Friday, 7 February 2025

Quick Pizza, Hearts and Roses, Slow Stitching Redwork

I woke up to a temperature of -28C windchill outside yesterday but the good news is it quickly warmed up to -12 but that means one thing here...snow. Yes, we got a mini snowstorm with a freezing drizzle warning for the afternoon. I'd had plans to go out for a grocery shop but that had been postponed till later. The forecast is for more of the same today. Meanwhile, we are hunkering down by the fire, well Tony is. For me, as soon as I post this, put away the darks laundry, tote another load of wood up from the back basement door, enroute grab a pack of ground beef from the downstairs freezer to thaw for meatloaf tonight, then Ned and I are going to get out in the fresh air. Our trails will be a little bit snowier to get through but oh, what good exercise that will be. You all know how it is- I'm not complaining but there is always a ton of tiny chores each and every day to be done before any fun.

In my latest sewing room move, I found these three heart blocks I'd stitched some time ago. I'd appliqued them with a blanket stitch and I remember choosing the red, white and blue look from scraps for the borders. I'm now finishing these into a runner for one of the side tables in the t.v. room. 

My tastes seem to be changing as this is no longer appealing to me though I do like the bright red, white and blue combination. But I will finish them and have layered them with the batting and used that thrifted Blue Rose material from Cranston Designs I showed in the last post for the backing. The blue in the roses and red background perfectly match the blues and reds here. And hearts and roses go together right?
I'll add quilting lines in front of the t.v. at night. Happy to link with the So Scrappy Blues Party.

I'm feeling happy with how I'm moving along each of my slow stitching projects so 2025 is off to a good start. I'm linking this post with Kate's Life in Pieces party that celebrates how even 15 minutes of stitching moves a project along. Mom's Redwork Newfoundland patterns is one of those projects...these very simple lines are stitching an ice berg. 

The right side of Newfoundland is washed by the North Atlantic Ocean and ice bergs are a common sight as they drift down from Greenland. It's been dubbed Iceberg Alley. I now have almost all these patterns stitched. I'd like to add more, perhaps animals or birds which is something to think about. I like these striped mesh storage bags- I have three of them, and wish I could find more. They stack well and are see through so you can tell what is in them. I'm thinking they came in threes at a dollar store but I don't remember where. Anyone know?

Tony loves pizza and I do bake those frozen ones for him occasionally. In an effort to make them more nutritional, I do add/ sprinkle more things on them, which he doesn't need to know :). Recently I saw where pitas were used to make pizzas and gave it a try. I used this pizza sauce which tasted delicious, chopped onion, red peppers, tomatoes, and lots of shredded cheese. He's a big cheese lover.

 I just warmed/grilled it under the oven broiler.
He really enjoyed it and the size was perfect for a meal for him so I will be making this again when something quick is needed for a supper. Must remember to buy mushrooms tomorrow. 
This guy is always anxious for me to close the computer and get walking! I read that a walk to a dog is their social media which is a neat idea. I say to Ned all the time let's go for a sniff as his nose rarely leaves the ground. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Check out what my friends are also liking at LeeAnna's I Like party at Not Afraid of Color and the wonderful parties at Melva Loves ScrapsMy Quilt InfatuationSmall Quilts and Doll Quilts and Kathy's Quilts too.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

I think using roses on the back of your runner would make it easily reversible. Double the fun!
The RC often makes pizza on pita breads because both of us like thin-crust. So easy to make and no fiddling with making crust from scratch.
Stay warm!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that is a great idea to use the pita bread for small pizza's I should put that on my list. Sounds like all the chores are falling more and more on your shoulders this winter - I love looking at fireplace fires but I hate the trouble of dragging the wood inside

Susie H said...

Mom & I also enjoy pita pizzas. I've also used tortillas for a "thin crust" style pizza! Lol! As long as there is good sauce, plenty of cheese, and delicious toppings, we're there! I hope your walk was good. Seems mighty cold to me. I used to do all my chores first before playing but not anymore since hubby retired and my mother moved in with us. So many more chores now! haha

dianne said...

i love Ned's nose!!!

household tasks - ugh - sometimes they just need to wait till AFTER fun stuff...

Nancy J said...

Hearts and roses, very apt for upcoming Valentine's Day. Icebergs, that stitching is lovely, and there is something peaceful and soothing about hand stitching. Firewood, we will start to order ours next week.-28C , that's too cold to be going out for groceries!!!!

Anonymous said...

We visited NFLD in 2023 and saw lots of icebergs. Love seeing your embroideries inspired by this beautiful place. Ned will never let you forget that it’s time for a sniffy walk! Gail at the cozy quilter.

Jenny said...

The pits based pizza sounds like a good idea, I'll have to try that out too. Thanks for the tip.

Jackie said...

I love those quilt blocks and the backing you chose is perfect. Hmm, I have three flatbreads left I wonder if I could use those instead for individual pizzas. May have to give that a try, perhaps cheese and veggie pizza tonight instead of pancakes.

God bless.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

Housework takes up so much of my time! When I think I'm done, I have to start all over again! You've been so cold. Hope it gets better. I like your quilt blocks. My mom used to make pizza using pita bread. It was a quick snack for her to make us!

Janice said...

Brrr! I hope you are well rugged up for your walk. We make pizza like that, often adding some cooked chicken or bacon or ham and mushrooms. A nice quick tea. We are actually having a chicken one tonight.

Linda said...

I love the fabrics you are using for your runner, especially the one you are going to use for the backing! That pizza looks yummy, Tony has great taste. :D Love the photo of your sweet puppy. I agree, it really is their social time. My cat Toby goes on leash every morning with me on a tour of the back yard. He is our most adventurous kitty and longs to be back outside (he was a stray when we lived on acreage). He cries to go out from the time we get up in the morning!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your hearts in the red and blue are so pretty, Jocelyn! I especially love that dark blue with leaves on it. Pizza on pita bread sounds yummy and easy - a good combination. I'm glad Ned keeps you up and moving - we all need that!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Lovely projects on the go, Jocelyn! Enjoy your time outside with Ned. Stay warm!

cityquilter grace said...

i often make my own pizza....retail sauces very high in sodium...and they are delish!

PaintedThread said...

Pretty hearts. Interesting pizza. Love the photo of Ned! Let's walk! Stay warm.

Deb A said...

I see Ned is like my Bear - walks = sniffing time! Aidan did a pizza the other day with a greek pita bread. Quick snack or lunch. Hope the weather clears soon so you can safely get your groceries. Lovely stitching - especially the iceberg.

Karrin Hurd said...

I don't envy your weather. I am about to go to Aqua Yoga at the indoor pool, but it is 38 right now outside. Your hearts in the red and blue are lovely.

Kim said...

I can't imagine out walking in that weather. I'd turn into an ice sculpture. But, I suppose if you have a sweet walking companion such as your Ned.......Pita bread makes for fabulous pizzas. I've not heard of Iceberg Alley. Those e stitched icebergs are looking good.

Kate said...

Oh that is cold. Hope you got a bit of a warm up this week. We did, but it looks like we'll see single digits (which is low for here) next week. Love those hearts, the reds and blues are gorgeous. Hope you got in lots of stitching time this week.