Friday, 3 January 2025

Presents-Old and New and Quilty Too

I had to give up my quilty table for a couple of days. It sported the thrifted vintage Santa table cloth and displayed my second hand store Petit Point dish set. Both big bargains and well loved by me

I received the annual Christmas planter from Tony's kind former inlaws. They specify it be a plant or two I can grow and it never fails to make me happy. More about the plants later. There is Ned snoozing away in the background.
My retired librarian sister always sends me a book and it is always completely appropriate. It is a treat to receive. Isn't that owl gorgeous!

Below...A present to myself. I clearly have a thing for anything vintage. I adore these pictures so just had to buy this jigsaw puzzle found at Value Village. I'm loving putting together the little scenes. I always listen to podcasts while doing this. 
*Someone asked isn't it frustrating if there are pieces missing. My answer is I've been very lucky so far...the most pieces missing from one was 3 and I had Petey here at the time- a piece or two may have flown off with two big dogs running about. One had one piece missing but most still have all the pieces which is surprising. Often the bag hasn't been opened or if opened, you can tell the puzzle has never been put together...the pieces have that brand new stiff feel. Jigsaws seem like a good gift but maybe not for everyone which is why there is always a good selection at thrift stores. This one definitely has been put together before; if I had to guess, many times. 
 And now to my quilty Christmas Presents project- my blocks are finished and I've started to add white sashings. Here they are on my design wall in the back hall while I consider final placement. I just realized counting them, I think I have four more in the sewing room somewhere...maybe. 
The fabrics are pretty...I wish you could see them close up.

Now that most of the Christmas treats have been eaten...
I've watched a number of Instagram videos with folks using those Pillsbury frozen biscuits in the most creative ways. I think I'll buy a tube of the Grands and make them as a treat for Tony. He loves Cinnamon Rolls and we haven't had them for a very long time. Have you tried them?

And here he is relaxing by the fire on this the second day of the new year.  

2025 has a nice ring to it, doesn't it. We wish you all the happiest of New Years! And a huge thank you to you who stayed with me throughout my ups and downs of last year. Your words meant the world to me.