Thursday 17 October 2024

Three or More Things To (Maybe) Beat The Stubborn Blues

I read this line are a work in progress because life isn't done with you yet. I definitely mistakenly thought the opposite. That at my seven decades and counting age I'd have everything figured out, things would be settled down to a point where life would be smooth sailing through whatever years are left. The thing that might derail that would be unavoidable illness. But no, there are still people/family worries, messy situations and uncertainty. That last thing is creeping into my thoughts more. I've questioned how I'm handling certain present situations which has led me to distrust how I handled things before now...just to make it all the more complicated. And then there's this little point...I've mentioned Be Prepared was my Girl Guide motto and I tried to live by it all my life. How to be prepared for what we don't know about or a possible reality that involves something we think we can't at all manage- that is a challenge. As one of you brilliant people said in a comment, it seems for some of us who are born worriers, as we grow older, we swap out one set of worries for another. How true!

Thank you all again for taking the time to comment, commiserate or share your wisdom and stories to cheer me up. And in spite of what I wrote above, that heavy, generally low, dragging feeling has lifted from my brain. Hallelujah! I mean it now when I write that I am doing better overall. 

So what have I been doing? I made the vow to just get up and keep going no matter what I was feeling like. I didn't use a journal to make a list of things to do which I've found helpful in the past. This episode I seemed to know what I needed and that was to just get on with things. With swimming in the summer, I had mostly dropped my morning jog. After the pool closed, for a couple of weeks I did chair yoga, one that gets your heart rate up and I enjoyed it. I followed the exercises but after a couple of listens, started using my own music. Last week I felt up to starting the day with a little jog outside and that too has been great so I've kept that up. I could feel what an energy boost that was immediately and could kick myself for not doing so sooner. 

This is the video I found helpful.

I've been spending time each day in my new sewing area (whether I feel like it or not). As you all know, you are not there long and something needing doing will catch your eye and there you are, engaged and even moving a project along and even just a smidge feels good. 

 The view from my sewing machine table...a side look at the Hydrangeas. I've cleaned all the windows on the outside and paid particular attention to this one. Many birds and wildlife use this area near the bird feeder and I'm keeping my camera handy. 

The Hydrangeas in this tree turn pink as the temperatures drop. Taken before window was web free.
So besides admiring the view, what have I done in there? I've machine stitched more of the Tilda Orange Peel blocks together. That kind of stitching, easy and mindless, was great to have ready. And I chose the fabrics and prepped four more freezer paper appliqued blocks of Everglade.  Here is one setting possible and I like how it forms the circle in the middle. So I'm feeling a little happier about this project too. 

I've added a few more stitches to the lovely Tudor Bee with Miss Bee herself emerging. I always cross stitch with something on the tv. It is a boost to see this project moving along. 
My library account showed just how much I'd come to rely on audio books, probably reinforced by the pandemic. I've gotten myself back to reading rather than listening (though audio books will always be used for certain circumstances).  I've been getting out of the house and visiting several small town libraries to browse, sit and have a little read of things I don't check out. Things like magazines and reference books. I used to enjoy this outing in my old days when I first moved here and really all of my life I guess when I think about it, since getting my first library card at age 8.  It feels good to do so again, like visiting an old friend...the one that gives the best hugs. I hope you all have one like that in your life. One of the little libraries nearby has these comfy leather chairs; they remind me of the famous Ikea Poang chairs. 

We just celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving Day, the second Monday in October, and it could not have come at a better time for me. I needed the reminder of all that I am thankful for...I named my blessings and counted them one by one. 

I've always enjoyed the preparations for the big meal. Especially satisfying is getting the turkey stuffed and all ready to go in the oven. Since it was just ourselves, this was smallish, about 11 pounds.
And getting it cooked...We enjoyed it so much I've vowed to cook more turkeys. 
After a long, glorious walk down in the big woods, we enjoyed our meal and gave thanks for what is, the here and now. That latter bit, the here and now is what has got to be my main focus going forward.
Always thankful for constant companions, Tony and Ned, too.💕 



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