Tuesday 8 November 2022

Friendship Star Blocks, Manly Quilt Talk, Six Quilt Trends, Artist's Gift

It was a beautiful weekend here in our corner of Ontario with windows open and a little wind making the leaves dance about on our walks. Our kindest of autumns is continuing it seems. I had already moved our winter outerwear upstairs and some of the lighter clothes to the basement closet. I've had to go down and bring it back up. Just don't need a parka when it is 15C + outside. Meanwhile, several Canadian provinces out west have had a number of snowfalls, as have some of my American blogging buddies far to the south of us. Being superstitious about weather, I wonder when it hits us, how bad will it be. Ottawa and area winters are classified as Harsh meteorologically, the same rating as Labrador. Who knows!

When apples were talked about here recently, I heard from many of you about your favourites but no one mentioned this one below.  When I saw it at the grocery store, I couldn't resist the name- SweeTango. They are delicious, crisp and sweet. Any of you tried this one?

Sitting atop The Fens by Francis Pryor, my heavy reading book at the moment, alongside much lighter stuff. I enjoy architecture as a topic and even ancient especially through the eyes of such a talented archeologist. Francis is one who hates leaf blowers, btw, and our obsession with neatness in gardens...we should live alongside nature, he thinks. 

 Creative LeeAnna, Not Afraid of Color, sent me a gift...interpreting one of my photos in her artwork. She says she was inspired by the glint in my Junco's eye which I had not noticed till she pointed it out, using her artist's eye. She talks more about her painting Here and you can check out that glint Here. Thanks, LeeAnna; this made my day!

Some stitchy talk now...
Top 6 Quilt Trends as seen recently at Quilt Market 2022.  #5 is one I love...the hand stitching trend growing bigger all the time.  And overall, it's great to have confirmation of how strong quilting remains as a beloved craft which is good news for us all.

Recently I wrote best men's hand sewn quilts into google search and I emerged a couple of days later. Not kidding...Oh my, what a journey that was. Just so much to see and read about in the search for ideas about sewing a manly quilt.

 I came across these videos produced by Michelle Fox, The Simple Quilter.  She asks her husband and son questions about the kinds of quilts they like.  I had a smile on my face all the way through.  These lovable guys love the quilts Michelle has sewn for them. This initial video was so popular the men have returned, with the dog, to answer more questions about quilts and quilting. 

So what do you think of Pantone's Colour of the Year for 2023?  Are you a Lavender fan?
Meanwhile, I've pulled fabrics for grandson's quilt and sewn several more of these Friendship stars. I will be sewing more of these this week.  No lavender here!
But there is lavender here! I laid Plaid Tilda over the sofa in the t.v. room to take stock.  I have the left hand corner still to quilt. It's too big to get a good photo of no matter how I try.  Most nights, this is my handwork while watching t.v.
We had a fairly busy week last week...busy for us that is. Today we have to pick up Hubby's medicine and we always treat ourselves to take out when we do.  I'm looking forward to that. 
Hope there is something to look forward to in your day too! 


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it is nice that hand stitching seems to be making a come back. I know it won't ever win out over machine work as that is what so many seem to want but I will always love hand work.
Nice gift to you.

Anonymous said...

We have been in Ottawa in the winter when it is freeze your face off cold. 🥶. Your hand quilting project is gorgeous. Keep sewing. I live handwork and try to do some every week. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Glad you're having such a lovely fall! We really are, too, in spite of last week's snow. What a fun video - I enjoyed that so much! The most important thing to those guys was that she made the quilts for them - so good to know. Your plaid Tilda is looking wonderful as it gets all quilted up!

loulee said...

Plaid Tilda looks beautiful.
Yes, we have SweeTango apples here in NZ, they are lovely.

Jenny said...

I'm a real fan of Frances Pryor and have often seen him on TV. I love his enthusiastic, bubbly personality, and his subjuct knowledge too of course.

cityquilter grace said...

so glad to see hand quilting...it's primarily what i do...currently working on a 96" square biggie for a christmas gift...it really does make the quilt doesn't it?

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I love lavender as the color of the year. It's always been one of my favorites! How nice of LeeAnna to paint one of your photos! She's so talented. I love the quilts you're working on. Tilda is such a great fabric line.

Jackie said...

Very pretty friendship star blocks. I love how they come together.

I always question the sons on what kind of quilt they would like when I make them.

God bless.

Jenn Jilks said...

I like lavender.
That video made my smile. You have so much fun!

Susie H said...

I love all kinds of hand-stitching -- EPP, embroidery, hand-piecing. Glad to hear it's all alive and doing well! As for Pantone's color lavender, I happen to be right now wearing a pair of hand-knitted socks with lavender in it. Guess I'm on board with the color of the year. ha!

PaintedThread said...

I really like Plaid Tilda.

Bonnie said...

Enjoyed watching the video you included. It was a fun watch. I haven't seen Sweet Tangos at the local market. Might need to keep my eyes peeled for them. Hum, that lavender looks a bit greyed for my likes. I tend to use my stash more than buy new fabrics for my quilts. On the other hand I do buy backings to go with the fronts. I like the polka dot fabric you are using for your grandson's quilt. Have a quilty week.

K Reeves said...

Enjoy that nice weather as long as you have it! Winter is arriving tomorrow, and it looks to be quite a change….maybe even a blizzard! Your quilt is beautiful, what a cozy evening project!

Lin said...

Great picture of your little bird and I do love lavender - the real thing, not necessarily that pantone colour lol. Your quilt is looking great - I have some hand quilting on my lap in the evenings now. It is still very mild here too but my legs soon cool down so the quilt is perfect. xx

Annelein said...

Enjoy these autumn days 😉. Love your quiltwork.

Hubblebird said...

I love how the Plaid Tilda is turning out!

Jill at emeraldcottage said...

your friendship stars are gorgeous, and I love the Tilda quilt. Its a kind autumn here too

Pamela Dempsey said...

Those videos are so cute! We have gotten those apples before and they are really nice 👍. We are going to be up to 81 today in Northeast Texas and in the 50s by the weekend, love the cooler weather!

Linda said...

Plaid Tilda is SO gorgeous! Friendship stars are my very favorite block - why don't I make more of them??? That Junco painting is wonderful, maybe you could turn it into an embroidery! :) I think lavender is pretty, but it looks a little dull in that photo doesn't it. Probably not the color I would have chose for color of the year. But they didn't ask me - lol! Thank you for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

MissPat said...

I had not seen that Pantone's new color of the year is lavender and, yes, I like it very much, both the color and the flower. Although all of my lavender plants are a much darker purple than the color of the year. Doesn't LeeAnna do wonderful work? So nice of her to share the junco painting with you. Sounds like the string of mild autumn weather is coming to an end, prefaced first by a lot of rain in the wake of Nicole.

Kyle said...

We really need the moisture from snow, but like you, I'm enjoying these pleasant autumn days. Not too keen on the lavender, but somebody will like it. Glad to hear that handwork is finding its way back. Your Tilda quilt looks lovely.

Daniela Bencúrová said...

It's a beautiful autumn here in Slovakia (EU), I'm looking forward to it.

LA Paylor said...

your weather sounds perfect. We went from mid 70's a couple days ago down to below freezing last night, no snow as predicted though. We hope for precip around here. I meant to send the actual painting but am having trouble letting it go... no worries, I'm going to send something made from it (email me your addy???)
We change out clothes closets too, it's nicer to only see what I can wear at any given season. I like lavender!!! LeeAnna

LA Paylor said...

I just watched that video, and fell in love with all the guys including Milo. Of course I'm partial to a dog named Milo

Jenny said...

Thanks for the video, I had fun watching it.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Pretty LeeAnna's gift, and fun video! I like lavender, but your blue blocks are brighter, and beautiful ;) Lovely Plaid Tilda, it looks cozy and soft.
Thank you for sharing and linking up!

dq said...

It is so nice to have "tv" hand work!
Beautiful quilt!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I just watched Episode 2 of the male interview and laughed so much. Those guys are great!
Lavender isn't my absolute favourite because I prefer the more jewel tones and a deeper purple. It's certainly not a colour I'd be putting on my walls.

Preeti said...

I will check out that video, but set an alarm so that I can emerge before 24 hours :-D I believe you about the rabbit hole qualities of IG, Pinterest and the like. Pantone's color of 2023 (Lavender) looks not too different from the 2022 color - Very Peri. Another light purple, in my opinion. The friendship stars are sparkling!

Anonymous said...

The painting is so neat! Your Friendship stars are very pretty and love Plaid Tilda! You have been busy. Hugs

Karen said...

I've read lots of Francis Pryor's work. Did you know he lived in Canada for some time? One branch of my paternal family immigrated to Canada from an area of Norfolk, UK "in the Fens". Mr. Pryor was part of the team at "Time Team" for a number of seasons. We used to watch it on TVO or PBS out of upstate NY.

Karen said...

Francis Pryor has also written a couple or three volumes of really captivating fiction too!

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

You're so on trend with your Tilda quilt! Lovely quilting on it. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell linkup, Wednesday Wait Loss.