From reading blogs, I'm quickly realizing I'm not the only one thinking February flew by. The weather outside my windows is back to frightful so nothing is indicating a new spring like month. Here March is an in between month anyway and can go either way, keep us snowbound or bring on rain and melting. Weather is not that important to me. I would never move somewhere just for weather though I might avoid some areas because of the kind of weather they have. I don't think I'd do well where there is high humidity a lot of the year, for instance. I wonder is there a place on earth that does not have acts of bad weather/insect/animal/civil unrest/gun issues, etc. challenges.
I love The New Yorker iconic covers. This one below is the March 10, 1980 one-the artist is Eugene Mihaesco who designed more than 70 New Yorker covers. This looks like a watercolour piece, my favourite art.
I enjoy their online site where you can find many interesting things such as podcasts, cartoons, do the daily jigsaw puzzle of these covers and also a crossword puzzle, all for free. At this link, The New Yorker, you have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to find these items if you'd like to check them out.I've been doing some prep for my ongoing projects. Lots of diamonds and some in yellows for my EPP Stars. My side work table in the tv room.
I have my crockpot out to make a pea soup with leftover ham. True comfort food on a windy, wintry day. I plan to make tea buns later this afternoon. Comfort food is still about at your house? What would be comfort food for you?
I always add chopped onion and carrots.