The ground is starting to get that in between seasons look...grimy snowbanks and patches of old grass showing through here and there. Freezing temps overnight still and it was -14C here yesterday morning for a windy walk with Ned. They keep promising warm ups that don't happen. I gave my Geranium a deep trim-all my plants are getting a little "leggy" as they reach for the precious light. You can glimpse our snow free gravel driveway here so the sun is working it's magic even if the air is cold. Yah!
We went to Robbie's last hockey game of the season, part of their tournament. They won their game which was fun. They've played together well in the Under 12 league but some of the players will be moving on to the next league in the fall so it will be a different team then. His Dad built him a marvelous backyard rink again this year and he spent hours on it practicing...great exercise in the fresh air.
I cooked a roast beef dinner for us on Monday and we had leftovers for Tuesday. I got the beef at Farm Boy and it was good. We are not big meat eaters and I always worry we are not getting enough iron. I did a little checking online. I was reassured to see that nuts and dried fruits can help in that regard. I keep dates, prunes, apricots, and raisins in the house most of the time to have with cereal and oatmeal as well as little snacks. Apparently they are fairly good sources of iron.
I did get a photo of the oven roasted potatoes and carrots I made to have with salmon one night. I'm trying to include fish in our diet once a week.
That's a spinach and kale salad with lots of dressing for Tony and he said he actually enjoyed it.
This week I"ve been working on prepping more of the Liberty's Birds blocks. The Cardinal and the Bluebird have been readied for stitching...mostly. These are large pieces and not fiddly at all to applique. Just like the Everglade blocks that were fun to hand stitch.
And I also prepped the side panel for the Baskets Love project. I took a photo but for the life of me I can't find it.đź’“ I got some lovely stitchy mail from Magpie's Mumbling's generous Mary Anne. She sent me her grandmothers set of the Canadian provincial flowers stencils. Looks like they were the Aunt Martha's set which was so familiar to all us older folks. I was able to order the American version from Amazon and am looking forward to embroidering these pretty flowers. What a great summer stitchy project that will be. The Jolly Jabber is a fabulous site for us stitchers to hang out and ogle lovely projects of all sorts. It has several sections of free quilt patterns. I enjoyed looking through the one labelled Vintage and Classic Quilt Patterns- the link to that is HERE.
Update on Tony
We got a second opinion report on Tony's CT scan. This doctor confirmed everything from the first fellow but also noted what he thought was a slight collapse in a small area in one lung. So we have an appointment with a respirologist on the 31st to check that out. We also sat down with our GP and had a good talk. He brought the conversation around to something we had not really thought about. And that was should Tony have an operation, one that requires opening the chest, even if the specialist thinks so. I guess there could be ramifications for recovery, etc. in light of his age. He favoured the idea of waiting three months, having the scan again to see if the tumour will grow. That certainly gave us food for thought.
I am enjoying seeing your photos of the pretty early spring flowers appearing in your necks of the woods. Please keep them coming. Mine will definitely be a while.
I hope all reading this are having the best kind of weekend, one with treats and stitching time too.
I love the birds you're working on. That is going to be beautiful when you have it all complete.
A little tip from our chef son...he often uses kale instead of romaine in caesar salad. If there's leftovers, it won't wilt like romaine does.
Got myself lost at the Jolly Jabber site. Lots to see there!
Will be thinking about Tony and hoping there will be a good improvement over the next three months and that they won't have to contemplate surgery.
ps - meant to say you're most welcome for the patterns!
It's chilly here today with a few snowflakes in the air. It was 20 degrees one day this past week! I will have to bundle up when I go out for my walk. Love seeing your appliqué projects and your meals look delicious! We tried a new recipe last night--chicken with a mushroom cream sauce... very tasty and enough left over for tonight! You have done well to keep your geraniums alive over the winter. They will bloom happily once they get outside again. Thinking of you and Tony as you navigate his health issues.
yes because of Tony's age that has to be taken into consideration. Would the tumor grow fast or would it be so slow that he can live a good life without surgery. Many things to consider.
You've been busy. Well done.
I think you prudent to wait for surgery. Joe eschewed radiation, since the complications or side effects could be awful.
Would love to know what seasonings (if any) you put on the potatoes and carrots. Prayers for Tony.
The prepped applique pieces are so pretty! I hope Tony won't need the surgery. Sending you hugs.
I am so sorry to read of the health worry you are going through with hubby at the moment. I'm certainly thinking of you both.
I hope all turns well for Tony. It certainly a time of stress and worries for you both. Sending prayers your way. Love your applique. Enjoy the slow stitching. ;^)
I am so sorry to hear about Tony's medical difficulties. I'm glad you got a second opinion and had a frank discussion with his GP. The waiting is so hard. My thoughts will be with both of you.
Spring is taking it's time coming to western NY, too. I just returned from my annual trip south. Last year the daffodils were in bloom when a returned. This year there are buds, but blooms will be delayed. We are expecting temps only in the 40's and 50's (F) for the next week.
Your projects are moving along nicely. It is good that Tony and you sat down with the doctor and discussed things. I have lots of those transfers from my Dad when my Mom passed away. No birds though, I did have a look through to see if there were any I could pass on.
God bless.
So nice you got to enjoy Robbie's last hockey game. Your projects are coming along very nicely. I hope all goes well with Tony's health. I'm sure the respirologist will have more insight into his condition.
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