Tuesday 11 June 2024

New Project Beginnings, Cross Stitch, Fitness Talk, Adieu Fledglings

This turned out to be the best photo I got of the mama bird. Today I hadn't noticed her very frequent trips across the lawn and checked the nest. The two little ones have fledged in what seems like no time at all. Here's hoping they will survive the all important first year. 👍

Here are the first Tilda Orange Peels I tried. When I had the block sizes sorted with the overall block finishing at 12 inches, the freezer paper templates drawn, cut and pressed on the fabric, the actual stitching went quickly.  Another slow stitching project and one I can use larger scraps for the backgrounds too. And some blues can find their way in too!

Cross stitching on the weekend got me to this point on my Pileated Woodpecker project. I'm using # 26 tapestry needles- someone wanted to know. And this is funny, another someone-this one anonymous- wrote and asked what the heck kind of thing is this you are cross stitching???
I've mentioned before that my sister in law, Karen, has been working hard making fitness videos. She calls them Easy Fitness Over 50, where all you need is a broom handle and the kitchen counter as fitness equipment. She was interviewed by Parade magazine recently and you can check out the article here... I'm 67 and in The Best Shape of My Life. Here's Karen with my brother who is also going strong with the fitness and eating well regime too. 
I'm so happy for her success as she volunteered teaching fitness classes after work for decades in her hometown, Corner Brook, Newfoundland. All their videos are filmed in their home and yes, their house always looks like this. 
Below an important reminder... I need it for when I get tired of how much time I spend on my own fitness and trying to eat well...generally. And sometimes feel a little discouraged about it all too. 
Next time I'll talk about my Chookshed Stitchers Challenge and the best free patterns I've seen. Hope your week is off to a great start. Take care all of you!


  1. that is an interesting work out video - I sometimes do stuff like that with my own moves the problem is I do it once and then forget about it for two weeks LOL - that won't work - I really do need to stick to a schedule - I do my peddling though on my Cubii once or twice a day to get a total of my 10,000 steps on my fitbit so sometimes I peddle for an hour or 30 to 45 minutes twice a day to get it. I am up to the highest level of resistance on it now an 8. but I need to add more weights to a workout

  2. I sure hope the baby robins do well. Great photo of mama. Your Tilda fabrics look awesome in the orange peel blocks. You have inspired me to get on the stick on cutting mine out. Your woodpecker is looking fabulous. You are moving right along on it. Have a wonderful day and Happy stitching. Hugs.

  3. Such pretty orange peels! How big is each square? We enjoy watching the birds in our yard too. We have two Carolina wrens with a nest in one of our hanging baskets. Such cute little birds! Your cross stitch is coming along beautifully! Take care. Gail at the cozy quilter

  4. Your Tilda orange peels are just beautiful! I'm glad the actual stitching part went quickly, that is always encouraging to do more. I'm interested to read about your SIL - I have gained weight since Thanksgiving and have not been able to make myself get back on the treadmill, so I am looking for motivation! How funny are those comment about the woodpecker! I have some tapestry needles, must have inherited them from Granny or Mom, because I didn't buy them!

  5. I am going to adopt the quote you shared. We are the greatest projects that need to be worked on, and it does take a lifetime.
    The orange peel blocks - love them!

  6. Poor little babies, off to find their way in the big wide world.

  7. Glad the wee robins have fledged and hopefully they all do well.
    I'm looking forward to seeing your orange peel project progress.

  8. I am definitely going to check out those videos. I need to add something to my workout routine.

    Your orange peels are really nice and the cross stitch is really coming along.

    God bless.

  9. I love watching the progress from nest building, to egg laying, to eggs hatching, to new babies, and then sadly the babies fly away. Best of luck, little ones!

  10. Your brother and sister-in-law look great! I'm going to look into their videos. I love your orange peels! So nice that you're stitching quickly. That's such a funny comment about your woodpecker cross stitch! I think it looks great!

  11. I hope the little ones thrive in their first year. Love your Orange Peels. Neat cross stitch also. I am like one of your other commentors. I am a bit erratic with doing it but try to add extra steps in when I walk throughout my day xx

  12. Your siblings look great! Your sister's house looks so pristine! Yikes!

  13. The Tilda orange peels are looking great! And you've made some really nice progress on the Pileated Woodpecker.

  14. Woodpeckers are strange looking birds. Your stitch is looking good. Can't wait to see him finished. Thanks for sharing your SIL's video. I really must do something!! How wonderful to get such a good look at the robin nest. Our robins are very sneaky. Every once in awhile I can see them grab a bug and fly to the trees, but their nests are so well hidden in our tall trees.

  15. Pretty orange peel blocks, I love all the colors and prints. I almost stepped on a fledgling robin this morning. It was sitting by my strawberry bed. We both squawked!

  16. How fun that your SIL's videos are going so well. Thanks for sharing that! Pileated Woody is coming right along too. I really love the orange peel blocks with the Tilda fabric. I love Tilda fabric!! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

  17. We have the P. Woodpeckers here around our farm, but they are a bit elusive. Only rare sightings. Fitness is important and so is eating well. I am glad I have more time to focus on that with being retired. Congrats to your SIL helping others stay fit. Thank you for linking up and have a great week.

  18. Sweet Orange Peel blocks, Jocelyn, and congrats to your SIL!! Thanks for sharing the link to her videos. Off to have a look...

  19. OMG it's such a small world..........I do follow you sister.....


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