The weather has been best described as indecisive lately...sun, cloud, cold and then warmth...this fluctuation ongoing all day long like Mother Nature can't make up her mind. All over the place and this week rain and cloudiness thrown in. The season is trying to change that's for sure.

But at least you have an idea of what I have in mind. I'm going to call them Parachutes. I've since made the parachute pattern a little smaller but keeping it in an 8 inch block. I'm also going to stay with dark blue backgrounds and alternate patterned fabric with plain for the fans. Perhaps use up scraps of the Kaffe fabric and some very old batik material I have. I've since found another link which better illustrates this idea....Tokyo Jinga , an interesting site that sadly ended in 2015.
In this photo taken through the old sewing room window back in July, you can see two deer visiting our little side lawn, a popular spot for them.
They are extremely skittish and can alert to sounds made inside the house.
You can't see it but a little rabbit was grazing on the edge of the woods at the same time. I was happy to get photos of them all by changing cameras to the one with the zoom.
Looked like a healthy specimen too, happy to note.
Murphy and I often catch sight of their cottontails leaping away from us on our early morning walks.
I've forgotten to mention we have put out a trail cam and so far have photos of just two animals...rabbits and fox. It is a fun thing to do and Jenn at Cottage Country Reflections regularly posts their trail cam footage -loads of different animals and she lives in our neck of the woods. I'm curious if we will see some of them too.
This is Thursday so lots of thankful, positive posts floating around the blogging world. You can visit more at Not Afraid of Color, It's a Small Town Life, and Brian's Home Blog. Also linking with My Quilt Infatuation, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, So Scrappy, Small Quilts and Doll Quilts, Viewing Nature With Eileen, Applique Patchwork Quilting, Random-osity and For the Love of Geese.
Those sweet pups sure do look happy and the deer and the bunny are adorable too! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Hi Jocelyn! I just LOVE the photo of Murphy and Abby. You can just see her wiggling with delight and that it was hard to sit still for a picture. I'll bet the rain hitting that metal roof sounds wonderful, and the snow just slides off?! I love your hexagon throw especially with the gray background fabrics for a change. I'm thinking if you do make a white hexagon version maybe you'd want to add some low-volume prints? It would be lovely in an opposite or contrasting version - I hope you do make one. ~smile~ Roseanne
Our driveway is just filled with leaves and acorns. Murphy and Abby are both cuties, I love the labradors. Your quilt blocks are all beautiful. Great captures of the deer and sweet bunny. Take care, enjoy your day!
I love your hexagon stars - here too the weather is unpredictable - it was fall, now it is summer for the past 3 days in the 80's and A/C back on and tomorrow back to fall. I'm ready for it to settle into fall all the time now and done with summer. Looks like the dogs are having fun.
The sculpture is fantastic and I love your hexi quilt. We have an abundance of wildlife here too. I think when a doe gives birth very near our home her babies come back to give birth here too. The reason I say this is because every year we have a doe and 1-2 fawns and she is just too comfy to not have been here before. We have baby rabbits every spring too. Love the leaves. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down, I've really enjoyed my stop today.
I’m glad to hear hubby is not getting on the roof. What a beautiful parachute block. The blue is a great background. But, I love the hexagon star top, too. That is a stunning bee sculpture. I’ll have to check out the video. Happy Thursday
Do you live close to Jenn? It's a really small world for us bloggers, I truly cannot imagine having wildlife like you all have up North, right in your own backyard.Love the leaf colours. Down here, the small maple shrubs are budding, or have actual green leaves starting.
Love that photo of the leaves around your feet, Jocelyn! Quintessential Fall. So enjoyable to see the wildlife, too. I love your Hexagon Stars! Makes me want to start one!
Yes, that workman on your roof does look like Santa peering down the chimney. As always I love your animal photos.
You always have so many fun and interesting things in your posts! I have some hexagons that my daughter gave me; I need to figure out the size of the triangle for them, because I'd like to use your idea - such a fun quilt!
Lots of likes. Look at all those leaves! That beehive is pretty cool! Hexagon stars looks terrific. Bunny! So cute. Isn't it amazing how well the deer can hear?
I am always amazed at how sensitive the deer's ears are.
I've never really thought about how a workman would walk on a metal roof. We need to get someone in to clean the gutters after the leaves are done falling. There are trees growing in one of the sections. Lots of wildlife around here, too. I came home one evening and spied a rabbit sitting in the garden happily champing away at something. They chew down the leaves on all my crocuses every spring (and sometimes the flowers). We get a day of unusual warmth tomorrow, then back to the rain and cold. Now I await a killing frost so I can dig up the dahlias.
Congrats on getting your Hexi Star quilt top together!
Yay for a clean chimney, love your roof. Your quilt is lovely, would be tempting to do white centers and scrappy points. You can just see the joy in Abby, oh youth!
Got our chimney cleaned recently too--so much prepping for winter! Lots of wildlife!
What fun to have a visiting puppy! I love trail cams! We even used them here in the city to see what would come in. I know you are going to have a neat variety of animals in your neck of the woods! The hexagon quilt looks FANTASTIC!!! Love the contrast between the grey and bright colors! I hadn't thought of hourglass blocks in a long time...might have to make some up! Have a wonderful week!
Wonderful hexagon stars quilt, and I see the stars in that pretty background. That hive is amazing. Would like to have heard the music and seen the flashing in action. Love the labs. Pretty parachute blocks!
Gosh, Jocelyn -- this post contains an entire magazine's worth of inspiration! Autumn looks so beautiful up there. Here in North Carolina the leaves are changing and falling but, with the exception of a brief colder spell, we're back to highs in the 80s again. Loved the bee sculpture and the wildlife visitors, your parachute blocks and your hourglasses. And your hexagon star quilt looks fabulous! I wanted to do something scrappy like that in the workshop I took with Kaffe and Brandon but Kaffe scolded me and said I wasn't following directions. Hah! I rolled up all my hexagons and triangles from that class and haven't looked at it since, but now you've reminded me of it and perhaps I'll drag it out again... Or at least add it to my WIP list so I don't forget about it completely! And you know I'm a sucker for the puppy dogs. I'm glad your lab got to have a play date!
That sculpture is incredible! How I would love to see it for real. Great photos of the wildlife in your yard (both wild and otherwise!).
Nice work on the hexies and your curves are looking pretty good to me.
Jocelyn - fascinating to read about the sculpture controlled by bees! And your chimney sweep does look like Santa perched up there! Enjoy your weekend.
Love the colours in those leaves. Gorgeous doggies. Your quilt flimsy is beautiful! Great wildlife shots too xx
Hello, Jocelyn
The sculpture is just amazing. I love deer, the cute bunnies and the sweet pups! You have great wildlife sightings in your yard. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day. Happy weekend to you! PS, thank you for the comment and visit too.
Your hexagon stars and parachutes in progress are lovely!! I like the yellow and blue together in the parachutes..beautiful...
Funny enough, my husband put up a trail cam a few weeks ago (he needed something to pass the time in this corona onslaught here); so far, the most exciting animal we've seen is a skunk...many deer, squirrels, fox, and one that we thought might be a coyote but--it was a dimly lit picture and hard to tell...
We also put up a birdfeeder on an arm off of our deck...but we've decided to take it in until the snow flies and food is more difficult to come by for the avian population;))) (they were eating us out of house and home!!)
Hope you are all well, stay safe hugs, Julierose
Love your deer & bunny pictures. They are so sweet! The Hexagon Stars are really pretty and I love your choice of gray for the star points. Of course, I'm very partial to gray. Lol! The parachute blocks are pretty interesting too. Should make a very cool RSC quilt!
I love your Hexagon Stars. I'm curious as to how you will finish off the sides.
I wish all the deer, rabbits, raccoons, groundhogs, wild turkeys and other wildlife would stay down in our wooded area instead of come up into the flower and veggie gardens. They devour and trample everything in sight. I would rather see birds, bees and butterflies and other pollinators up in the gardens.
Your Hexagon Star quilt is amazing! It would be lovely with white hexagons and multi colored points! I’m going to check out the link about the beehive. How interesting.
I’ll be watching your progress on the Parachutes. So pretty!
We have birds and bunnies and a few antelope. But we live on the edge of town, so not too many deer! It would be fun to have a Trail Cam.
I really like your finished top. I especially like the grey filler fabric you used (for lack of a better descriptive word). The exterior of your house is perfectly sided to complement the inside. Such a cozy place.
xx, Carol
The deer are so pretty. How great that you can get such good photos of them. I need to wash my windows! Love your quilting. Happy weekend!
Your deer are skittish and ours seem so tame, even when we step out on the deck they just stand there and look at us!! Beautiful hexagon stars, great scrap usage.
Your quilt is beautiful Jocelyn! :) The dogs are so cute...they look so happy! And I'm really envious that you see deer so close to home! Cute bunny photo!
There is so much I want to comment on. I love the quilt you are making, and the fans. I truly love your house. I also love fall so the leaves are just perect.
I was all -- I want to go to London to see the Hive; until I realized it closed in 2017. But it was very interesting. I like your Parachutes idea. I was trying to think about a real parachute. Maybe try using less lines to the parachutes... It's going to be an interesting piece.
Your hexagon star quilt patter is beautiful!! I admire your talent! Thanks for linking up and have a great week!
Great projects and thanks for the hourglass link. I might have to start that too!
Your patterns are so pretty. The sculpture is amazing!
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