Thursday 21 January 2021

Fitbit Facts, Quilt Finish, Hawk Run Cross Stitching, Red Comet

One of my Christmas gifts was a fitbit. I was especially curious about my sleeping patterns which this records nightly.  You may remember me complaining about insomnia and the general feeling I have that I don't sleep well.  

I've discovered with Ms Fitbit that my amount of sleep averages 7 hours most nights, an occasional night it is 8 and also occasionally it is as few as 6.  So it seems, overall, I'm doing okay in the sleep department but it could be improved. The fitbit clocks the restful sleep too and that is what I've mentioned here. That was a little surprising; I thought the numbers would be less.

 I'm most surprised by only one thing- the number of steps I take before sitting down after getting up in the morning.  I do have a number of chores like take Murphy down to the basement to feed her and also while there, pick up wood out the back door. I usually make this trek twice to get wood.  Anyway, whatever it is I'm doing, opening drapes in various rooms, filling the coffee pot, etc. , I'm averaging 1200 steps before sitting down with my cup of decaf. That seems like a lot.

 I'm also pleased with how far our daily walks take us, averaging 4 - 5 km a day. So it has been fun and interesting too to wear this gadget.  I will challenge myself now to keep improving on the numbers with my overall goal in mind, that still is to face age 70 as fit as I can muster.  

I'm happy to have this quilting project now a flimsie. This was the tiny triangles made into diamonds that was my scrappy RSC (loosely) project.  I'm pleased with how colourful it looks in this photo a little breeze catching it.

And here the wind obliging; it will be a good single sized quilt.

I'm enjoying reconnecting with my love of cross stitching.  Between morning with the best light of the day and the help of my OttLite floorlamp, I'm not straining my eyes- yet. It is calming and a great way to listen to podcasts, etc.  I really hope I can keep it up.  Here stitching the March block of A Year at Hawk Run Hollow,  which features a lion and a lamb. 
Someone asked...I copy the pattern and use the copy as I stitch. I use a highlighter to colour what I've stitched to help me stay on track. I never mark on a pattern; I guess a throwback to not marking pages in a book when I was a child, something my parents would have taught me. 

I almost wrote that I was late in getting my Hawk Run piece stitched (since it was started last year). Then I thought how silly- there is no such thing as being behind on your own stitching that you are doing for yourself only. The work world with deadlines that must be met, etc. seem to embed in some of us, especially me, the notion that a project is behind when really that structure doesn't apply anymore.  The pleasure is in the journey and that lovely feeling of passing the time in enjoyable stitching is its own reward.  I believe it but have to remind myself too. 

I've been listening to this audio book, Red Comet: The Short Life and Blazing Art of Sylvia Plath by Heather Clark. I've been in the queue for a long time to get this one. There has not been new information about Sylvia in many years, but this writer has scrounged up a few more tidbits and offered several fresh views that I found most interesting. 
So here we are in our wooden house, the three of us and glad of it too. Sticking to our own turf. Definitely saving on gas. And Murphy is here with us on her journey in this world too. I hope it is enjoyable for her- I think it is.

 This look is put your needle down, we have walks to take.

I hope your week has been a good one and the weekend even better.

So happy to link with Not Afraid of ColorQuilt FabricationKathy's QuiltsQuilting is More Fun Than Housework and My Quilt Infatuation.



LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I've worn a Fitbit for about 6 years now and love the personal challenge of how many steps I can get in a day! So glad you have that sleep component in yours and it is giving you good information, too. Jocelyn, I love your quilt top with those great flag blocks all sewn together! Simple patchwork can make the best designs!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have the fitbit too and I am lazy in the morning! I don't always wear mine at night but when I do I have found that I am even more restless than I had thought I was - I have always had trouble sleeping and it shows me being restless a lot and sometimes only 6 hours of sleep a night. Which model do you have - I need to get a new one as mine I have had for a long time and it is not holding a charge very well anymore
Your quilt looks great!

Nancy J said...

Staying home, being content within your own walls, for some that is easy, for others almost impossible as they crave to travel or venture further than is safe. Your quilt held high, with snow on the deck and the rails, a bright patch of colour, looks lovely there. I don't do cross stitch but was given a wool felt kit, with a hen and her chick, so am slowly doing the buttonhole stitching around each piece. Very soothing and relaxing.

Jenny said...

Haven't those little triangle blocks stitched up nicely! I started making some too after seeing your little blocks.
Love the look on Murphys face. Yes, she is thinking, my turn now!

Susan said...

That's a lovely RSC quilt. I like how you interpreted the requirements!

MissPat said...

It's nice to be content with staying in and keeping cozy. Also nice to not be constrained by deadlines, but sometimes that means I just put things off, so deadlines can be useful as long as they are self-imposed. Enjoy your quiet days and look forward to the coming of spring and gardening season.

Brian's Home Blog said...

It's amazing what you can learn from tech toys these days. Your quilt sure is pretty and that Murphy has the sweetest face!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Take care that you don't become a slave to fitbit. It seems to take over some people's lives and everything is measured in terms of the fitbit.

Marion Shaw said...

I love the look on your dog's face. It says it all. "Pay attention to me, please!"

Enjoying your blog so much. I think I have to get my cross stitch out too.


Libby in TN said...

I had a Fitbit for a couple of years before the wristband broke. I used to joke that I wore it to see how INACTIVE I was. I did find the night sleep record very helpful, however. The only times I hit 10,000 steps was at quilt retreats where I got up frequently to go to the cutting table and had to walk to another building for meals! My phone now tracks some of my steps -- if I remember to keep it in my pocket ...

Murphy has beautiful eyes.

Barbara said...

I don't trust the Fitbit sleep info. The first night I wore one I couldn't get to sleep, tossed and turned, threw the blanket off and on. Fitbit said I had 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Yeah, no.

Now I don't wear it at night and I rarely nap but it always says I average a couple hours a day of sleep. I don't think so.

Michele McLaughlin said...

LOL! I know that look Murphy gives you! I've been wondering about fitbits but just haven't gotten around to it. I'm glad you are nesting at home safely. Your cross stitch looks wonderful! Have a safe and happy day!

Linda said...

Your diamond quilt is wonderful! Will it reside in your house? I had to laugh about feeling behind in your own sewing; I feel that quite often and even tell my husband I "can't" get groceries on a certain day because I have to finish something - lol! I know it extends from my old work ethic, something that made me a good hire back in the day. It's hard to break old habits; I still get pleasure from checking things off my lists.
Congratulations on your gift of Fitbit! You are getting some good miles in each day. I stopped wearing mine at some point while we were packing to move, so I need to dig it out and let it remind me to stop sitting so much.
Love the glimpses of Murphy, reminds me of our sweet Buddy that we miss so much.

Nana said...

How lovely your top is, I really like it alot.

A fitbit counts when you move your arm. So whenever you wave to someone, you make "steps". That´s why alot of people wear the fitbit at the ancle.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

Yes, we're definitely saving on gas as well. I don't think we've filled the car any more than three or four times since March. Your quilt looks wonderful - a lovely spot of colour that's so welcome this time of year.

QuiltGranma said...

How long till you are the 7-0? I will be three score and ten this coming Monday. Not walking as much as you, I'm scheduled for total hip replacement in March, and as soon as I can after that I will schedule a new knee on the same side. So glad you are getting your exercise in! Hoping that I will be too, soon! said...

I don't have a fit bit, but my phone kind of tracks my steps. As long as I keep it with me. I don't think I do that many steps when I get up in the morning until I sit down to eat breakfast and have my coffee, though. I make up for it at work. Your quilt turned out lovely. Love your cross stitch too. Sometimes slow stitching is soothing to the soul. I liked your thoughts on being late. I have that problem at work, I always feel like I don't get enough done during the day, even though I hardly ever stop moving. OMG Murphy's face, how can you not just love on that sweetie.

PaintedThread said...

Wow - you have active mornings! Your scrappy quilt is so pretty! This will look great when it's quilted. I've seen lots of beautiful cross stitching this week. Yours is coming along nicely!

Jackie said...

Your quilt is beautiful. Love the colours.

Wow that is a great many steps. My garmin watch says I get about 300 steps before sitting to have my coffee.

God bless.

andy's colours said...

I love the colours on your quilte - quite eye catching. An so is Murphy's look. Can just imagine her tail tentatively starting to wag at your attention. You're quite right with your thoughts on being stuck in the working world's time schedule. May also have to do with people having to work continuously in earlier time and thus the opinion spreading that if you're not working bodily or getting things done like housework, you're definitely lazy. My grandfather used to tell his children that reading is a sign of laziness. In his later days he did adapt his opinion, but it shows how centered many people used to be (and some still are) on being a support to society. Art and culture being reserved for those "good-for-nothings" that had no need to work for their living. Thank goodness times have changed. You are definitely not one tiny bit idle but even if you were - you certainly have a right to it!

LA Paylor said...

Oh my word, Murphy is BEAUTIFUL!
She is soft faced like my black labradaughter Chelsea was. I still pine for her and will see her again in Heaven.
All the info on your fitbit is worth the cost of admission!!! It's so interesting to me that we have perceptions of our own body, then when you find out the facts it can be so different. Good for you to be so active by the way.

Sherrie said...

Hi Jocelyn,
Beautiful little all those bright colors. Your cross stitch is pretty. Haven't done cross stitch for years. I enjoy embroidery better. I totally understand Murphy's look, our dog, Bob, does the same thing when he wants to go outside. Have a great day!

Karrin Hurd said...

I love the quilt in your header. Your RSC is lovely. I had to take my Fitbit off at night and I found I slept better, but I don't sleep good any night with frequent awakening and having trouble going back to sleep. Murphy is adorable!

Deb A said...

The fitbit has a lot of fun features on it. I like the solo challenges - they have some beautiful places featured. I find I am lazy in the morning when I get up...unless I go right out for a walk which I have not done in months. Your quilt came out beautifully. Love the cross stitch... I see more people doing cross stitch is making me want to pull out mine and see where I am on it. Have a great evening.

The Joyful Quilter said...

What a cheerful quilt that is going to be! Congrats on getting the top assembled.

Rose Marie said...

Love your RSC top! What a great way to use up scraps.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Well, let's see. I have an Apple Watch that I use when I do my morning 1.5 mile walk. Sometimes it does not close the circle (indicating I have done my 30 minutes and 1.5 miles). I can re-calibrate it and then it tracks all. It monitors my standing, walking, and moving. They updated it this year where I can see how my sleep is going, but not using it. I know that I have a sleep pattern like yours, 7.5 hours, 7 hours, or 6. I try to eat lite at night and find that I sleep better.

Your quilt is so pretty and love the colors - you did a great job! Cross Stitch project is really coming along great!

You are so correct on "I am late in finishing..." I have found that doing the To Do Tuesday with Roseanne helps to keep me motivated, but I do not beat myself to death if I do not get all done each week. This year I have a list of UFOs and I pick from them each day - depending on my mood. I do better with some daily goals - and just working on enjoying what I am doing at the time!

Hugs and keep on with the tracking. I average from 8500 to 10,000 steps per day! I also use an app Called Pedometer and it tracks all my steps! The walking will get you to the 70's very healthy. I am 76 and do my 1.5 miles in 30 or 31 minutes each day!

Angie said...

Jocelyn - I laughed when I read your comments about deadlines. I set my alarm the other day, turned it off and went back to sleep for 45 minutes. When I woke up, I though - oh no, I am 45 minutes behind. I shared this with my husband and he asked "How can you be behind when you are retired?" I love the idea of copying a pattern before marking on it - why didn't I ever think of that? Murphy is adorable - just look at those eyes! Enjoy the rest of your week.

Jayne said...

I love this quilt and made a similar one not too long ago! Your version uses so many different neutrals for the background which I love and it's a good way to use up random scraps!