I have the bird feeders filled and the wood brought in for the day long fire.
And I'm in my cosy clothes. Found these fleece pants at Walmart and just love them for around the house. I noticed how warm they were when I picked up the wood from the veranda.
Just the right blend of weight and softness and not too bulky. There was a time I would not wear these except for exercising, not dressy enough, but now I'm the dress police here and, apparently, I no longer give a hoot. Comfort is trumping fashion. Same at yours?
We have a fresh five inch blanket of snow on the ground this morning, definitely comfort food season. I cooked a ham and scalloped potatoes to go with it last night.
Leftovers for tonight which is always a good thing and then I'll make a pea soup from any ham left over. It is definitely hot soup season too. Delish published this article 75 Most Comforting Foods Ever so I just had to take a look. Yes, so many favourites, including Grits. The only time I've eaten grits was once in a Cracker Barrel Restaurant on the drive to Florida; I just had to try them because I'd read about them in novels. And I liked them. Then I came across this site, The Food Republic, and an article on how to fancy up tinned soups which I can't believe I've never thought of doing. So many simple ways to hike both the nutrition and flavours. Like using those frozen wontons and vegetables in canned beef broth to make a kind of sweet and sour soup, something I love. Now if only I can remember this.
Down at the pond one day last week, I watched a number of tadpoles swimming under a thin skim of ice. Definitely did not seem comfortable this late in the season. I wondered if they will survive. *Just had to look that up and sure enough, yes, they can hibernate as tadpoles and continue their growth next spring. Amazing!
I don't need to say a word about the comfort and enjoyment our stitching and hobbies give us. You folks know all about that. I especially enjoyed slow stitching this little quaker wreath this week.
It might be my favourite motif of this project. You are meant to choose an initial to work in the center of it.
I did a test block for a little Christmas quilt I want to machine stitch. It was very simple and went together quickly.

I had no excuse not to sew more blocks while I was at it. So busy looking though and gold accents and glitter are definitely not my thing. So like me to immediately doubt my fabric decisions. But I guess glitter and Christmas can go together.
I'm off to do some shopping...right here in my easy chair. Don't have to change my cosy pants for something less comfortable and face the snowy roads, traffic and people. Yes, so many Christmas presents are bought on Amazon/online these days and who can resist the next day service. I wonder what my grandparents would think of the concept of shopping on your phone. Really something, isn't it! Hope you are all off to a great week!
I think I might have the exact same black pants in my dresser and a dark burgundy pair as well - bought from Wal-Mart and so comfy! Not too heavy. I often wonder too what I would have thought years ago to know that I could do my shopping on the computer or my parents as well - they would be amazed. And recently I heard that wal-Mart for groceries will now deliver same day out here in the country for a small fee
ah you have discovered the secret of warmth and comfort...fleece pants! lol...they are my mostly every day outfit. ooh ham and scalloped potatoes...ham is off my menu but i just might have to whip up some of the potatoes....never met one i didn't like...LOL...lovely chrismtasy sewing!
After we come in from being anywhere we promptly change into what we call our 'comfie cozies'. In the summer it's lighter weight lounge pants (or for me, a long flowy dress) and in the winter we opt for heavier fleece ones. Like you, I no longer care what I look like when I'm at home and luckily the Resident Chef feels the same.
Re additives to tinned soups...when our boys were in school one of their favourite winter lunches was simply a can of tomato soup combined with a can of brown beans. I'd add either a can of water or milk (depending on if there was any milk left when I went to the fridge...boys, what can I say!). That, with a grilled cheese sandwich, was often requested.
Shopping on your phone, even my Mum and Dad would not have had that option. Warm pants, I have had my medium winter weight ones on this last week, not every day but it has been cooler than usual for December. We will probably have a ham for Christmas Day, once many years ago I did a calculation about how many individual servings we had from one ham and it was ridiculously cheap!!! Nothing is wasted. and now with a deep freeze can save so much for our next season of soup meals.
Nice to hear from you. I agree on comfortable clothing at our age/stage in life. Your stitchery is lovely and your gift box blocks sweet.
Yes, the older I get the less I take note of the fashion police. LOL
Lovely to see your cross stitch and those gift blocks look great.
I love cozy pants and tops for wearing around the house all day - I call them my soft clothes! Your Quaker wreath is a beautiful design, and I love the Christmas package blocks, too. That looks like the perfect project for this time of year! We're seeing lots of hungry birds and squirrels out at our feeders right now, too. They're very entertaining!
Comfort always works in this house. Fashion not so much. Love the stitching.
God bless.
Good for you wearing the comfy clothes! I still mostly wear jeans around my house but I might not get dressed until lunchtime.:)
Those pants are exactly what I like to wear! Mine are getting ragged, so I need to find some at our Walmart. The dress police took one look at my closet and gave up - lol! Your ham dinner looks wonderful, and I'll stop by for that pea soup. Your gift box blocks are so cute - I have saved the link. Haha on the "next day" for Amazon - that is usually the case, but yesterday we were informed there was a "delay", and my cats were not happy that their food will be late. ;)
That looks like real comfort, which winter days should be like (unless committed to work outside home). Fleece pants are the best, and who cares how you are dressed at home? Comfort is more important than anything else. Your cross-stitching is so pretty. Fun Christmas quilt too. Gold accents and glitter belongs to Christmas! :-) Have a lovely week!
I've never been much for fashion, but comfort always wins! Especially with shoes. So glad I work from home so I can wear jeans or shorts most of the time! Cozy pants and sweatshirts were my favorite when I was up north. I'd be perched in front of that fire - so pretty. Love your stitchery. Interesting on the tadpoles, I guess more things hibernate than bears! Your present blocks are looking great. Wishing you a comfy and warm week.
Quite the roaring fire and pile of wood! Comfort always trumps fashion! Comfort food - we've been hankering for soup lately! I always enjoy your cross stitch progress.
I’m “wintering” in much the same way - comfortable clothes, comfort food, and relaxing stitching, plus walks to keep me in shape. I like your projects!
We are having split pea soup tonight made from the Christmas ham! And I am wearing knit pants and a tee from my Walmart…..my fashion store in this small Texas town. It is a lovely store recently remodeled so that customers cannot find anything! It is my pharmacy also…..I am very thankful for it. And I will stitch tonight, not to a fire, though there is one laid. We will save it for a colder night. I do love the coziness of winter though the cold is not my favorite weather. I started reading Dead Wake by Erik Larson this afternoon, our book club’s February book….January’s is A Tale of Two Cities that I read last summer for the first time, despite being an English major!!!! I love your blog! Stay warm! Be cozy!
I definitely don't give a hoot anymore! Those fleece pants do look mighty comfy and since hubby wears them around the house I might as well too! I've thought about making one of those Christmas present quilts but never seem to get around to it. More snow here tonight guess winter is here to stay.
Absolutely, comfort trumps fashion for me, though I try to look presentable when I am away from home.
I've embellished canned clam chowder with more potatoes and clams, and, occasionally, added seasonings to canned beans and corn.
Your leafy wreath is beautiful. So very delicate.
And you've made some fun present blocks. Lots of Christmas prints, there.
I know how much you enjoy birds and I thought you might like the huge bird at this link (though I don't know what kind of bird he is): https://www.thisiscolossal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/comedy-wildlife-3-960x1200.jpg
His photo was submitted to the wildlife comedy award. You can see the rest of the entries her: https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2024/12/2024-comedy-wildlife-awards-winners/
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