Sunday 17 April 2022

Window on My World, Fans Finish, Beautiful Ukrainian Eggs

I've turned around my happy chair in the living area so I can face this window and watch the clouds glide by.  I can also keep an eye on the bird bath that is now up and running. So far, lots are taking a drink but only one American Goldfinch and a Robin have availed of a little wash up. 

But as you see, the ice has receded except for shaded areas, and the grass is already showing some greening which always happens surprisingly fast. It is still quite cool with freezing temperatures overnight so I'm holding off on any planting.
Or cleanup just yet.  

SIL dropped us off a little treat to have for Good Friday dinner, a Costco Fish and Chips meal.  It was very tasty and we had leftovers the next day. Costco is putting together more of these meals I noticed when we got inside the store finally after a year or so.
Look what's up on the wall in the back hallway. Yes, Fans is a finish!
I really only had the edging to hand stitch and a couple more embroidered butterflies to add. That did not take too long, one evening actually. Here I lightened the photo to show the butterflies but normally they don't stand out.
Anyway, nice to have another finish for my Done With It All year!
My good friend, Heather who lives at home and I miss,  posted these very lovely Ukrainian Easter Eggs on her Facebook page. She made them years ago using the wax resist method and they are still so beautiful.  And poignant too when thinking of all the troubles in that part of the world. 
I am surprised when I think of how far away I am from the Easters of my youth. Some of you remember too the new bonnets, outfits and gloves to wear to church and the big Sunday. very traditional meal following. 
But still I am so fortunate to live close to the daughters and be able to have family coming over for dinner tonight. We are going very non traditional for Easter and ordering in Indian food. We are all looking forward to it!
SO happy to share this post with the Slow Stitching party at Kathy's Quilts. Also sharing with Small Quilts and Doll QuiltsWendy's Quilts and MoreLife in the ScrapatchCreations Quilts Art WhateverHome Sewn By Us and Alycia Quilts.


Karrin Hurd said...

Those Ukranian eggs are beautiful! I love your view, what a beautiful place to stitch! And gorgeous finish on your fan quilt! Happy Easter and hope you have a great week!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your outside view is beautiful and as pretty as your items inside.

Juliana said...

Your fan wall hanging is beautiful! It's especially pretty against the natural wood wall. Thank you for sharing those exquisite eggs! I've never seen anything like them. And one final comment: your Easter dinner may be nontraditional, but what a lovely tradition to gather family together to enjoy a meal together, even though the religious holiday is not the focus.

Libby in TN said...

Beautiful view, beautiful quilt, beautiful eggs. Enjoy your day!

Quilting Babcia said...

I loved seeing your little quilt gallery and the fan quilt is especially lovely against the natural wood wall. How fortunate you are to have that lovely collection of Ukrainian eggs from your friend. One of our friends also painted many in her younger years, they are works of art to be treasured.

Unknown said...

Remembering dear loved ones today, around that big happy table you described. God bless the Ukrainian people today and always.

Jenny said...

It's always so nice to have a new finish hanging in the wall. And lovely to have family over for a meal. We don't do a traditional Easter baked ham meal here as those in USA and Canada seem to. Although we have caught up with family this Easter, we are away in our caravan staying in a camp not too far from my daughters small holding.

piecefulwendy said...

Happy Easter to you and your family! Your fans quilt is lovely, and looks so nice in that beautiful spot! I love the wood in your home!

CathieJ said...

Those are psanky eggs. I took a class at my local library to learn to make them years ago. Sadly mine eventually was broken. I would love to make them again. I'd forgotten about that. Thanks for the memory. Those eggs are gorgeous. I like the view from your happy chair. Fans is beautiful. I love your quilting. Enjoy your Indian meal for Easter. We had traditional ham with a side of non-traditional baked ziti. Have a great week!

Jackie said...

Gorgeous work on the fans quilt, and those Ukrainian Easter eggs are gorgeous, such vibrant colours.

God bless.

Carol in Texas said...

Happy Easter from Texas Jocelyn! Here we have no ice melting! Our spring is well underway and our son ran the air conditioner in the part of the house he and his wife stayed in over the weekend. We all went to the 8 a.m. service this morning, and afterwards we had our first church breakfast….potluck style…..since the beginning of the Covid lockdown, 2 years ago. It was glorious@. All were so happy and festive to be together with tableful of lovely food. I made Ina Garten’s cranberrry and orange scones….very yummy as are all her recipes. I love your blog. We live in very different climates but we love many of the same things!

PaintedThread said...

Your fan quilt looks terrific - that's a great photograph with the butterflies around the edge. Those Ukrainian eggs are so beautiful. Amazing clean work - those took a lot of hours to do! Mmm... Indian for Easter sounds great!

Michele McLaughlin said...

Beautiful quilt and love the quilting! The Ukrainian eggs are gorgeous and your friend's work is lovely! Thinking of you and hoping you had a wonderful dinner! Hugs!

Rose Marie said...

Your fan quilt is lovely and a nice addition to your walls of quilts. Those eggs are exquisite.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love those pretty painted eggs so beautiful. I like your wooden walls with quilts hanging on them so pretty!

Ivani said...

What a beautiful view from that Windows, Jocelyn. Fan quilt is wonderful, Love also the quilting. Here in Brasil there is a great Ukranian comunity, and their painted eggs are gorgeous.

QuiltGranma said...

Being able to be with family is precious. This year we were able to travel through many states to visit and got photos with 5 generations.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Nice post. I'm glad you turned your chair around to see your backyard nature. Even though we have large windows, we are up in tree top level and miss so much. Those eggs are beautiful. I always wanted to make them. Oh, I remember the kind of Easter you spoke of. We always dressed up to go to Church, even more so for Easter service. And we always had a huge family dinner. Yes, that is so far in the past.
xx, Carol

Cathy said...

Happy Easter. Good to see your garden again. Fish, chips and coleslaw really do go well.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Such a nice view outside your window. We have a nice view too but we have to stand up to see it - one of the drawbacks of living on the third floor of an apartment building.
Your fan quilt finished beautifully and looks great hanging on your wall. And those eggs - such artistry in those.

Quilter Kathy said...

Congratulations on the fan quilt finish! The butterflies in the border are a gorgeous addition!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

The eggs are absolutely exquisitely done~. What a treasure to have. I imagine you do miss your friend. Enjoy the beginnings of Spring. We have a great day today - low humidity, but last week it hit the 100 mark!!! Yikes - not looking forward to summer - no rain still! Now 7 months with only about 2 inches! Hugs

Linda said...

Your Easter dinner sounds wonderful! Love the fans quilt, and the butterflies embroidered on it are beautiful. Yes those eggs are exquisite. I do remember bonnets and Easter dresses and yes - gloves! - and always a ham dinner waiting after church.

gladiquilts said...

Congratulations Jocelyn on finishing your BEAUTIFUL fans quilt!! The stitched butterflies are the perfect border and it looks fabulous on that wood wall. Those Ukrainian eggs are amazing. I’m just far enough south of you that our landscape is starting to “green up” this past week though temps are still often in the 30’s at night and 50’s during the day. I’m relishing the changes!🙂

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Jocelyn! Those eggs are just stunning. What a talent it is to have decorated them. Your Fans quilt looks lovely, especially in the hallway where you may enjoy it each time you pass. The light on it is lovely, too - like it is highlighting all of its assets. Yay for the ice receding and being able to enjoy the birdbath. That Costco fish dinner looks delicious - I love fish of all sorts, and their coleslaw looks yummy, too. Thanks so much for linking up for TGIFF. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Your fan quilt is lovely! It looks great there on the wall!