No veranda stitching lately but lots inside under one or another of the ceiling fans. I finished Melva's latest block, Dragonfly, in her Pieces From the Past SAL. Not perfect by any means. Said it would challenge me and it did. It went smoothly till I joined up the final quarter which I think I can easily amend.
This colourful Solidarity block is now finished.
And I was happy to achieve my July OMG at Elm Street Quilts. I have 13 of these 9 1/2 inch Flower Garden blocks made so far -this is a pattern also available from Melva's Pieces From the Past SAL. I will keep stitching them as I enjoy EPP very much. Great for evening t.v. viewing/listening. Later I'm going to retake this photo to try to show the pretty blues better.
My audio book this week is Ann Patchett's Bel Canto, an Orange Prize for Fiction winner and available on YouTube. I disappointed myself years ago when I couldn't get into it and I'm now finding it enjoyable to listen to her confident writing being read by a soothing voice.
My lunch is always better if I treat myself to smoked salmon and avocado with it. Since lunch is important for me as it breaks my fast, I try to choose wisely what to eat. That does not always happen!
Cone flowers are in bloom and attracting lots of attention from the butterflies, especially the Swallowtails.
Meanwhile the hydrangea seem to love the heat. The blooms are so heavy the branches are all but lying on the ground.
I loved this delightfully written post from Carol Michel at her May Dreams Garden site (which is called that because we dream all year about May and getting into our gardens). The Five Secrets to Achieving Happiness in Your Garden.
And visiting my garden recently, this bird of prey. It sat in the grass for a while idly eyeing the bird feeder area. It sat there so long I worried if it was okay. But after a seeming rest, it strutted around for a bit and then flew off. My amateur guess is this is a sharp-shinned hawk.
I'm sure my hawk-eyed đ birder friends will identify him.
One day I turned a corner in the path to the pond and this guy was just sitting there. Hastily got a shot before he hopped away. I told him he was very lucky it wasn't Mr. Fox that happened along.
I have another very unusual visitor to the garden to share with you on Sunday. I had to google him to find out what exactly he was!
Hope your days are filled with interesting bits and bobs too.
Also sharing this post with Not Afraid of Color, It's a Small Town Life, My Corner of the World, I'd Rather B' Birdin', Creative Compulsions, Floral Friday Foto, Quilt Paint Create, Viewing Nature With Eileen, Life in Pieces and Paying Ready Attention.