I'll speak of weather and get it out of the way as it were. We got advance warning of a winter storm so I was able to fill the feeders, get in my bit of firewood to start the fire and have an extra long walk in the evening thinking I wouldn't get out the next morning.
When I got up at 7, everything was calm, snow gently falling. Quite a bit of accumulation, around 30 cm by then, so the snowplows had their work cut out for them...So Ned and I tried out the trails. It wasn't a walk, more of a slog. At the point where I was furthest from the house, I had to take a spell before trudging on. Ned was disappointed as the snow had covered up all the scents and not one track was seen to be followed.
School buses were off the roads but schools were open and teachers expected to be there. Everything here goes on as normal, even city buses on the roads which seems so dangerous to me. And it is...there are numerous accidents being reported.
Inside I had cooked us a roast beef dinner with lots of veggies including turnip and cabbage the night before so we could have leftovers if the power was lost. And a bit of a treat for Valentines' Day.
Tony surprised me with a Valentine's gift- two pretty posies, Dianthus and Campanula, both of which can be put in the garden later on if they survive. I really liked the card.And I contented myself with lots of slow stitching like more embroidery on this very large Snow Days motif...how appropriate!
I also cut out two mug rugs for little gifts as my small scrappy stitching this month. I'm not spending time on the internet like I used to by having days I don't open the browser at all. But like every rule, there is an exception and mine is listening to an audio book or music, both of which I do a lot and are found on my computer. During my now more precious browsing time recently, I noted these results for beautiful and free quilt patterns....
Art Gallery Quilts has their free patterns for gorgeous more modern style quilts HERE.I had a lot of fun looking through Riley Blakes' free patterns...so many I loved. HERE.
I like how at American Patchwork and Quilting, they include smaller projects too in their free pattern inventory. So many patterns! HERE
We are under another snow storm watch for overnight so I'm also ending this post talking about snow. On the plus side, this snow will be good for maintaining ground water levels in the spring so the forests won't get too dry. I always worry about a fire here in our 10+ acre woods.
Hope you are staying warm and toasty or cool and calm wherever you are in this wild world of ours!
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Poor Ned (and you) having to wade through all that snow! I know I've certainly seen enough of it this winter. They said it was going to be an old-fashioned winter and it seems they were right.
Thank you for all the wonderful links to the patterns....wow, one wouldn't need to look anywhere else for inspiration.
Trying to be cool, not so sure about calm. Hot days, slightly cooler nights, and already darker in the mornings. It's always a good idea to have things prepared inside in case, we have a generator if the power goes off, but living in a small town it usually isn't off for long. Previously some years ago we lived about 35 minutes from a town, and once had a long power outage when a swan flew into the lines. And another longer still when a transformer blew. But there wasn't snow like you have. Ned, spring is coming and the smells and trails will be more exciting !!!
Thank you for the links to the free patterns. There sure is a lot of free patterns in those. Love so many. Here's one for you: Quilts Inspiration https://quiltinspiration.blogspot.com/
If you scroll down a bit, you'll see on the right hand side, some free pattern grouped by theme or colours. They have so many more than what is showed right now. Enjoy!
Snow Days embroidery is so lovely ... except that it looks exactly like my backyard, lol. Take care. Stay warm! ;^)
Loved going down the proverbial rabbit hole with the Free Pattern tabs. Thank you. Snow Days is showing great progress. Stay warm and give sweet Ned a pat on the head from me!
Thank you for the free pattern links. I love looking at them. Poor Ned, no sniffs available. No real snow here as it has been pretty cold. Next week some nights will be going down to almost -50C with the windchill.
God bless.
I admit that I am just slightly envious of all your snow, Jocelyn. Wonderful!
Your Snow Days embroidery looks so good--almost like an ink drawing-- and so does your roast beef dinner! Yum.
Looks like a winter wonderland, Jocelyn. Too bad the kiddos do not get a snow day though. LOL. You have some lovely projects in the works. I hope you made a lot of progress. Stay warm and cozy.
We are definitely having a snowy winter this year! Snow day/sew day here today. I’m hoping to machine quilt a baby quilt today as well as doing some slow stitching. You have the perfect project for a snowy day! We made a special Valentine’s Day dinner at home too.
Love walks in the snow when it is falling and you can actually HEAR the snow. Bummer you took a little spell. Hopefully it just got you a little wet and not bruised. Beautiful flowers for future garden planting.
Your walk reminds me of the Robert Frost poem, except you have Ned instead of the "little horse". ;) Love your Snow Days. What lovely gifts from Tony!!
Such a lot of snow!! If that happened where we lived, we would be paralyzed for days! I applaud you and Ned for slogging through it! I love seeing your progress on your "Snow Days." It is a beautiful piece.
Is "Snowy Days" a CrabApple Hill pattern? Love it! I love the photos of your snow as well.
Snowy here, too, although maybe not as much as you have. Your roast beef dinner sounds yummy! I love that heart runner that you're quilting - such pretty color. Enjoy your stitching today, Jocelyn!
We're in the middle of a storm right now! This month has been very stormy for us. I love your projects. Thank for the free projects! I hope you had a great Valentine's Day!
Quite a bit of snow to slog through. Roast beef dinner looks lovely. Stay warm!
It surely is a winter wonderland there! We have been getting small batches of snow, 1-2 inches at a time, for which I am grateful! When it’s this cold (-6 this am), I do the shoveling because the cold is so hard on Greg’s lungs. Small amounts are much easier!
That much snow would absolutely shut down the world here on the Plateau! So pretty, though. Your stitching projects are lovely.
we just got another four inches overnight. lovely projects you have going on!!!
Stay warm! Nearly noon and it's still -10 degrees here in eastern South Dakota. Those heart blocks are really cute.
Snow here too. Beautiful stitching projects to keep you busy :)
We too have had snow the last several days. Not as much accumulation as you had though. I don’t mind looking at the snow, but when it’s accompanied by wind and cold I’m not interested in being out. I’m trying to sew a little every day. And I have a stitching project going too.
I can’t imagine that much snow. It is pretty, but must be quite confining. All those sites do have great patterns.
I have the snow days pattern but have not begun it. That is a lot of stitchin'!
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