4 Ticks!
Yes, I've picked 4 ticks off myself this season so far. That's three more than average. And I've had to extract one each from Hubby and Ned (though Ned is on a medication to repel parasites-too bad I couldn't have such). A lot of critters have been flourishing this year including these tiny as mites things.
And the garden continues to grow like crazy...I guess it's the heat. View from my kitchen window this morning showing the lawn on the left where I play ball with Ned.
I was working on my photos this week, an ongoing goal, and came across photos of the Fans quilt I made last fall/winter. I realized I hadn't shown the piece with all the blocks sewn together. Still not quilted and definitely imperfect (perhaps why I hadn't shared it). And I do have regrets about using those two lighter blues though in real life they are the prettiest blue fabric here.
I must share with you this photo...in my last post I wrote about feeling distracted. Noticed yesterday that my May doesn't have an A. Definitely imperfect! Oh well, a little frogging and it will be remedied.
Note the specs in that picture. A couple of blogging friends mentioned these particular readers. I checked them out and bought a set, 5 pairs for $19 US. And I could get magnification of 4 which I didn't even know was possible. These are well made and I can stitch any thread count with them when I want to take a break from my real magnifiers. Here is the link to Eyekeepers and the women's readers collections.Garden visitors We continue to be blessed with all form of creatures, great and small, visiting our summer gardens. And that includes the ticks!
These chipping sparrows have flourished the last two summers here though I've yet to find a nest. Many of them in the trees and under the feeders.
Lots of chipmunks too. Hard to count as they seem to be loners.
There is something about turkeys that fascinate me...their size, the strange featherless heads, the beauty of their large feathers; I don't know.
Thank you all so much for your thoughtful and encouraging comments on my last post. The heat broke and it is cooler now- to me more pleasant outside. A swim every day, an early morning little jog to the newspaper box with Ned and playing ball on the lawn with him is making me feel fitter. When I feel fitter, I do feel better mentally which I know is how my brain works. Plus I was able to have both grandsons here for a swim (and a float) last Sunday which was wonderful. Things are slowly starting to feel more normal.
Hope everything is even finer than normal where ever you are!
I've heard from several people how much they like your nature photos! But lawdy, ticks? Ick ick ick. We've been extra buggy here this year too. (grimace) I really love fan quilts, one of the first quilts I saw hanging in a shop in Edmonton was a fan quilt and I always meant to make one. I made one with paper and gold thread, I made one of a scene with a geisha holding a silk fan, but not one like yours which I want to make
very nice swimming pool area that you have. I have had one tick only on me this summer so far - but it is early days I hate the itch that goes with them. Glad you are feeling better - the heat can be so oppressive at times that it can really affect you mentally I think.
What a beautiful lawn and gardens, Jocelyn! Although it's not good to be getting so many ticks. Stay watchful of them! I live your fan quilt - so glad you shared it. I remember you making those blocks. We are fascinated with wild turkeys, too - always on the lookout for them. Glad you have the pool to cool off in and to attract grandsons!
I have not encountered a tick this year, yet. That could be because I have not been out much.
Hi Jocelyn,
love your kitchen view. Your Fan quilt is beautiful...you may be the only one that sees the imperfections. I don't see any at all. Your cross stitching looks great...love those flowers. You always have some awesome "critter" pictures. We have chipmunks too. I often see them sitting on our deck eating something. As soon as I go outside to take a picture...they scamper away. Your pool looks very inviting..we've been having a heat wave here...80's and 90's with high humidity. Hope you have a great day!
Ugg ticks, not sure if we have them here in New Zealand. Oh yes we do, there us a spe yes of endemic ticks, tiny things which infest birds. And seems we also have someof the nasty Aussie ticks here too. But....I've never heard of anyone been bitten by them.
Always love your bird photos, and the boys look so chilled out in the pool.
Oh yes you have some of the same critters we have here. Too many chipmunks and the rabbits are multiplying way to fast! Love seeing our turkeys too. Your cross stitch blooms are so pretty!
Ooh, good stuff! (well, other than the ticks - ugh!) I like the fans. My, My it's May? lol. Excellent wildelife - and that pool looks so inviting! Stay cool (and yay for a happy garden).
Those ticks are evil little buggers and you do have some cute critters up your way. Your blogs are sure very pretty!
Such a great post to read (except for the ticks - LOL)! I'm sure the grandkiddos are the best medicine ever! Fun to see those smiles as they are floating in the pool. Glad things are better this week!
from petting our outside dog I got a tick earlier this year. Thankfully I have not gotten any others.
I love the fan quilt. I think the light blue adds interesting contrast to the other colors. It took me almost five minutes to see the missing A in May. I think I was enjoying the colorful flowers, but maybe I need stronger readers. Are those readers made in the USA or just shipped from there? I have tried inexpensive blue light readers recently and found some I really likes but the cheap plastic frames broke and when I ordered new ones they were not as good. My hubby has had the same issue. I like to buy things that last. I am not a pool person, but yours looks so inviting, the kiddoes must love it. It has been cool and rainy here this week and now we are being deluged by the tropical storm. The weekend may be sunny. May yours be lovely. Thank you for stopping by my blog and linking up this week ... :) Pat
The bugs have been horrid this year! We're up to 7 ticks this year. Prior to them inventing to goop for cats, we had 200 one year!
I enjoy your hand work. I don't have the patience right now.
Lovely seeing your garden!
Your window view is amazing! You must work so hard to have such a beautiful yard!
Your fan quilt looks beautiful. I love all the blues although I know they may appear differently in pictures than in person. Your pool looks very inviting. It must be great to be able to swim everyday. We have our yard treated for ticks and mosquitoes. We have many deer in this area and are afraid of those darn ticks.
Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog.
Also looked at you. What a beautiful garden you have!
Nice work on your Fan quilt, which already looks beautiful.
You have taken beautiful pictures of the animals in your garden.
We've been normal here in Texas for quite awhile - glad you are getting some normal now! How beautiful your garden is, so lush.
Oh ticks - ugh. When we first moved to an acreage back in 2016 I got a tick and killed a scorpion in the first week. Had another scorpion and two more ticks in that first month. I don't miss any of that here in suburbia in north Texas!
Hello Jocelyn,
You yard looks beautiful, a great place for Ned to run around and enjoy. The fan quilt and embroidery look lovely. Cute capture of the Chipping Sparrow and the Chipmunk. The turkeys are big birds. I am always checking for those nasty ticks, my hubby has tested positive for Lymes disease and has taken meds a few times. I am sure your grandsons love your pool. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend! PS, thank you for your comment today and on all past visits.
EEEK ticks...I haven't seen any around here luckily! The critters are lovely and I feel the same way about those wild turkeys! Great photos! :)
Beautiful projects and so glad you got to spend some time with loved ones. Have an awesome week.
Hi Jocelyn! Four ticks!! Oh no, I hope there are no remnants in any of you! Your fans look fab - I don't think you should have ANY regrets on your fabric choices at all. Now how to quilt it - that's where I would be stuck, too. {{Hugs}} a bunch for you. How exciting that the grandsons could visit! I'll bet they enjoyed meeting Neddy . . . and it was reciprocated, as well. ~smile~ Roseanne
Beautiful yard! I also ike the sparrow, squirrel and the imperfect cross stitch.
Too funny about your MAY. Sorry you have to pick some stitches out but I'll bet we've all been there on some level. What gorgeous turkeys you have! Hahaha! Love the brilliant tail feathers and the view from your kitchen window is magnificent. So green & lush. The garden up close is really pretty!
Love the fan quilt!
Some of the best tings come from imperfect stitching, the fan quilt is lovely. Your photos are lovely and looks like a wonderful time with the grands.
Ticks can be nasty. We have to be careful in the uk as lymes disease can be a problem! Your embroidery is lovely, I love the colours. Shame about the A though. Great wildlife photos too.
We have ticks around here too. I have never had any on me but my husband has had one burrow right in. Had to be removed at the hospital--took some antibiotics so did not get lime disease, Thankfully. Your garden is lovely. I like the fan quilt too--the different blue backgrounds make it interesting! I hope May got an "A" today!
Your garden is looking lovely. Mine is looking like crispy critters with this 108 degree heat! Great you got to spend time with your grandsons! I love your fan quilt and I personally like the light blue! Hope you have a great week!
Your pool looks awesome. Mine is currently being drained again so the SIL can fix it, I hope, slow leak somewhere. Your yard looks awesome. I read some of your previous posts. I agree the boarding school information is so distressing, but I grew up with stories from my great grandmother and uncles about being taken to boarding school and what it was like. I will say that many of the problems in the native communities stem from generational trauma from those places. Love your tumbling blocks they are gorgeous, as well as your fan blocks.
I sometimes wonder what earthly good ticks are - but I suppose the birds likely eat them. Wasps too - hate those things. Your garden looks like a lovely cool oasis.
That is a lovely view from your window. There is a FB group A View From My window. I love seeing all the different views from around the world. Your fan quilt is quite beautiful. Enjoy the weekend. I have two blogs so you may see me here or there. I am unsure if my comment is duplicated. If so, I am very sorry.
I love your fan quilt top and how it's displayed!!!
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