I like this saying and I think I had the fortitude to choose mostly, but I'm not sure everyone has that ability and certainly not all the time. For instance, last Tuesday I felt sad all day. No idea why, no reason that I could pinpoint, just mopey and teary with a feeling of weight on my mind. I went about my business as usual but felt like I was going through the motions, as it were.
When I woke on Wednesday, I could tell immediately the feeling had lifted a little, and thankfully wore off throughout the day. So what was that? I don't think I could have done anything differently. I'll say again, if that is what depression is like, then it is horrible.
But speaking of choosing...here is a list of all things chosen including rescued Murphy!
But speaking of health, I've treated myself and just ordered these from Costco online, $40 off the regular price, my only online shopping for Cyber Monday. I'll look forward to trying them out with the hope that I will be able to do it. Bout time as I've talked about snowshoes for a couple of years now. Did you get any bargains?
Murphy with snowflakes on her nose.
Rex has still not figured out he can come to the window by my pet chair to get my attention when he wants in. Miss Smarty Pants does it all the time.
Stitching all those little flowery loops on the antlers seemed to take forever. I kept reminding myself, you love doing this, right.
And a whole lot of stitches later...
It is quite a vision and a little overwhelming compared to the others. Am now putting the six together in some sort of arrangement. Those background pieces are all the same colour and material, btw.
My OMG for December will be to have these put together with border at least to the flimsy stage by the end of the month. I'm working hard on that border now, BTW. Photos Sunday.
Sorry about these strangely tinted photos; living in hope that the sun will shine again. |
Also new to me; I had no idea cats were so cooperative!
I liked this because that cat did not look like one that would at all cooperate, but it sure did. In fact, I would say he actually seemed to like it.
I'm off with Hubby for a bit of a shop in a neighbouring little town and lunch out. Hope there is something fun in your day today.
And yet another chosen thing is linking with Not Afraid of Color where the things to like on Thursdays keep on coming. Also linking with Brian's Home Blog, It's A Small Town Life, Sew Fresh Quilts, Busy Hands Quilts, Elm Street Quilts and Em's Scrapbag.
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