Thursday, 13 May 2021

Welcome Neddy, Vintage Tumbling Blocks Quilt, Bird Watching

Our spring started with a bang warm enough to wear shorts for the shorts wearing crowd. Then it fizzled into these late weeks of weak almost nonexistent sun, low temperatures and chill bearing winds. It is just weather, though sad for us that it doesn't help to brighten our gloomy news on that other front. It seems our strict lockdown might have to continue into June. 

One morning the mallard on the pond was feeling the cold and kept tucking his neck in. From my great distance, I couldn't tell exactly what this was.

Another morning the mallards, male and a female, were taking a leisurely swim very much in sync. Interesting how different in colour even their beaks are. 

 I've been cutting into some of my Morris fabric instead of just taking it out from time to time to pet, LOL. Making a scrappy Tumbling Baby Blocks quilt has been on my bucket list for ages. So here I go.  The first few blocks. Since red is May's colour at So Scrappy, I figured I would stitch a few in reds.

I'm using EPP method and putting my cardboard collection to good use. A word about the cardboard...someone mentioned isn't it too thick to use for this. I'm using the kind of cardboard used in flyers and packaged material as well as old greeting cards, cardstock I guess you could call it. It is flimsy and just right for this EPP purpose.

  I also bought the diamond pattern from an Etsy shop that offered a PDF download.  Now I just need to make like a thousand of these and I should be good to go. 😀 I'm actually very happy about this, another in my lap project.

I  really enjoyed this YouTube video from Beth at The Sewing Room. How to make baskets using improv and scraps. I was intrigued as no applique was involved and the results are so pretty. Beth hosts a popular linky party at her blog Love Laugh Quilt as well.

Also happy news. We did adopt one of Abbey's Labrador Retriever puppies shown below. They are all adorable and received an outstanding report and glowing bill of health from the vet.

 Hubby narrowed it down to a chocolate one, a male we have named Ned/Neddy.  He is very affectionate and lovable.

  Ned is very tired these days with the training of these old folks he has undertaken.  Getting them to answer to his every cry and whim was easy but having them understand exactly what he wants is very tiring.  He loves that he has encouraged more exercise for them...three walks a day up from two and not nearly the sitting around they used to do.  

Here is Ned investigating what I was aiming at - a bunch of daffodils which have finally opened.

And then of course, the obligatory puppy taste test. Don't worry, we are trying our best to screen everything that goes in his mouth.

We have had him 11 days now and he and us are doing well. I've not been in the sewing room which is off limits to him at this stage of his life. That's why it's so good for me to have hand stitching projects too and if only the weather would oblige, veranda stitching to enjoy with him.  I'm so looking forward to some warmth.

Hope there is something new and interesting in your life too. 

You can check out what other bloggers have been doing this week at Not Afraid of ColorBrian's Home BlogAlycia QuiltsViewing Nature With EileenQuilting is More Fun Than HouseworkMy Corner of the WorldKathy's Quilts and  Paying Ready Attention



LA Paylor said...

squeeeee!!!!! no thing on earth cuter than a wee lab puppy! Welcome to the group Ned, we must see lots of pics as you grow up. You have wonderful pawrents so be a good boy and try not to bite them even while playing.
(I'm just the tiny bit envious as a new puppy takes up all your attention and makes you laugh all day when you're not cleaning up pee)

congrats to you both. We never ever forget the love we share with them or how special they are/were. And love never runs out, there is always enough to welcome in a new pup to the family

LA Paylor said...

Oh and I am doing tumbling blocks too, but since I bridged a year I have enough to now put together into a quilt!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those ducks are cute but my goodness, Neddy is totally adorable. Welcome home sweet pup. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that puppy is gorgeous I love that chocolate brown color - looks like he will grow up to be a wonderful big dog. I hope he will be well behaved in the house for you.
Love the Wm Morris fabric that will be a pretty quilt - what size are the blocks when finished they look small.

Sherrie said...

Hi Jocelyn,
It always amazes me..the difference in coloring of male and female creatures. I like your your Tumbling pretty. I'll have to check out your video...looks interesting. Glad to hear you got your puppy..he's adorable. Have a great day!

Deb A said...

Neddy is adorable! I'll bet he is tuckered out training his new parents. Love your tumbling blocks - those are on my someday list as well.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Oh my goodness - such puppy cuteness!!!! Please give Neddy special skrtiches from me. I'm sure he will have you trained in no time.
(a wee hint re the EPP that I discovered...and you probably already know!...use a paper punch to make a hole in the center of the cardboard pieces. That makes it SO much easier to pop them out once they're sewn together)

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Oh, Neddy is wonderful, Jocelyn - I just want to reach right through my screen and pet his soft fur! I'm glad you're enjoying him. I really love your photo of the mallard pair, too. Aren't they beautiful? I don't think I've ever noticed their different beaks before.

Nana said...

Awwww, how lovely he is!!!!!! It is nice to know that your animallove will again have a receiver and he will be a happy and very much loved big and adult dog one day.


Timmy Tomcat said...

Fun seeing the Ducks and what a nice little puppy too

Jenny said...

Such a cute little chocolate Neddy, he is gorgeous. Guess he's got a hard job ahead training those oldies to just the way he wants them! I'll love seeing pics of him slowly growing up and the fun times you both have with him.

Ruth Hiebert said...

A cute new puppy like that should keep you entertained even through a lockdown.

piecefulwendy said...

Oh, Neddy is adorable! Little puppies are so fun, and lab pups are so darn cute!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Jocelyn! The two Mallard ducks are quite different. I suppose the male has the pretty green coloring on his neck? Unfair! Love, love, LOVE your tumbling blocks. If you need 1,000 you only have 985 to go. HAHA! Very interesting video showing how to make a basket without applique! Oh, I knew you would end up with a pup. That makes my heart so happy for both of you - well, actually all three of you. Neddy is adorbs. I look forward to hearing all about the exploits of young Neddy! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

PaintedThread said...

Those mallards are a handsome couple. I like your blocks. Neddy is a cutie. I love the photo of him biting the flowers.

grammajudyb said...

Ned is just so handsome. He’ll be a good addition to your family! A great photo of the Duck couple!

Michele McLaughlin said...

Congratulations on adopting Neddy! He is one lucky dog to have you and your husband as his new family!! He is absolutely adorable!!! I am so happy for you!! The red EPP blocks look grand. I need to start cutting into my 30s reproduction stash but I keep convincing myself I haven't found the right project.

Have a wonderful week!!

Out To Pasture said...

Congrats on the new family member, Jocelyn! It will be great fun to watch him discover new things and figure out how things work. Your blocks capture the 3-D look beautifully.

Linda said...

Ned is adorable! Oh I'm so happy for you! He is so beautiful and looks so sweet. I remember what a handle a puppy is. Our Buddy was a puppy in 2006, and now that he is gone we think often of getting another.

Scrapatches said...

Neddy is adorable! I am sure a puppy is very time consuming, but time very well spent. I enjoyed the improv basket video tutorial. Your tumbling blocks look lovely. I have only made the "easy sew" machine version of these. I love the look of the traditional blocks. Thanks for sharing. May you have a happy weekend ... :) Pat

Andee Neff said...

Ned is adorable! Lots of energy!

Sandee said...

The new puppy is adorable. I know he's bring you much joy.

I hope you had a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♄

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Jocelyn

Your new pup Ned is just adorable. I love the labradors, they are great family dogs. Ned will keep you busy with walks and puppy training. Great shot of the Mallard couple, the male is a beauty! The baby tumbling block are so cute. The photos of Ned are my favorite. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I am so happy that you have Ned now!!! I love Labs. Especially the Chocolate color! What a joy. I keep thinking we need a puppy, but my choice would be a lab and hubby is not on the same page, so no doggie. Besides, I guess I would be the trainer - Love your blocks! Too want to make a 3D quilt like that. -- again someday! Hugs

Yvonne said...

O my.....I instantly fell in love. Too bad I live an ocean away otherwise I would ask you if you needed a puppy-sitter.......

Anu said...

Lovely dogs.

Kim said...

Not one, not two, but three buckets of adorable Labrador adorable! Your Ned is beyond cute! I did smile at the thought that he is training you. How fabulous to have a puppy in your days to keep you young. I love to pet fabric, too. =) Your Tumbling Baby Blocks quilt is pretty.

dq said...

Awe, sweet sweet puppy! I love labs!

Miaismine said...

Ducks, puppies, an EPP project with the link for the pattern?! I'm in heaven! Thank you for sharing!

Bonnie said...

I was so taken with your duck photos, and then your wonderful tumbling blocks. But, whoa! Hold the phone... 3 pailfuls of cuteness? OMG those puppies look so adorable. Were they all one liter? Or are you teasing us with the general cuteness of puppies. Ned is going to be a great companion for you. (Once he gets acclimated and possibly after he progresses out of the puppy stage.) You need to start doing little videos of him romping around and posting them on your blog. Does he fit in the palm of your hand now? I can remember my sons lab mix as a puppy. She was so tiny. Have a lot of fun with the new member of the family.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your tumbling blocks are looking awesome and Neddy is darling. Happy quilting.

Annelein said...

Your tumbling blocks are so cute and the fabric so sweet...

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh Neddy just totally stole the show on this blog post!!! what a cutie pie!! and that he is training you... I so love that!!! Enjoy !!!

MissPat said...

I just knew you and hubby would succumb to the charms of a new puppy. Neddy will help you get through the lockdown extension. You'll be too busy being trained to go anywhere. Did you see LeeAnna's tumbling blocks project. I've got an old one somewhere that probably is less enchanting at this point. I also did a baby quilt one by machine with big blocks in bright primary colors. Bet you're glad to get outside now that the temperatures are climbing. Much more pleasant for dog walks.

betty-NZ said...

Your duck couple reminded me of the dozens of baby wild ducklings that 'grew up' in a fish pond we had lounging around with Mom and Dad. They would learn to knock on the window with their bills when hungry!

That doesn't compare to a hugable new pup, though. Ned is just too cute for words!

I can't wait to see the finished quilt.:)

Thanks for being part of 'My Corner of the World' this week!

Carol in Texas said...

Oh my goodness! The mama Lab had three of each color! What a delight! What color is Abbey? What color is the dad? Labs are the most wonderful dogs. Our older son has two yellow lLabs and we had a yellow Lab when our two sons were growing up. We have since become strictly cat people, until the grand labs come to visit!

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Snickelfritz said...

Oh, I'm so happy you got a puppy. We are having so much fun with our two Labs although they are not puppies any longer. They love to fetch and play with us and we have had so many laughs watching their antics. Molly, our Boxador loves them, too and plays like she was a puppy again. Have fun and let us see lots of pictures.

Mary said...

Ned is so adorable. Puppies are a lot of work but they bring so much joy and love. Well worth it. Our pup is nearly 20 months so I have not been doing as much in the sewing room but have lots of EPP projects to keep me busy.

K Reeves said...

Neddy is just adorable!