Three hand pieced projects on the go right now, the Book Club Hand Pieced QAL, the Grandmother's Flower Garden and Basket Case. I took this photo this morning with a weather statement in progress about heavy rainfall so rather dull. Colours are much brighter than seen here.
I'd like to complete the Book Club Hand Pieced QAL blocks this month. I'll set that as my OMG for May at Elm Street Quilts. At first, I wasn't sure about my colour choices as they are outside my comfort zone but I'm glad I did that for a change. It accomplished reconfirmed for me that while my likes are somewhat eclectic, I need to work with fabrics that bring me happiness. Not ones chosen because they may be considered cool or artsy. We all should choose the fabrics and colours that, as so many of you put it, make our hearts sing. I think we all know by just looking at them which ones accomplish that.
Melva has released another block for the Pieces of the Past SAL, a Kansas City Star, that is just wonderful. You can find the pattern and information in this post.
Hubby took apart my camera to see if he could fix it. He's been working on it off and on all winter and watching various videos to guide him. But still no luck. I've been looking for another new one. For bird photos especially, I really need a better camera than my sturdy little carry along which is great for close ups. Doing the research for a new camera has been fun and a learning experience. I've done it before but need reminding of the details.
Here is my May redwork block from A Patchwork Year called Bees 'n Blooms by Kathy Schmitz. Hand pieced as well and I can tell how much my piecing has improved when looking at the wobbles in this. But note the little bee!
And the little poem by E. Parker Kathy included with the pattern says
Oh! In my garden every day,
It should be always playtime,
And every bird should have a nest
And all the world be Maytime.
Yes to all the world being Maytime!
Grandson with his sunny smile feeding their chickens. Don't worry; the chickens have a much larger enclosure to roam in surrounding this little house. And return to live with the farmer for the winter.

We have a solitary dandelion flower in bloom. Everything else is just popping through the soil so this was quite a surprise to see in the middle of the side lawn. Such hardy little blooms and the first food for all the bees.
A bit more brightness on this rather gloomy day.
Hope it is anything but gloomy weather wherever you are in this big world of ours.
Linking this post with Not Afraid of Color, Floral Friday Foto, Wendy's Quilts and More, Quilting is More Fun Than Housework, Madd Quilter and Alycia Quilts.