Sunday 28 March 2021

This One's For Murphy

 I am now able to write about what happened to us in the wee hours of Wednesday, March 24.

Murphy woke me to put her out twice. The second time she didn't return to her bed in the bedroom and I heard her vomiting. When I went out she had vomited a large amount of blood. Alarming but she was quiet and calm and showed no signs of distress. I woke Hubby and we got ourselves ready to take her to the vets when they opened. They found she had an inoperable tumour that threatened her health and life so she had to be put down. No choice, the vet said. Despite the covid restrictions, they allowed us to be with her which was the only good thing about that experience. And the vet's compassion...Dr. Sue Martin at North Lanark Veterinary Services; she has been Hubby's vet for decades and this is the third time the two of us have gone through this with her. 

Murphy would have been 11 in June and we honestly thought she had more years to live so this is a shock to us. It is the first time in his life that Hubby is without a dog or cat in the house. I would have to say he is feeling bereft. 

For myself, I'm an old hand at dealing with loss. So while I feel unhappy right now, I know I will feel better later on. 

Tuesday, March 23, Afternoon Walk...I was looking for ducks on the marsh so had my camera with me.

So glad I let her do this.  Labradors love water.

Yes, she lay down!

Writing this has helped me a little. Take care all of you; this is not over yet and Happy Stitching!


Michele McLaughlin said...

I thought it might be Murphy. I am so sorry Jocelyn. I am so very sorry for you and Hubby. Kudos to the vet that let you be there. You have been on my mind so much and I will continue to keep you all in my prayers. Hugs.

Shelina said...

I am so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful dog. She looks like she had a good life.

Juliana said...

I am fairly new to following your blog, so I didn't know Murphy, but I know well the love and joy that our pets share with us. I'm so sorry for your and your husband's loss. How wonderful that one of Murphy's last walks included his being in the water! And I'm so glad that you took these last photos!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are so very sorry to hear about dear Murphy, we always enjoyed seeing her happy face on your blog. Hugs from all of us.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

my daughter had 2 black labs and both had to be put down around 10 years of age they were so sad. They have a different breed of dog now and hope this one will be healthy - but then the others were also and then all of a sudden not.

loraine everard said...

So sorry for your loss, such a painful part of owning a dog. X

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Murphy. Having been through the loss of a dog myself, I understand how heartbreaking it can be.


Libby in TN said...

So sorry to hear this. She was such a faithful companion.

O'Quilts said...

Grief is also familiar to me, unfortunately. I am sorry for your loss. No matter what, it is still hard. We also have a black lab, Zoe. She is 12 and a half and totally deaf. She is starting to be confused. When she goes, the hole in our family will be huge. Sending a big hug to you xo

Nancy said...

Oh, Jocelyn, I'm so very sorry to hear about Murphy. It's always a miserable time when we have to let a beloved pet go but I think maybe the worst is when it happens without warning, without much of a chance to enjoy a few last weeks or days. Murphy sure had a good home with you and your husband. My sympathy to both of you.

doe853 said...

I am so sorry about Murphy. We went through this in September with our heart dog Hachi. He was only 8; should have had lots more years with him, as you with Murphy. It is so heartbreaking, yet we adopted another dog in November. We put ourselves through hell to have that company and love in the house, don’t we? Hugs to you and your husband.

Dale, Vermont said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I don't know what I would do if I lost my little dog. Keeping you and hubby in my thoughts and prayers.

PaintedThread said...

Oh - what an unhappy event. I loved stories and photos of Murphy. I am very sorry for your loss. How good, though, that you were able to be with her at the end. She was a lucky dog to have you.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm so sorry Jocelyn - there are no words other than that.

Out To Pasture said...

So sorry to hear of Murphy's death, Jocelyn. She will leave a big hole in your hearts but it sounds like she had a long and happy life with the best of care and affection. No regrets and a life to celebrate. Warmest hugs, Florence.

Ray and Jeanne said...

Losing a pet is so hard. Sending hugs. ~Jeanne

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Oh, Jocelyn, I am so sorry. I've always enjoyed the bits you include about the dogs in your posts. So glad you had your camera with you just the other day. Sending love and hugs to you and hubby both.

Anonymous said...

My heart breaks for you. The Labrador in the house is a quiet, loving, clever & amusing presence. And Murphy truly has been a joy to your blog readers! You’ll be seeing Murphy’s shadow out of the corner of your eye for ages. (I’ve experienced this twice.) What a WONDERFUL last day for Murphy. The water pictures are precious and should bring you bittersweet joy. My deepest sympathy to you & your husband.

Jenn Jilks said...

I am so sorry for your loss. You are right, it's not easy, but you will get through it. What a wonderful life to celebrate.

Jenny said...

Oh Jocelyn, I'm so sorry for you both, such a loss. And it doesn't seem that long ago since you lost the handsome boy as well. This will certainly leave a big hole in your lives.sending you love and hugs from across the sea.

CathieJ said...

Oh Jocelynn, I am so very, very sorry for your loss. Hugs.

Karen said...

So sorry about the loss of your Murphy. Our border collie had a stomach tumour as well. The symptoms came on suddenly too. It was such a shock. We sure love our dogs and miss then terribly when they are gone.

Terri said...

SO sorry for your loss!

Nancy J said...

Oh Jocelyn ,the grief is overwhelming, and the sudden decision for you both, no choice but it is never easy. I am so glad that even with Covid 19 hovering all round, you could both be there. Murphy, maybe you knew that day, and chose to be there for one last dip. Hugs to you all.XXX

Rosa said...

I’m so sorry for your loss. Pets love us unconditionally and it’s so hard to let them go.

Lynn said...

Having an animal in the family is a precious thing, both heartbreaking and enriching. I feel for you with the loss. My current shadow (Jacck Russel cross) about 11, hope she has a few years too.

Pam Dempsey said...

Oh, I am so,so sorry. It's been 5 months since we had to put our 16 year old cat to forever sleep, I can easily tear up still. I am glad there was fun water time too. Take care.

Linda said...

Oh Jocelyn, I'm so sorry for you and your husband for the loss of your beloved Murphy. I pray your husband draws some comfort from the good memories of that sweet girl. Our Buddy was 15 when he died in January, but his last few months he was not thriving. I'm glad Murphy was still enjoying her life!

Jackie said...

So very sorry for the loss of your fur baby. Our pets make a place in our hearts and when they leave us there is a big empty space.

God bless.

MissPat said...

Rest in peace, Murphy. Our pets bring so much joy to our lives. May you both remember all the good years you spent with both your dogs. Maybe one of those new puppies will be in your future now.

piecefulwendy said...

Oh Jocelyn, I'm so incredibly sorry for the two of you and the loss of Murphy, especially so unexpectedly. Our family pets weave their way into our hearts and leave a big hole when they are gone. I'm glad you were able to capture those photos of Murphy. Do take care.

sandi s said...

I am so sorry for your loss! Hugs,

Snickelfritz said...

I am so sorry for your loss of your wonderful dog, Murphy. Have loved reading about her. I've felt that loss so many times and it's never easy. Our old Lab went quickly and suddenly, too about a year ago. Now we have three dogs.

MargaretP said...

So sorry to hear Murphy is gone, you were indeed lucky to be with her at the end,looks like her last days were happy and fun instead of suffering and pain, which is a comfort for you both.

Cathy said...

You have lost a beloved family member who will be missed. Hugs.

Nancy A. Bekofske said...

I am so sorry for your loss.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I am so sorry about Murphy! Attachment to a person or an animal and then loss is devastating. Maybe Hubby and you can get one of those cute Lab puppies - That will cheer you up - and keep you so nice and busy! Take care I am sure the quietness without Murphy is difficult. Hugs

Nana said...

I feel how you feel right now and it wont help, when I tell you, that each day I´m afraid of the day Imo will go. It is so sad when animals die, it´s like a pal has left forever.

I will fold a crane for you, that sorrow might leave quickly and the gap will be filled with warmth, love and good memories.


andy's colours said...

Dear Jocelyn,
When one's pet gets to a certain age, we are fretfully aware of a departure lurking somewhere ahead and think we are thus prepared, but when the time comes, it is never so. I feel for you. And although Murphy cannot be "replaced", maybe there is a reason that there now are new puppies waiting for a loving family. There is not one pet - ranging from guinea pigs, chickens, lambs, dogs, cats and horses - that I could ever forget. But strangely enough its the smallest, the guinea pigs, that I miss most, because these became unusually attached to us and acknowledged our nursing when they were ill. I am glad Murphy didn't seem to have had great pains and hope your husband will not ponder too much upon the loss. All best wishes from Germany.

Carol in Texas said...

Labs are just the Best! We had a lovely yellow lab when our boys were growing up. We lost her at the age of 8.....stomach torsion which we knew nothing about. Our older son and his wife now have two yellow labs and they love them and they come when they visit. Our younger son had not had a dog since both work, but their 4 boys have wanted one and I think they will get one soon. We are a cat house! In the country you can have lots of outdoor cats and a few that come in and out. The lab visits play havoc, but those dogs are too special to worry. I hope you will soon have a new pet to love. Life without animals is simpler but not nearly as wonderful!

gladiquilts said...

So sorry Jocelyn for your loss. Unfortunately, loss is a part of life and, fortunately, your attitude is good and coping with that hole in your heart will be doable and “time” will help. Take care!

Sherrie said...

Hi Jocelyn,
So sorry to hear about Murphy. I lost my dog a few years ago. People without dogs in their lives don't understand the grief you feel when a beloved pet passes. It's like losing part of your will get better. Just hang in there!

Karrin Hurd said...

So sorry for your loss .

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Jocelyn,
I am so very sorry to hear about Murphy. I know it is of little comfort, but knowing that she had no suffering has to make your heart a bit lighter. {{Hugs}} to both of you. I just love seeing her enjoying the water. Sweet girl. ~smile~ Roseanne

grammajudyb said...

I’m so sorry, Jocelyn! I’m sure your hubby is bereft! Mine was too early in 2020. We have been without a pet since then. It will get better for sure, but my it’s hard to lose them! Isn’t it great that you got pictures of her on Tuesday? Fun photos too!

Angie said...

Oh, Jocelyn, I feel your pain. When we lost our last cat, Maggie, I was forlorn for months. Occasionally, I still hear her clacking across the wood floor. I hope your hubby (and you) can find some peace as time goes on. RIP, Murphy.

Stewart M said...

Pets are such a joy - and such a lose when they go.

Our cats have certainly helped keep us (somewhat) sane during lockdown.

Sorry for rather long silence, things have been a bit crazy here.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Kim said...

I am rather late at reading this. I am so sorry, Jocelyn, for the loss of your beautiful Murphy. She was such a sweet girl. May you find comfort in the gorgeous memories of her.

The Cozy Quilter said...

I’m so sorry to hear about Murphy. Our pets love us unconditionally and are so missed when they pass away. Sending a hug to you.

Marja Rijnsburger said...

So sorry to hear this. A dog is such a beloved family member.
Cherish the memories.

Jocelyn said...

Oh Jocelyn, I am just now catching up on blog reading and I am sorry to hear about your loss. Murphy was certainly a beautiful dog. Take care and stay well.

K Reeves said...

Jocelyn, I am behind reading blogs, and just found this about Murphy. Oh! Murphy had a wonderful life with you two, but I know it hurts. Our Max is going to be 14 May 1, and we are steeling ourselves for the day we lose him. What a hard thing when it happens suddenly. Take care dear!

Katherine said...

So sorry to hear of Murphy’s death. Our Bella is going to have surgery on Wednesday, and we are praying for good news after it is over.

Katherine said...

So sorry to hear of Murphy’s death. Our Bella is going to have surgery on Wednesday, and we are praying for good news after it is over.

Katherine said...

So sorry to hear of Murphy’s death. Our Bella is going to have surgery on Wednesday, and we are praying for good news after it is over.