Nature's yellows are popping up all over the place including along our driveway. Joyful is how these vibrant colours make me feel.
I mentioned I would be popping into Sew For It on our way home from Hubby's appointment. That I did and bought these fabrics. A subdued lot but what I was after.
Sulky threads are available there so bought two of the variegated that caught my eye.
Quilters were there cutting fabric for a class stitch along. They seemed to be cutting hundreds of pieces which I know some of you love to do but was mind boggling to me. And they told me this was Day 2 of the cutting! Mind you the quilt they would eventually get to stitch was breath taking so it will be worth it.
I love phrases and sayings so this video was entertaining to me. Prince Charles is now the longest heir apparent in British history by a long shot. And it doesn't look likely he'll get to ascend the throne any time soon. Here he is reading his favourite poem and a nod to Shakespeare for so many wonderful phrases we use in everyday speech. Who knew!
I had to share this so Sally at Crafts, Cavies and Cooking could see it. I'm sure she has been to guinea pig parties where dress up was involved. I had to smile looking at these itty bitty costumes to be found at Pet Smart or Amazon.

I love sewing together these little squares out of all the leftovers from the basket blocks (with bits added). Starting to look more like border potential and it soothes my thrifty side. (How did that green one sneak in there!)
This little wild flower in the meadow by the pond is bravely hanging on in spite of the frost nipping its leaves. I think it is Hairy Willow Herb.
I liked this saying...labyrinth indeed, sometimes I think I am full of intricate passageways and blind alleys, an elaborate and confusing work of art, certainly a puzzle to even myself at times. More in the past than present. Hubby's succinct advice... you overthink...stop it.

Perhaps I'm heeding his advice because I'm feeling less complicated all the time. Or is it a positive byproduct of aging I wonder. Who knows!
On that positive note I'll end today's post. Hope all is positive in your world today.
Lots more positivity to be found at Not Afraid of Color, For the Love of Geese, My Quilt Infatuation, Quilt Fabrication, Skywatch Friday, The Inquiring Quilter, Creative Compulsions, Floral Friday Foto and Paying Ready Attention.
your photos are so good... loved hearing Prince Charles and noting he looks like his grandfather now. That mermaid costume is the best laugh I've had in days! Thanks as always for your list. LeeAnna
Hi Jocelyn! I have to agree with your grandson - I don't care for the Killdeer name, either. And that sweet little guinea pig all dressed up - so darn cute. I love the trees you shared as well as those new fabrics - both photos are gorgeous. I can see a lot of changes in myself as I age - much for patient, cry at the drop of a hat lately, enjoy spending time with younger folks, and more annoyed with politics (although that's a lie - I was always following current events). I even drive slightly slower sometimes! HAHA! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Okay, Jocelyn, we need to meet in person! I have no doubt that you and I would enjoy sitting and sewing together. First, I love your appreciation of fall color; then you find a clip of Prince Charles quoting Shakespeare! Then you confess that you enjoy sewing little leftover bits of fabric together. And You watch nature (killdeer and wildflowers) - gracious! We do have much in common! Enjoy your day!
Your quilt is coming along nicely. I'm visiting from Creative Creations. I don't think your bird is a killdeer, looks more like a wading bird, perhaps a sanderling or sandpiper. Killdeers have distinctive black rings around their neck
Love your new fabrics and your little squares project...something so relaxing about just sewing a line of squares...hugs, Julierose
I don't like cutting hundreds of pieces at a time either - would much rather be sewing them together! I still think of Prince Charles as being the way he looked when he and Diana got married all those years ago. Surprise - he has aged just like we have! I wonder if he will ever get to be king. I love seeing the killdeer near the lakes and ponds around us, but never knew how they got their name. Will have to listen next time!
Such a nice quilt and that bird is very cool!
The bird is so beautiful! What a great picture. I love the spots- reminds me of a fawn-so there's another bit of a deer connection!
I love the golds! OMG, what a hilarious costume! Poor befuddled guinea pig. LOL.
Beautiful Autumnal colours....I don't have them in my subtropical climate. Love your subdued fabrics. It's lovely to share time in nature with youngsters. I enjoyed your post x
Love the trees, pretty fabrics. LOL the GP in the mermaid costume. I always new the as kildeer too. I finally looked it up because they reminded me of Sandpipers at the coast in Oregon. They are all plovers.
I love the mermaid costume and wonder if Sally will dress up Mabel? I dont dress up my puppy because all my dogs but one hated it. Love the fabric you bought and your great photos! Have a great day!
I'm going to check out your links. I laughed when I read your husband said you over think. My grandson used to tell me that I think too deep. Now that he is in his twenties he is thinking pretty deeply. I'm glad I gifted that to him, lol. I am pretty sure that I will never stitch a quilt that requires me to cut lots of little pieces and then sew them together. To each his own. Seeing your picture of the Killdeer reminded me that we used to see them around here all the time but have not seen one in years. My rural area is not so rural anymore which might be why.
I do find the trees changing colors cheerful in a way. My favorite scene is along the river where we cross it. I really like to drive along the river no matter what season.
Have a great weekend.
xx, Carol
Beautiful fall color. Love the Killdeer shot (not a fan of the name either) and LOL at the guinea pig!
That thread is amazing! I love the one green bit, too!!!
I'm not sure I get the guinea pig dress-up!
Your autumn colors are gorgeous! Less complicated is good I think :)
Ha! Your hubby and my hubby must be hubby tells me to stop overthinking things too! :-)
Love the colors in that sulky thread!
Happy Autumn!
Looks like your shopping expedition was a success (I'm drooling over those luscious looking threads!). I agree that the killdeer name is not very nice but I don't suppose it can be changed now (although in these times of 'political correctness' perhaps it might be!).
Lovely shots!
oops, correction here. Killdeer have stripes around the neck. I got out my bird book and the picture sure looks like a solitary sandpiper. The voice is kind of like a peet-wheet and clicked plik. No wonder it doesn't sound like a killdeer.
I love the fabric you bought. So pretty! I used Sulky thread a lot when I used to hand quilt. I love that mermaid suit! Funny!
You are building a very calm quilt. I love the quiet colors. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
Love your scrappy squares! I wonder what they will grow up to be? Thank you for sharing that and the wonderful flowers, birds, and fall foliage on Wednesday Wait Loss.
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