negative and down on myself, went through my mind. What is the point of the exercising, eating right, etc. blah, blah, blah. A little later, I changed into long pants to go in the garden (tick coverage) and glanced at the tag on the capris...size small! Make no wonder they felt tight! I'd picked up the wrong size and I know exactly how that happened. Didn't take the time to get out my reading glasses in the store. I'll pass them along to younger daughter.  

I'd brought out my cross stitch piece to lay a few stitches. Natural light is the best. But it's a bit buggy and the temperature has risen. Time to go inside, get some laundry going and check on Ned and Tony.

To my left
In front of me
I do enjoy living in our little private forest! I hope you too have lots to love and lots to do this week and best get at it.
Honestly, June, slow down!


Magpie's Mumblings said...

I sometimes think how nice it would be to spend time out on our balcony when it's hot but sadly it faces east and in the morning it's just too sunny. It's not a good idea to be out there until the sun goes around but by that time it's simply too hot to be outside at all. We don't have a lovely view either - our balcony railing is metal and you can't see through it to enjoy the view of the river, unless we put chairs up on some sort of 'lifter'. The balcony is too narrow for that, sadly.

Nancy J said...

Reading glasses, I always need them when shopping.Good thing you can pass them along. Your garden views are a delight, I still miss the privacy and space our previous home had.And the acre of trees, there is something so special about having tall trees nearby.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I hate anything tight on my body and sometimes buy a size larger than I need if it has a drawstring waist so it will be comfortable. That was a pretty egg and you have such pretty property

Jenn Jilks said...

That is a beautiful spot!
I need to hem some dresses, but having trouble getting going. That heat!

Jeanna said...

Happy to see your Blue Beech tree is doing well. Your hourglass and 9-patch blocks look great. The robin's egg is such a beautiful color. Love seeing the photos of your property.

PaintedThread said...

We're bracing for the heat as well, but I squeezed in a lovely walk at 8am, too! Isn't it nice to be surrounded by all that green growing things? It's been a very good year for the garden so far.

Stay cool!

Jenny said...

I cant believe my eyes, a heat wave warning in Canada! How often would that happen? Your garden looks very lush and green.

MissPat said...

The "To the Left" photo is enthralling. So many different greens and such a calming picture. Of course, the bugs do spoil it, but the view is perfect.

Jackie said...

You, my dear, live in a lovely area. Right now here in my corner of the prairies one would think winter was just leaving. Still right now the sun is shining after a day and a half of rain, so all is well here on my corner of Canada.

God bless.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It's looking beautiful in your little woods, Jocelyn! So lush and green. I hope it doesn't get too hot for you. Love your pretty blue blocks, too. I've been sewing with lots of blue this week, it's always good to have sewing projects to work on!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Such lovely views from your porch. Your nine patches are looking great .I adore the combination of blues and yellows. I wish you a lovely week, Jocelyn.

loulee said...

Your yard looks amazing. That egg is a stunning colour.

The Cozy Quilter said...

Very hot here too. Good weather to sew inside! You have a wonderful view from your porch. The rain has made everything grow here too. I try to get my gardening chores and walk in before it gets too hot. Keep sewing those cute little blocks!

Susie H said...

You do have a beautiful spot in the world to sit and admire Nature. We are hot here too and I'm happy I have a quilt group mtg to go to today. I'll enjoy the friendship and A/C.

Linda said...

Your landscape really is lush! That robin's egg - isn't it amazing how blue is so spectacular in nature? I laughed at your capri pants adventure. How pretty your blue blocks are! I love your private forest too. :)

Rosemary Dickinson said...

You live in such a beautiful area! Everything looks so green and vibrant! I love the blue of the robin's egg. Your projects are coming along nicely. It's quite hot here so I'm thankful for my air conditioning. Hope your weather is good and doesn't get too hot!

Rosemary Dickinson said...

You live in such a beautiful area! I love the shade of blue of the robin's egg. Your projects are coming along nicely. Hope it doesn't get too hot!

CarolE said...

I concur with everyone above on how lovely your yard is! My eyes are pretty much useless in the store without glasses to see small print! If I know they are in the car, I go right back out to get them!

Helen said...

"... private little forest..." I love that.

Angela said...

Oh, stitching outside really is the best!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Do I spy fabric scraps woven into that Robin's nest, Jocelyn? Kudos on your BLUE scrap usage this week!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Everything looks so pretty. I was thinking about you today as I was looking at my Weigela. Love those teeny blue nine patches!

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

I love your little blocks and your view is awesome!! That Robin's egg is such a beautiful color. Too bad it didn't hatch.

TerryKnott.blogspot.com said...

Thanks for the view of all the foliage in your yard. . .so beautiful! I like you blue nine patches too. As for the size. . .I was impressed you got them on!

Michelle said...

That egg is so pretty! Nature makes the best colors. Your area is just lovely and lush. We are having the same type of heat wave. Stay cool and thank you for linking up.

dq said...

You truly live in a stunningly beautiful place!
That blue egg was so pretty!