But anyway.
On Saturday we went to Canadian Tire and bought a Bird Bath which I've set up in the back garden. There are two robins with nests on the eaves and I'm hoping cooling off in the bird bath will help the mothers out in the 35 + temperatures we're still having.
I've taken to weeding earlier still in the mornings. I've noticed weeds are undaunted by drought and heat it seems. Every year there is a different weed that takes over the front if I let it. This year it is mullien, some of which I will let grow. When seeded later in the fall, it will provide winter food for the birds so I'm torn about pulling it all out.
Our resident cardinal is still visiting the feeders later in the day, almost dusk, so he is flirting with danger. No sign of a female. 
I was going to make a cake on Sunday but I didn't feel like having the oven on. Here is the cake I want to make Wednesday when the heat lets up. Orange Crunch Cake from the Bubble Room I wonder will mine look like that...I'll share photos on Sunday. Photo Credit
I have a small collection of quilting books. One is the Quilt Block Bible by Rosemary Youngs. I made a plan at the start of June to stitch a block a week from it during the summer.
Starting with easier ones and even with that, I made an error on this one and had to unsew one of the combos to get the pattern right. Sigh
One variation of a Susannah, block 75.
Machine piecing is like a loss of control to me. Simple hourglass, Block 115.
Here are two I found in the book that I had made before. One to show off fussy cutting a particular special piece of fabric I guess.
This one too. Found blocks are fun.
I read in my journal I began these in 2018 but dropped it with not liking machine piecing. And my instinct is to turn these into an EPP project but I have enough hand stitching right now. I also seem to be enjoying machine stitching more especially with just a block at a time and no pressure. So far so good. I hope to keep this up with a couple more blocks already cut to sew this week. Wish me luck!
We intend to maintain our isolation for the time being. We wear masks when we do go to the grocery store. I notice fewer people wearing them now even though this pandemic is far from over. Maybe folks are getting tired of the restrictions and I know it is uncomfortable to wear masks especially when it's hot, but we've been told they work. So we are sticking with the program. How is this working out in your neck of the woods?
Meanwhile linking this post with Home Sewn By Us, Alycia Quilts, Wendy's Quilts and More, Viewing Nature With Eileen, I'd Rather B Birdin' and Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.
Your quilts are always amazing and those blocks sure are pretty. We love that pretty Cardinal and boy does that cake look yummy!
people here too are tired of wearing masks and I would say half do the other half don't care! we do grocery shopping and home repair type of store and wear out masks and spend the rest of the time at home. The quilt book looks interesting and lovely blocks
How I love those cardinals, birds we don´t have.
Lovely picture of the Cardinal. Here in TO they have started opening more stores and allowing small family groups to visit each other. I saw my grandchildren yesterday for the first time since February. We are required to wear masks on all public transportation which makes sense. They are actually opening one of the larger malls tomorrow. We'll see how that works out. I just want my local fabric store to open and my hairdresser...LOL
Oh that cardinal, such a striking looking bird.
Our restrictions have eased here in New Zealand, and after being Covid free for a short time, sadly more cases have arrived from returning citizens from overseas. If they can be contained in the isolation centers, and not get out into the community, that would be great. This virus has not run its course yet, by any means.
I wish I were closer to help you with machine piecing. I have other blog friends who have done the Bible blocks. I should put that on my to-do list.
Your cardinal photo is just beautiful! It seems like everyone has "shelter in place fatigue". Unless someplace requires masks, very few seem to be wearing them.
I wear a mask if I have to go to the grocery store (or any other store) and anywhere else required. I also wear a mask to visit our 2 month old granddaughter. Many people do not seem to care and I think that means our numbers will keep increasing!
I watched a cardinal pair do what looked like a mating dance this afternoon. They both feigned indifference while walking around in the grass. She walked into the shelter of some ferns and eventually he made his moves toward her. But alas, she flew up and away and then he flew in the other direction. It was fascinating. At least in the grocery stores here, masks are still required and everyone seems to be wearing them. We haven't ventured out anywhere else.
The restaurants opened for indoor dining with 50% capacity, but we'll not be doing that. Sad to see all the increased cases down south where they still defy efforts to wear masks or social distance. I fear we won't see the end of this for more than a year. Give yourself some patience on the machine piecing. Like anything else it takes some practice.
I think I may have that book too. I have been wearing my mask whenever I go out. I too have noticed that about half of the people out don't wear the mask. Sometimes I wonder if they don't take this seriously. I'm at the age where I can't afford to take the risk.
What an amazing cardinal photo! Picture postcard worthy I think. I wore a mask twice last week - once when I went to the fabric shop and again when we went to Costco. I hate masks but I think it's going to become necessary as time goes on. Won't be going back to Costco anytime soon tho' - although they are limited the #'s of people in the store they don't have any directional arrows on any of the aisles which leads to everybody going wherever they want. Didn't instill a whole lot of confidence in us so I think we won't be returning for a long time to come - unless we hear that they've changed their system.
We definitely notice more people out. Some wearing masks (we do) and some not. Nice photo of the cardinal! I'm sure the birds will appreciate the birdbath!
I would take Mullen over Thistle or Cutleaf Teasel or Wild Carrot. Both of them have very long roots. I wear a mask at work, even when I go out to the store. I don't love it but, I feel like I need to protect myself from the idiots out there.
Dr, Fauci, who seems to be the voice of reason, says we are definitely going into a higher risk state now that each and every state is opening. He said the virus is even more present now then it was is March/April because more people are out and about. Scary stuff for sure.
We are home all the time and, if we do go out, always wear a mask. But like what everybody else is saying, we see lots of people who are not wearing a mask.
I enjoy your posts, thank you for sharing...
The weeds are taking over, but I haven't been able to face the heat and the sun. I should try to roll out of bed early for that. So kudos to you for gardening! Pretty blocks.
We are lucky, and people here wear masks indoors. (Not always correctly, mind you, but they're at least wearing them.) So far MA's numbers continue to trend downward even as we reopen. I think that reinforces the mask wearing.
Beautiful picture of the cardinal. I still wear my mask out. Some of the stores are requiring them. It’s been in the 100s the past couple of days and it’s supposed to continue. I have weeds that need pulled but it is too hot!
When you get visitors at that bird bath we would love to see them. Thank you for sharing Mr. Cardinal with us. We do not have them west of The Rocky Mountains. I may have that book too, but inaccessible at this time. So many projects, so little motivation to work on any.
Hi Jocelyn! Gosh, that cardinal is just breathtakingly beautiful. I wonder where his mate is? We, too, are staying inside with jaunts to the grocery store our only outing. I have to go into the office one day this week but I'll be there only with my boss. My mask will definitely join me, and we wear them faithfully although I can see we're in the minority. Your blocks are turning out lovely and since there is no deadline for this project why not just enjoy the stress-free process?!! Ahh, weeds. Nothing seems to deter them. Thanks so much for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne
Your cardinal photo is beautiful, Jocelyn! I enjoyed seeing the blocks you've made from the Quilter's Bible, too. I think a block a week sounds doable! It's been fun to learn that some blocks are much easier to piece by hand! Have you made the orange cake yet? That sounds yummy!
Hi Jocelyn. That is one serious piece of orange cake. It looks sooo good! Oh that cardinal looks lonely but beautiful. The lantern light block is just stunning- I wouldn’t cut it up either.
I’m home most days and only go to pick up groceries or meds and of course I wear a mask. I do however have my pumpkin here every Saturday overnight. I don’t see me going anywhere in public for a very long time as our virus cases are soaring up- over 3500 cases in one day.
But we are good. I enjoyed this post, thanks.
Wow! You are going to actually bake? My husband has to eat ice cream right now because I won't. I love your projects! I have a book here of xmas blocks that I always wanted to get to...you have me thinking here and inspired! Have a wonderful day and stay cool!
It is rain and "cold" here.We must wear masks for "in".Chees cake is best for the summer.I love to do it.
Have nice days.
I gasped seeing your cardinal shot! so loud apparently that Milo had to come a runnin' to see what caused that! Then the orange crunch cake??? I LOVE orange so I'll be going looking for that recipe and I can assure you mine will look like a dogs dinner but I'll eat it anyway. It's so hot here the pavement rolled itself up and birds LOVE our fountain. They fly through our patio like it's an interstate.
We seldom know what makes Milo bark, and he'll bark looking back at us til we come to see...
I sure like the lantern block, and now I want to make one too. Do I need to draft it myself or can you give me dimensions to cut?
Have fun with your machine piecing , some calming music might help if you feel anxious .
I do most of my baking in my Air Fryer, scones, muffins and cake....no need to have the gas oven on if it's hot weather.
The birds are many and varied that visit my garden, so I have a shallow bath for the little ones and a deep one out front for the bigger birds....it's alike LAX , birds in and out all day and in holding patterns on the fence and in the trees.
It really is fun to make a quilt with different blocks on occasion. No pressure beyond the one block and picking out some good fabric for it! These look wonderful!:)
I admire you quilters. Sushi intricate work! Love the cardinal portrait.(a favorite bird of mine)
Your post today is a treasure. I enjoyed every minute here and want to thank you for participating at IRBB this week.
Sushi? Auto correct at its finest...should be SUCH intricate work.
Hello, the quilt blocks and fabric look so pretty. I love your shot of the Cardinal, he is handsome. I am sure there is a female waiting for him. I have a couple of bird baths, one bath the squirrel knocks over. The Orange Cake sounds yummy. we are wearing our mask in public. Take care! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week ahead. PS, thanks for the comment and visit.
I just saved that cake recipe, it looks delicious. I'm so intrigued by the Quilt Bible book, the blocks and your fabrics are lovely!
The quilts are artsy and the cardinal is most handsome!
Ohh I really like your blocks - but I really want to know more about Orange Bubble cake.... yummy!!
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