Wednesday 23 October 2024

Autumn's Golden Light, Stitching Updates, Help on the Journey

 The last flowers to come into bloom in my garden are the Asters. The wild ones are also in bloom and like these, starting to fade. The sunlight lately has been wonderful and has that noticeable October slant. But shines strongly with a golden tinge that makes it beautiful. I've tried to capture it in this weeks' photos.

Lots of things are being illuminated by this wonderful light like a baby Chickadee- so tiny!- trying out the birdbath for the first time, judging by how long it stayed there poking about. 
He finally took the plunge and immediately took off so I didn't get a photo of an actual bath.
And last week a tiny creature took all night to create this beautiful and large web at the pond's edge. Did it get tired as it progressed I wonder. Gone the next day. But I had to investigate webs and found out this is an Orb web, a typical wheel shaped structure probably made by a common spider from the Orb Weaver family. In the case of this one, the spider would have had to size up the space beforehand and carefully choose the anchor points. Where the weaving is widening would have had to do with the tall reeds it was being attached to not its lack of skill or tiredness. Spun in about an hour, it had the potential to capture many insects overnight so hopefully it was worth the effort. 
The Red Squirrels are extra busy these days gathering and stockpiling. How they all seem to know the season is changing. This one was glowing in that late afternoon light. I wish the photo had captured a crisper image of the squirrel but it appears the twigs were well in focus.
Not just the wildlife have been busy, I too have been keeping myself very, very busy. Besides my daily tramping about outside, here are a few snapshots of what I've been doing inside.

The scrappy EPP Tiny Nine Patch quilt keeps growing and I think I'm nearing an end with this project. The red certainly makes it cheery. This was meant to use up scraps but I still haven't made a dent in my scrap bin. That last bit seems to defy logic.

It is about 48 in by 90 in at this stage.

More simple embroidery stitches on the Newfoundland Redwork Pictures, a project of Mom's that I am finishing. The top photo is of a line drawing of the Newfoundland museum called Rooms and the bottom represents the fabulous jams to be made from local wild berries, Bakeapple, Blueberry and Raspberry. I started stitching the label with two strands which proved to be too big for the space. Will remove that and start over with one strand. Presently stitching with DMC 115, a variegated thread which I think adds a little interest to the basic running stitches.
I'm reading and enjoying another Emma Donoghue book...Learned By Heart. Emma is the author of Room which is on Netflix as a movie now. I read the book when it came out but had to skip some chapters and go to the end; I haven't watched the movie but it gets great reviews.
This story is about Anne Lister and Eliza Raine while at a girl's boarding school in early 19 century England. How an author can create/ bring such varied storylines to life is a wonder ( and The Wonder just happens to be the title of one of her books). I like the title of this one and it is a familiar phrase as back when I went to school there were many things we had to learn by heart. Was that a big thing in your schooling as well? I don't think memorization is as important these days. 

I think we have a muskrat in the pond. There was a tunnel into one of the banks when we came here and we've always wondered if there had been a muskrat here as they are very common in small ponds in Ontario. Lately, twice I've glimpsed something much much larger than the frogs moving through the water stirring mud in its wake and going into the tunnel. A lone muskrat would have a field day there having it all to itself. 

I got several questions about what was on my turkey before baking in the last post. As many guessed, it was pats of real butter. It was fresh from the fridge which made it hard to cut hence the odd triangular pieces. Happy to know so many are paying attention here and your kind words and encouragement are sincerely helping me through whatever the heck this is I'm traversing.☺ How we all love to know we are not alone on the journey.

On that hopeful note, I'll sign off for today. Staying Steady and Keeping Calm (trying to). Hope you all are too!

Thursday 17 October 2024

Three or More Things To (Maybe) Beat The Stubborn Blues

I read this line are a work in progress because life isn't done with you yet. I definitely mistakenly thought the opposite. That at my seven decades and counting age I'd have everything figured out, things would be settled down to a point where life would be smooth sailing through whatever years are left. The thing that might derail that would be unavoidable illness. But no, there are still people/family worries, messy situations and uncertainty. That last thing is creeping into my thoughts more. I've questioned how I'm handling certain present situations which has led me to distrust how I handled things before now...just to make it all the more complicated. And then there's this little point...I've mentioned Be Prepared was my Girl Guide motto and I tried to live by it all my life. How to be prepared for what we don't know about or a possible reality that involves something we think we can't at all manage- that is a challenge. As one of you brilliant people said in a comment, it seems for some of us who are born worriers, as we grow older, we swap out one set of worries for another. How true!

Thank you all again for taking the time to comment, commiserate or share your wisdom and stories to cheer me up. And in spite of what I wrote above, that heavy, generally low, dragging feeling has lifted from my brain. Hallelujah! I mean it now when I write that I am doing better overall. 

So what have I been doing? I made the vow to just get up and keep going no matter what I was feeling like. I didn't use a journal to make a list of things to do which I've found helpful in the past. This episode I seemed to know what I needed and that was to just get on with things. With swimming in the summer, I had mostly dropped my morning jog. After the pool closed, for a couple of weeks I did chair yoga, one that gets your heart rate up and I enjoyed it. I followed the exercises but after a couple of listens, started using my own music. Last week I felt up to starting the day with a little jog outside and that too has been great so I've kept that up. I could feel what an energy boost that was immediately and could kick myself for not doing so sooner. 

This is the video I found helpful.

I've been spending time each day in my new sewing area (whether I feel like it or not). As you all know, you are not there long and something needing doing will catch your eye and there you are, engaged and even moving a project along and even just a smidge feels good. 

 The view from my sewing machine table...a side look at the Hydrangeas. I've cleaned all the windows on the outside and paid particular attention to this one. Many birds and wildlife use this area near the bird feeder and I'm keeping my camera handy. 

The Hydrangeas in this tree turn pink as the temperatures drop. Taken before window was web free.
So besides admiring the view, what have I done in there? I've machine stitched more of the Tilda Orange Peel blocks together. That kind of stitching, easy and mindless, was great to have ready. And I chose the fabrics and prepped four more freezer paper appliqued blocks of Everglade.  Here is one setting possible and I like how it forms the circle in the middle. So I'm feeling a little happier about this project too. 

I've added a few more stitches to the lovely Tudor Bee with Miss Bee herself emerging. I always cross stitch with something on the tv. It is a boost to see this project moving along. 
My library account showed just how much I'd come to rely on audio books, probably reinforced by the pandemic. I've gotten myself back to reading rather than listening (though audio books will always be used for certain circumstances).  I've been getting out of the house and visiting several small town libraries to browse, sit and have a little read of things I don't check out. Things like magazines and reference books. I used to enjoy this outing in my old days when I first moved here and really all of my life I guess when I think about it, since getting my first library card at age 8.  It feels good to do so again, like visiting an old friend...the one that gives the best hugs. I hope you all have one like that in your life. One of the little libraries nearby has these comfy leather chairs; they remind me of the famous Ikea Poang chairs. 

We just celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving Day, the second Monday in October, and it could not have come at a better time for me. I needed the reminder of all that I am thankful for...I named my blessings and counted them one by one. 

I've always enjoyed the preparations for the big meal. Especially satisfying is getting the turkey stuffed and all ready to go in the oven. Since it was just ourselves, this was smallish, about 11 pounds.
And getting it cooked...We enjoyed it so much I've vowed to cook more turkeys. 
After a long, glorious walk down in the big woods, we enjoyed our meal and gave thanks for what is, the here and now. That latter bit, the here and now is what has got to be my main focus going forward.
Always thankful for constant companions, Tony and Ned, too.💕 



Wednesday 9 October 2024

Still Here, Stitching and Thinking Out Loud

We have been having a gentle ease into autumn with just one overnight frost so far and temperatures reaching into the double digits most days. We did have a terrific thunder and lightening storm the other day that brought unique clouds overhead looking like something AI generated. These are called Asperitas clouds. Even the clouds are fancier these days. I only ever knew of Cirrus and Cumulus clouds growing up. 

Cindy Broderick photo
In moving the sewing room, I found, amongst many other things, a couple of autumn pieces to share with you. Crayon colouring and embroidery by me...Crabapple Hill Designs' Autumn Call.

From a thrift store...An old needlepoint piece- date says 1992, worked from a kit many years ago. This would make a great cushion. 

I've continued slow stitching the Autumn Quakers design...lots of acorns in this piece and all fun to stitch. That leaf is going to have to come out...I don't like how my threads worked with the called for. Come to think of it, I'm not fussy about that right petal? and how the yellows turned out either. Up very close like this, you can see the 28 ct. Cashel linen has a faint mottled effect which suits an Autumn design. 
I moved my outside plants back in and have them all comfy for the winter months. They are sitting in the very large dining area tall window. Speaking of plants, there is still bloom to be found outside. Like the Spirea which is so long lasting. Aren't these pinks pretty!
Last post, I mentioned feeling low. I actually went a little lower after writing about it but am now feeling a bit better. Hard to fit on a scale but have to say I'm getting through that foggy, mopey feeling. I appreciate all your suggestions of what I could do...all of them brilliant. They had a positive effect on me too as it is good to know others have felt similarly...and it is not selfish to feel sad when everything is going more or less well and you know you have it a lot better off than other folks have it. That last bit really applies to my thinking. No it is not my thyroid for those who helpfully suggested that which is something I would not have thought of. 
I have experienced a lot of loss (but no more than many, many folks have withstood) and my 3 am thinking sometimes takes me there to those moments. It seems to be a requirement of this brain of mine that I periodically review these old things plus add fresh worry for my family, often in the middle of the night...I sincerely wish all that would leave me alone.  

But as my doctor said, we wouldn't be human if horrible events, those personal and even those far away from us, didn't make us feel somber and even sad at times. So still wallowing a little here, big sigh. 

 Thank you all for writing to me, wishing me well, commiserating and offering so many wonderful suggestions too. 💗

Thursday 26 September 2024

Birthday Cake, Carolyn's Everglade, Feeling Low

 On the drive to our place there are lots of fields, farms and horse ranches. Many of the original zigzag cedar rail fences built by the pioneers have been maintained.  

I had my late August birthday too...73 trips around the sun now. Beth made me a wonderful chocolate with marshmallow frosting cake.
The butterflies were edible! Very special and on such an occasion good to take stock and feel so thankful for the folks in my life.

It is my habit to choose a theme for each year and this years' is music. I love music but I don't listen to it as often as I should. So I'm making a point to have music accompany my early morning rituals, my workouts, etc. I used to use music for those times and had gradually moved to listening to you tube videos. 

My new sewing area is taking shape. The furniture, two small tables, two narrow storage closets and a bedroom armoire, have been moved into the new space and I've begun filling them up. I'm trying to sort as I go and so far, I've filled a bag to go to donations as well. It is very satisfying to do such a clean sweep, as it were. It really is wonderful to go through every piece of fabric and dream about how it could be used. I'm still on the fabric fast begun last year and probably this will be permanent, not a diet. I have great fabrics on hand that definitely need to be worked into a project. 

With that in mind, I put aside a bundle of autumn fabrics...colour wise. I've had Carolyn Friedlander's Everglade Quilt pattern in my drawer for a few years. Seeing it again gave me the impetus to try it out. Here are the first four appliqued blocks. There are a few different options for arranging these unique shapes and I like all of them. An interesting design. 
On a personal note...I've shared before how I overthink things, usually at 3 am but something different is going on with me these last weeks. I'm finding it a bit of a struggle to maintain a good mood. I'm not having bad moods, just feel low if you know what I mean. ( While writing that the old Eno commercial jingle popped into my head; remember this....feeling low, take Eno.) For me right now, it's a general lack of interest in things even blogging that is not like me. I keep thinking I will snap out of it. I'm trying out all the usual antidotes especially exercise which always worked for me. Has this happened to you and what did you do??? I'd welcome any advice you are willing to share. 
Meanwhile, my hope for you is that you are enjoying every minute of every day!

Monday 16 September 2024

Thrifting, Gardening Hazard, Autumn Slow Stitching

The Japanese Anemones are making the late garden shine again this year. A reader told me mine are called "Splendens" and splendid they are! Their leaves are also a pretty shape and shade of green. And the bees love them too. 

This patch is the result of transplanting a couple of summers ago. They have spread!

The lovely American Goldfinches have also been plentiful lately. Lots of thistle around the property to meet their nesting needs. 
 I did get to go thrifting this summer and had great luck. I've always loved Charley Harpers' birds so this book just had to come home with me. 
I found this great summery Cobble Hill jigsaw and when I checked it out at home...they put an elastic band on them there... the pieces were still in their original bag, unopened. 
Here is something interesting, a needlepoint piece I saw but did not buy and now kind of wish I did.  The inside framing is folded yellow material. Clever and pretty. I've never seen that done before; have you? The frame was quite heavy and that alone probably worth the price. I wonder about who made this.
I looked for this version of  sunflowers but couldn't find the exact one. It reminds me of the older Dimensions kits. I'd thought the turquoise background would be a help but it turns out to be a favourite colour to set the bright flowers against. In my search I found many beautiful updated, more modern kind of renditions. I'll share a couple here. 

The Needlepointer offers this lovely Sunflowers Pumpkin pattern.

And KC Needlepoint had this very cute little angel wearing a skirt of sunflowers and again with that deep turquoise colour for contrast.

Remember my Autumn Quakers from Rosewood Manor?

 I'm adding a few more motifs to it. Such a large over all project but I'm still loving it. Each motif sewn gives a feeling of satisfaction. Acorns are fun to stitch especially in autumn shades. I love the variegated threads.

This was the worst season for mosquitoes we have ever experienced. The constant downpours of rain, interspersed with intense heat and humidity seemed to provide the perfect setting for them to thrive. I had lots of bites but nothing as bad as a late July encounter with a wasp or bee. During weeding in tall grass...actually tracing a plant to find its' root, something stung me through my pants and just above my knee. It really hurt, then grew red and hot.

This angle makes my leg look huge!
 I briefly thought of going to the pharmacy because here pharmacists can diagnose and prescribe for a variety of minor items. The next day tiny little blisters covered the area and it felt swollen and tight. I was debating what to do but I felt fine and sure enough, it all eventually cleared up. However, my skin is still a little discoloured in that area and I'm thinking these many weeks later, that it will remain that colour, a little reminder. 

Ah well, tiny in the scheme of things and a likely hazard that has not kept me out of the garden. Hope you are staying away from stinging critters, keeping busy and loving whatever you are doing these days. I know I am. 

Thursday 12 September 2024

Simple September Terrific Twos

 In twos...

The two of us went down to the pond early evening during the time some call the Blue Hour.  As we turned a corner of the skating shack, I saw clearly two fawns lying together in the tall grass at the far end of the pond. Luckily Ned was entranced with something on the ground and hadn't seen them. I watched for a minute, then pulled him back to quietly exit the scene. No photo, just the beautiful image still in my mind. 

My indoor Geraniums have put on quite a show outside this summer. The heavy rainfalls did not affect them. Such a hardy and colourful plant when in full bloom.

And my Madagascar Jasmine also flourished in the summer heat and rain. These flowers have a waxen feel and love rain.
It is basically a vine and sent out a shoot that wrapped around the neighbouring Black Eyed Susans.
Several times this summer, I've spotted two fox travelling together. At the first sighting one was notably larger but now they seem to be the same size. I think they are litter mates. Here is a photo from early June when they are "blowing their coats"( shedding the winter fur) so appear very scraggly. 

I've spent most of my stitching time with two projects since I last wrote to you. 

My progress on the cross stitch project, Tudor Bee, has been slow and interrupted by travel. It went with me but I didn't lay one single stitch while away. Here is how far I am with it...

I was so unsure of what colour to use for the solid alternating blocks in the 3 inch EPP Tiny 9 Patch Block challenge. I tried a blue then a green but they didn't really grab me. I was tempted to just go with white like the original antique quilt that was the inspiration for this project. But I also kept returning to look at the red which seemed to make the scappiness of the blocks shine. Btw, the red is not this orange/red as showing. It is what I call a true red.

So far, I am liking it and finding the red cheery to work with. I did a wash test with it and it is, importantly, colour fast. What do you think?

I am sad that two of my favourite blogging friends have decided to give up blogging.

 Jenny of Jenny of Elefantz has decided to say farewell for now after blogging for many, many years. I was a member of her stitching club for a year and have purchased several of her sweet designs. I loved all that she shared with us...her tidbits about their life including the struggles of living in northern Australia, her garden photos and the wonderful recipes she also so gladly shared with us. 

The wonderful Weaver of Grass, Pat in the Yorkshire Dales, has decided to stop blogging. She has cancer and is receiving end of life hospice care at home. She is 90 years old and I have been reading her words for almost two decades. Her wonderful musings and terrific advice, descriptions of food and flowers, love of her dogs and the monarchy, steady focus on the positive, her will to keep the body moving...all inspired and often prompted me to buck up and get on with it all myself. Her final is better to travel than arrive. 

My goal for August was to keep things light. I failed miserably at that having been downright emotional at times and letting my feelings seesaw so much my head felt tired of it all. That ever happen to you? You just feel tired of juggling all the thinking about all the things all the time. But I'm putting a stop to the moaning and groaning right there. Yes sireee, September will be super I'm determined and so far, so good. Do you feel like this statement too?

"September is the other January." -Gretchen Rubin 

 And there's stuff to be done here. I've decided to downsize my sewing room and move it back to the tiny room I had used originally when we moved to this house. I'm basically only in the sewing room when at the machine and I don't need much space for that. I've purchased a bunch of those under bed containers to sort fabric and projects and store them properly and hopefully, more efficiently.  

Thank you, friends, who reached out and sent kind words of encouragement during my little blogging break. Stitchers are wonderful people!

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Flowers in Bloom, New Stitching Start, News

There are loads of butterflies around this year. In particular, I love to spy a Comma flitting about. Because of how jagged the wing edges are, I think this is a male. Their spiritual meaning is unconditional love and faith. Wouldn't it be nice if we all had a healthy dose of both those things!

My indoor now outdoor Geraniums are blooming. They took a rest when I first moved them outside. 
I'm reading this book, North Woods by Daniel Mason, and enjoying it. Daniel is the author of the Piano Tuner, his first book published at the age of 26! Daniel is also a Stanford Psychiatry professor. This book shares the many tales of the inhabitants of a single house throughout the years. 
Here is my new cross stitch project, from The Blue Flower, The Tudor Bee, a design by Jeannine McGowan. I love the colours which are actually rosier than this photo is showing. The wonderful folks at Traditional Stitches kitted it up for me. They chose 28 count Zweigart Cashel Platinum linen and I'm enjoying the initial stitching which is two over two.
I always enlarge the pattern on the printer and it's my habit to begin in the top left corner.
So a little news! I'm going to take a blogging break and for very good reasons. Summer is my busy time with the gardens and outings. There are a ton of things to do around the property plus a few things that need my undivided attention. I'm also going on a special trip next week! I'll take photos to share with you later. Meanwhile, thank you for all the love and kindness, you, my blogging friends, share with me weekly. It never fails to lift me up. I hope your stitching fingers will be busy and your mind at peace. Take care all of you!