Friday 14 June 2024

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge- Cardinal Rule, Free Patterns

The resident mallard on our pond is sleeping there overnight. If up and down there early enough, I see him always resting in the same spot.  I took this shot from a great distance but even then he alerted. Every year the ducks try to nest there and we find the egg shells strewn about. I've tried to work out how the legs are folded here. ? Mallards are part of the Dabbling Ducks family which I'd never thought was a real scientific name till I looked into how they spend their nights. 

What shade of yellow would you call that beak?  Mustard? No, it's some more exotic name I think.

I want to show you this. 

A little tear in a turtleneck of mine. I put it beside my sewing chair to mend and you wouldn't believe how long it's been there. Let's just say some months. I finally sewed it yesterday- took me all of 5 minutes. I kept looking at it all the while not doing that tiny task. Confounding!

 The Chookshed Stitchers Challenge for June is #10 which for me is Cardinal Rule. For a moment I was completely blank and then remembered it is my Bonnie Sullivan (Kathy Schmitz's sister) wool applique project.

I was excited to get out the material and patterns which I'd put together ages ago. I made the first cuts in the wool yesterday to begin sewing the pieces for the background. Unlike that mending, this will be so much fun to work on. These background pieces are so similar, I had to label them. 
LeeAnna's Not Afraid of Color prompt this week is remembering the last day of school and then how we spent our summer days. The last day of any school year has a special excitement and feel all its own. I was always a little nervous wondering where I might have placed in the class, marks wise. ( I should point out this was self inflicted pressure; my parents never put any pressure on us- just do your best was their motto. In fact, I think they should have been a little more directive if anything.) In grades 7 and 8, the school was across from a Woolworths so my friends and I would go there for fries and a coke float to celebrate. Dad had to stay home and work but the next week, Mom and the three of us kids would be on the train to visit both grandparents for the summer, all of which I loved very much. What about you? Any special last day of school memories? 

It seems I always have an aspect of my stitching to be researching and I keep being surprised by the beautiful patterns that folks share for free. Here are two more such sites where you can have a good look about. 

At Always Expect Moore, generous Carolina shares a wonderful bank of her free patterns. I've noted several... here is a sweet little winter stitch project. Love that snow flake design.

When I was researching Orange Peel patterns, I came across this pretty wallhanging design with a free peel template. Link to the  Live Art Gallery pdf pattern. And so many more free patterns there to ogle!

The Phoebes on the back of the house have also fledged -so quickly it seems- and I miss seeing them flitting about while in my tv room stitching chair. I read that one of the surprises of older age is that days seem like mere hours. That is certainly the feeling here at the wooden house. 

Enjoy your weekend!

Also enjoy sharing with Kathy's QuiltsSmall Quilts and Doll Quilts and Quilting is More Fun Than Housework.


  1. I agree with time going fast! Cardinal Rule is very pretty, have fun stitching it this month!

  2. II see Mallards at the lake all the time but they aren't as vibrant in color as the one you shared. Cardinal Rule is gorgeous. I hope you enjoy making it.

  3. Thank you for the free patterns! What a great picture of the mallard! He looks quite comfortable but I can't figure out his legs are folded either. Mending just isn't fun! I feel time just flies by. It is definitely getting faster as I get older.

  4. Aaah the mallard is gorgeous. Yes I would call its beak a mustard color. I have a had a few projects like your turtle neck that seem to linger at my stitching table. Lol. Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for the fabulous freebie links. Hugs.

  5. I know what you Jean about bending. I have a brand new pair of winter trousers in my sewing room, waiting to be rehemned. Why dont I just get on with it as I really need them to wear now!

  6. To me, the mallard’s beak looks like a not-quite-ripe banana! It has a touch of green. Enjoy your stitching project - it’s beautiful. Dot in NC

  7. Mending tends to hang out for too long in my sewing room too! Then I do all of it at once to get rid of it.
    I like your wool project. It will be fun to watch as you work on it.
    Gail at the cozy quilter.

  8. So interesting to see the mallard hanging out there! Do you think he is sitting on eggs? I guess I don't know if the male and female take turns doing that or just one of them. Cardinal Rule is a lovely design! I bet you'll enjoy working on that this month. You found some pretty free projects, too!

  9. beautiful duck - I don't remember a special last day of school I was always ready for it to be over, I can't say as I enjoyed much of anything about school but art class

  10. When I have to repair/sew/mend something for a family member, I try to get it done ASAP. I really don't enjoy it, but I never let on to them. When I need to do something like that for myself, it just sits there - lol! Love the cardinal project. I saw a cardinal land on the little arbor outside the sewing room yesterday, and I was so thrilled! Maybe the mallard's beak is Dijon. ;)

  11. I always looked forward to the last day of school because it meant Girl Scout camp and family vacations to national parks were next on the agenda. Yes, our days are passing quickly (or seem to). I swear it was just last month (not the first of February) that I fell down those stairs! Still struggling to walk. I am able to help DH in the kitchen but can't get down to the sewing room.

  12. Anything with birds is fine with me! I love birds! Your mallard is stunning! And cardinals are a favorite along with chickadees. Nice work.

    Fran in SW Iowa

  13. As the youngest of 5, the last day of school meant finding out who your teacher was for the next year.... and which of my siblings had them! Then we moved out to the camp for the summer at the lake. Good memories. That is an interesting yellow of his beak with the green tinge in it. Time is moving way too quickly, I guess it does speed up quite a bit as you get older!

  14. Your mallard is very handsome! Bandit and I got to the park yesterday, and found there were 17 baby mallards swimming around with maybe 3 Sets of parents. The Canada geese babies number 45! Enjoy your wool stitchery, doing one of those is on my wish list!

  15. Cardinal Rule looks like a great project to work on. I just love cardinals in general anyhow. Cute duck.

  16. Mr. Mallard looks quite handsome!
    I always remember the last day of school as being a huge relief because it meant two whole months of not having to face it every day. I was a good student but I was tall and extremely skinny plus I wore glasses so I was the subject of a lot of ridicule and what today would be termed bullying. School was something to be endured, not enjoyed.

  17. so sorry to be late, doing what I can and I love love reading your words, seeing your photos, and what you're making
    I get your need for excellence. Me too.
    going to grandma's sounds lovely... I miss that and I didn't even live it!

  18. That new applique project will be gorgeous! And mending lays around way too long around my sewing room too as I tend to avoid it. LOL

  19. Why is it we don't like fixing things but we will spend many hours sewing a project we love?
    Love Mr. Mallard! He is beautiful in your serene part of the world.


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