Thursday 27 June 2024

Rainy Walks, Cardinal Rule, Summer Highlights

Here as promised, photos of us out in the rain storm.  We are trying to get a photo but Ned was eager to get on his walk. 
Windy so hanging onto the hat which always reminds me of Paddington Bear.  Hats really don't suit me! I think it's specifically my nose they don't suit, :D.
A word about my Columbia rain coat and blue surprise-both are from the thrift store. The coat had a small tear on one pocket which is why I guess it was donated. I've gotten a lot of wear from it over the years.  And I love the flashy blue boots that also show up in some of my photos. They make an appearance in this photo below. Pretty sure we are looking at a squirrel's nest downed by the high winds. I don't think anything untoward happened as Ned barely gave it a sniff. It looked brand new as the leaves were fresh.
I tried to read the book on the right, Philip Roth's American Pastoral ...wanted to badly but just couldn't get "into it". Too wordy or something.
I'd read it years ago or think I did...nothing in the first two chapters twigged with me at all. I gave up; life's shortening too quickly for me to hang in there if not enjoying it. But I am enjoying reading Peter's book, The Inner Life of Animals. Learning all sorts of tidbits about creatures- like, for instance, ravens have a sense of right and wrong. In an experiment, they'd been shown how two cooperating together could pull two pieces of cheese within reach to eat. This seemed instinctual with them actually and they caught on right away how to do it.  But when one bird snapped up both pieces of cheese, the others refused to "work" with it from then on. 

Speaking of birds, my Cardinal in the wooly Cardinal Rule is at this stage now.
Most of the top has been stitched. More small doodads to add. This project could have been finished if I hadn't decided to blanket stitch around almost all the pieces. 
There is just one thing I wonder about and it is that white it a nest? But it's not what it is that kind of bothers me, it's how white it is...startling white. I'm not sure I like it. Your eye is drawn to it, that's for sure. I looked in my craft stuff to see if I might have a brown or beige felt to substitute. What do you think?
I'll share photos soon of the beautiful Cardinals here. I have several regulars at the feeders. 

LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color's prompt this week is how we react to a change of season, in our case here in Canada, now summer. Being retired, our lives just truck on more or less the same as during the other seasons. Robbie was here for overnight to mark the end of the school year but he stays over from time to time throughout the year. I spend a lot of time in the garden, of course, which makes the season special and I get to swim which I love. Those two things are highlights of summer for me. What about you? Any special highlights of this season whatever it is for you?

Several readers have asked about specific Flosstubers I follow. There are a couple I love and I will share the info about them soon. I meant to today but I don't like the posts getting too long. 

You all take care out there and I hope you get to work on something you love this weekend. 

So love linking with these parties...Quilting Patchwork Applique.


Gretchen Weaver said...

It's the blanket stitching that makes this stitchery looks so nice! That white piece does stick out, I agree with changing it for a piece that doesn't jump out and slap you in the face. Happy stitching!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your yellow raincoat and blue boots - very photogenic! I try to wear a hat when outside for any length of time, but wind does cause problems with that. I bet Ned was wondering why you weren't just walking! I agree with the white nest shape on the cardinal- I bet you would be happier with something darker. Sitting outside here on our back porch reading blogs after my morning walk and I can hear a rooster crowing! And we live in a city!

abelian said...

I was curious, so found the original pattern, which is part of a “seasons” series. I think the white is supposed to be a bit of snow, but I agree that it really draws your eye. It will get a little better when you add the pink Christmas cactus blossoms (if that’s what they are). Dot in NC

Nancy J said...

Seasonal changes down here, the down duvet gets put on, winter gear is ready for colder days, a scarf and hat ready for outdoors, and firewood bought and stored. And as always at the start of winter, I already long for summer when the laundry gets dry in the morning heat. the white, a bit stark I think, maybe beige for a nest would fit better. Love op shop finds, my favourite place to look.

loulee said...

Love your hat, coat and boots.

The Cozy Quilter said...

Love your yellow rain coat and the bright blue boots. Perfect for a rainy day walk with Ned. I think that nest should be beige or brown too. Save the white for a winter scene. Happy Canada Day weekend! Gail

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Being out in the rain in such a bright outfit makes it fun I'm sure.
I agree that the white seems too stark - is there any embroidery or anything on top of it to tone it down?

Magpie's Mumblings said...

ps - I'd be tempted to do rows of chain stitch in a brown-ish colourway (maybe variegated?) over the nest

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

You look fabulous in your rain attire, Jocelyn . I love the hat. You have such a pretty walkway too-so cottagey. Sounds like you got a good rain to blow the squirrel's nest out. I love the summer time. The grandchildren are here most of the time. There is swim time and we always take a vacation. Like you I enjoy puttering in the garden as well. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.

Jackie said...

Love the boots and coat.

I was going to say you could do some stitchery on that white portion to make it stand out a bit less.

God bless.

dq said...

Interesting tidbit about ravens. The things to learn about are infinite!!!
I agree that we shouldn't waste our time on things we are not loving.

Gladi Porsche said...

I agree that white piece - ?nest - stands out too much and would perhaps look better in beige or tan. The writing in “American Pastoral” is stunningly good, but the novel is incredibly depressing so one needs to be able to handle that in order to enjoy it. Certainly OK to pass on it as there are so many other wonderful books out there. I liked your star quilting from your previous post. Summer for me means being outside so much more and enjoying color in the landscape. Have a great weekend!

Linda said...

I think you look adorable, and I think a hat suits you just fine! Love the blue boots. Your wooly Cardinal Rule is so cute. The only thing special about summer for me is tomatoes! I tolerate heat poorly, so thank God for the change of seasons.

PaintedThread said...

Very much a Paddington Bear hat! :-) I agree that white is very startling. I think beige would be better. Looks great overall, though.

LA Paylor said...

I LOVE your coat and boots and hat. Hats like hair styles accent our faces for better or worse and it's not easy finding those that look best. I have round face to deal with. Ned is so handsome. My chelsea loved walking in the rain, being in water any way she could. Love that animals know cooperation gets them more in the long run, think humans can learn that?

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I agree that piece does seem too bright. Is it supposed to be a focal point??
I love seeing you out in the rain. You look well protected! I've read Philip Roth in the past but I don't care for everything he's written. Read what you love! There are so many great books out there.

Jenn Jilks said...

Yes, retirement is grand, once I got over the idea that I have to be productive every hour of the day!

Snickelfritz said...

Yes, white just doesn’t do it for the nest. Almost makes it look like a nativity scene. Brown or beige would do much better. Love your blue boots and I’m always happy to see Ned. I read a lot and like you, I don’t waste my time on a book I have to force myself to read. Life is too short!