Friday, 21 February 2025

Flower Embroidery, EPP Stars, Sometime is Now

 I watched Brenda and Laura yesterday while I was stitching. 

Besides the beautiful stitching, an important point talked about in the episode was how Some day needs to be Now. You know how we all have things we'd like to do, learn or try but put off for some day. But without being morbid, none of us know how much time we have so the point was some day needs to be now. For me as an amateur quilter, I have nice fabric in my stash and the plan was always to keep it till I got better at quilting. I'm more comfortable using scraps. Brenda is learning to crochet, something she had always wanted to do but put off. What do you think? Is the time right now for something you've always been wanting to do, buy, learn, etc.?

In slow stitching this week, I was inspired by LeeAnna's post HERE where she learned to make pretty tassel flowers in wool. I remembered I had a kit I'd been hanging onto for a long time that featured embroidered flowers, but mine are embroidered in floss. So I dug out Floralies from the Swiss Canevas Folies and I decided the time is now. The design is stamped on beautiful linen. Embroidery is really my first love in the stitchy world. You can check out their beautiful designs at that link. 
There are 12 different stitches used in this project, most to be worked with one thread so rather delicate. I enjoy stitching satin stitch the most. 
And I finished stitching more EPP stars in blues. Here's a few together. I've got more somewhere. And I still have a tendency to keep my stitches too tight...I have this thing that hand stitches won't hold up like machine stitching if I don't pull them tight. 

LeeAnna asked us to think about this interesting point this we give ourselves the same compassion we extend to others? I had to stop and think about it as for me it is complicated. I like to think I'm compassionate with others, of course, like we all do. But towards myself...the voice inside my head is generally a stern one, full of concern and worry. It doesn't put me down but it does raise lots of questions about what I'm doing, my decisions, etc. But when needed it can also be encouraging and reminding me to be strong and of the good things in my life too. It has gotten me through some really tough times without me relying on anything or anybody. So I guess I could say that's compassionate with myself in that regard. What about you?
Side View of the House
Lots of snow clearing has gone on this week and we plan to run the snowmobile over the trails soon. We will be spending this afternoon in a local hospital with Tony getting more tests. I have to get my kit together that I take with me when I have no idea how long he will be. On the up side, in hospitals, I can always seem to find a place I can tuck myself away to read and write a bit. 
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I hope all will be well with Tony and he comes through all the test just fine and you find out it is normal slowing down of age. The snow looks pretty but I would now be tired of it as I am of our cold spell here. Your stitch work looks good to me and the embroidery too

patty a. said...

I am a huge Brenda and Laura fan and I get what Brenda was talking about. I know she can stitch those small crewel pieces and her crochet skills are already pretty good!

I have plenty of fabric I have "saved" for just the right project or because it is too pretty to cut. No more! Someday is today!

I also am working on my fear of not doing somethings because of driving somewhere by myself. I recently did a road trip that was two hours away. I even drove home in some lousy weather and made it home in one piece! I can do this! In April I will be going on my longest road trip by myself - 4 1/2 hours. I just need to follow my process - study the map until I have the layout in my head, write the directions down, and go for it! I will make sure the car is serviced and carry my AAA card. I will be heading to a retreat and guess who will be there? Brenda and Laura!

Nancy J said...

Jocelyn, by the time you read my wsords, Tony will have had the new tests. I hope it all went well, but I guess you are hoping they have solved the issues. Tiredness, have they ever done a diabetic test? or a B 12 test?That snow, what a lot to move so you can walk outside.The floralies is so truly beautiful, and printed on lovely fabric.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Firstly, I hope Tony's tests are helpful and that your wait won't be too long.
Secondly, the 'some day needs to be now' really resonated with me and I know I need to spend some time thinking about that and then acting upon it. Why do we 'save' what we perceive as special fabrics (as an example) for something we just know is going to be wonderful down the road when we could be using them NOW and enjoying them. I save pretty threads because I know there will be a better use for them later on whereas I should be using them because we really don't know if there will be a 'some day' and I know our kids will just throw them out.