I've been outside stitching on the veranda every day. I've also been swimming and so glad for the exercise of it. All this time outside has made me think of how our winters really do make us hibernate to a certain extent. For the most part a happy hibernation luckily.

I'm noticing this uptick in outside activities is also making me feel better about this isolation. Things are gradually opening but for folks in our age range, there are still warnings and precautions to be heeded. But just the thought that things are moving in the right direction is giving me hope and brightening my mood.
Love how many bees and butterflies are already all over the garden, seems early this year.
One of the Swallowtails on the lilac tree blooms.
Here is the Snowball bush, overgrown, in the back yard. I need to check how to prune these. It was alive with flies, ants and bees I noticed.
Two free word games I still play most days and enjoy.
Lexulous is a scrabble game you can play on solitaire mode.
And 7 Little Words is a match to meaning combination of crossword and word find game.
Both are trimmed down, no gimmicks or interruptions and easy to work on when you have a few minutes here or there.
If you know of other online wordy games(that don't hound you mid game to purchase things), please let me know.
I like this fabric line called Tealicious from Anni Downs for Henri Glass Company. Her designs are sort of whimsical and fun. I would enjoy working on her patterns too someday. This line is available at The Fat Quarter Shop. We are drinking so much tea these days!

My spring ramblings outside would not be complete without getting a shot of a red squirrel looking at me looking at him. I was actually aiming for a raven that was much higher above him, but his impertinence with approaching and chattering at me made the better photo. Reminding him that I'm the one supplying his sunflower seeds didn't impress him.
I ordered this pattern that conveniently includes three sizes of hearts from Edyta Sitar with the thought of making a heart quilt some day.
Summertime and with isolation continuing, someday has arrived. I have the idea of keeping it dreamy with soft colours and sort of old fashioned. The kind of quilt to be made for a granddaughter or a grandmother maybe.
Here are a few of the scrappy pinks I've made. My usual applique using freezer paper.
Hope you too are finding all kinds of enjoyment in these mid June days.
Linking this post with Not Afraid of Color, Floral Friday Foto, Sugar Lane Designs, Viewing Nature With Eileen, Kathy's Quilts, So Scrappy and It's A Small Town Life.
Love the pictures especially of the squirrel:) Cheeky. I also love your hearts.
I go to this site that has word games (although it does have annoying ads).......https://games.washingtonpost.com/
There are two games I play all the time there...Outspell and Word Wipe. They also have a daily crossword.
Also if you like quick word games and tests.....https://www.merriam-webster.com/word-games
the only word game I do is Word With Friends - my sister and I have a game and a chat going on almost all the time - it is a way for us to stay in almost daily contact and to keep our minds going. cute squirrel!!
I love your photos of the swallowtail and the squirrel, Jocelyn! Those squirrels are always entertaining! The tea fabric is fun, too - I might have trouble cutting into that, and just want to look at it and pet it. :) Your appliqued hearts are really pretty - definitely an old-fashioned look to them. Enjoy your outdoor stitching - I don't do that often enough.
Those hearts are so nice and that silly squirrel is so cute!
Thanks to your tip from previous years, I downloaded and enjoy playing 7 Little Words every morning. Tried to download Lexulous but it is not compatible with my elderly iPad. Loved your Swallowtail on lilac photo, showing off pretty complimentary colours. Cute red squirrel but, oh my, they drive my nesting birds bonkers! I love the soft colours of your hearts project.
The hearts are so pretty and I agree with you about being outside more. LOVE your flowers and that gorgeous butterfly photo. I play one game of Solitaire and work a jigsaw puzzle every day on my IPAD. It's fun! That's a cute squirrel too. Hugs!
Your squirrel has such a delightful cheeky look on his face! Lovely little heart project, I have a triple heart stencil rather like yours.
Gorgeous blooms and stunning pictures. do you have a telephoto lens or was that squirrel really that close? I have noticed more birds in my backyard this year than before. I heart your hearts.
Oh Jocelyn so many great likes. Your photographs are awesome. The Swallowtail, and the squirrel. Love your hearts.
Great shot of the squirrel--he looks like he's up to no good! Love your hearts so far, very pretty!
The photo of the swallowtail is gorgeous. How lovely to be able to swim each day. I haven't gone swimming in years. Those little red squirrels certainly have a lot to say, don't they? Ours stop in front of us, about three feet away, chatter and stamp their feet. Your little hearts are so pretty.
Red squirrels are so cheeky! I like Lexulous too. Haven't heard of the other one. Pretty swallowtail!
Your squirrel friend is so cute, and poses beautifully for the camera.
Enjoy your little hearts.
Your hearts are lovely and and the squirrel is so cute.
Love that squirrel and your pretty flowers. Your heart squares are very pretty.
It's good to see that some things are being allowed to open up but we're planning to be very cautious for quite some time to come and will only be going to the necessary places and then only locally. That swallowtail is spectacular! I think I've only seen one once or twice and never been lucky enough to have my camera on hand.
My favorite on-line game is Wordscapes, one free daily.
I enjoy doing word games online and have already downloaded the Lexulous. I have been playing 7 little Words for a while. ANother one I really enjoy is Monkey Wrench. You may want to check it out.
Hi Jocelyn! I can just hear that red squirrel chattering at you. What a fun photo. Your appliqué hearts look beautiful and are just the perfect handstitching project for afternoons and evening work. We have been still staying at home, only wandering out for groceries. Thankfully, I am still able to work from home for now. ~smile~ Roseanne
What gorgeous pictures of your outdoors. I love the soft hearts you're appliqueing. I also play Seven Little Words. I like playing Monkey Wrench too. Just a fun little game!
I love your Swallowtail butterfly, gorgeous photo. The squirrel is cheeky and cute! Your heart are so pretty. I am going to check out those word games. Thank you for linking up your post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend. PS, thanks so much for the visit and comment too.
That will be a beautiful quilt!
Thanks for the links to the online games. I have found crosswords online, and I also enjoy playing Solitaire and Mahjong on the computer.
Love the squirrel, and the butterfly on the blooms is a wonderful photo!
Have a great weekend!
I really think we need winter to keep us indoors from time to time and catch up on many of the things we tend to neglect during periods of good weather when we all wish to be outside. I have to confess that it has been a little too hot for me of late. Yesterday it was thirty one degrees here, and I was glad of our well treed backyard to lower the temperature a little. Stay well and enjoy getting back into society.
Beautiful swallowtail butterfly, and yes those red squirrels sure are cheeky and try to chase off the bigger squirrels as if to say, what are you doing in my backyard.
Love the pictures. Especially the butterfly and flowers.
Hello. Beautiful butterfly.
Hearts are so fun to stitch. So glad you are enjoying all the outside activity in the yard. The squirrel looks like a little rascal!
The photo of the butterfly on the lilac is beautiful. Those hearts are the prettiest fabrics; lovely and soft. This is going to be a gorgeous quilt.
So many gorgeous things to look at on your blog! Lovely!
Your squirrel and swallowtail pictures are fabulous, and I love your heart quilt. Have a great week Jocelyn!
Love the picture of the squirrel, and your heart fabrics are lovely!
Hi Jocelyn,
Not sure how to trim out a snowball bush...maybe google can help you out with this. We have some black squirrels roaming around here. I've been trying to get a good picture of them, your picture of the squirrel is great...love the hear quilt...will be beautiful when done. Have a great day!
With a collection of heart cookie cutters I have the same intentions with them for applique purposes. Love that shot of squirrely!
Love seeing your nature shot, especially of the butterfly on the lilacs, two of my favorite!
I love the photo of the squirrel, and the Lilac blooms. Glad to hear things are a little more positive in regards to the Covid situation/isolation. Love your heart blocks.
That photo of the Swallowtail is gorgeous. You captured it perfectly. I also like that squirrel:) Thanks for linking up.
A stunning variety of images. It's good to be out and about when you can. Hopefully, things will be back to what we are used to soon.
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