I love how a close up of this Eastern Yellowjacket revealed an interesting pattern. Nature never disappoints.
And I loved holding this little guy in my hand; one of the small Painted turtles in the pond. He's got interesting patterning in orange and yellow too.
From looking down to looking up.
It is all about the leaves these days.
We are enjoying the spectacular colours around the property. Contrasting blue skies highlight the yellows and oranges.
The sumacs are red this time of year adding to the glory of the fields and forests.
One of the best things about blogging is the feeling of being surrounded by a group of knowledgeable, talented and creative people. Inspiring me every single day. I love it!
Which leads me to this...
Thank you all who wrote about my Killdeer which the photo I showed in this recent post was not. It is a Solitary Sandpiper recognizable by its greenish legs, spotted back and white circled eye. I now need to review my bird photos because there have been a number of these wading birds at the pond and except for the heron, I've thought them all Killdeer. Who knows what I may find!
And for the record here is the Killdeer at the pond in 2017. From a great distance and closely cropped.
I love how the petunias have survived three bouts of (mild) overnight frost and are a little worse for wear but still bravely blooming.
Stitching in front of the t.v. is one of my favourite pastimes. These simple black back stitched designs will be done in no time. You can read more about them in this post.
Sorry I've forgotten who recommended this show, Succession, a while back when I'd asked for suggestions. We are enjoying it very much so thanks!

I enjoyed looking through this list. 10 Halloween Quilts for the Beginner with links to free patterns and tutorials found at Simple Simon and Company. This banner one caught my eye.

And yes to this too.

We have to keep a lint roller in the car for our clothes because this guy sheds 365 days of the year. Here he's on alert in his usual spot keeping an eye on those squirrels.
While Miss Murphy relaxes knowing the guard dog is on guard.
Hope your week is winding down on a good note. We have rain today but back to sun tomorrow.
Take care all.
Linking with Not Afraid of Color, Needle and Thread Network, Paying Ready Attention, Brian's Home Blog, Bijou Bead Boutique, Floral Friday Foto, The LLB Gang and It's A Small Town Life.
Lovely pictures, all of them!
I have to say, I'm a tad jealous of just how rich and vibrant your Fall colored foliage and trees are in your area!
What a great photo of that yellow jacket! Very cool dude. I so appreciate the fall trees photos. Thanks.
Your trees are gorgeous! Our sumac turned brown from the drought.
Hi Jocelyn! I actually gasped out loud when I saw that photo of the sumacs. WOW! Nature surely never does disappoint. And Rex - keeping an eye on squirrels - while Murphy gives us her belly for a scratch are just priceless. That banner quilt is a fun one for any holiday - it's a nice pattern to highlight some special fabrics. I'll have to check that one out. ~smile~ Roseanne
Your fall colors are glorious. Thanks for my laugh of the day, we have a perpetual shedder too.
Love your big size captures here. Fall comes out perfectly in these, as well as you doggie. Hope to see you back soon at All Seasons! Have a lovely weekend:)
I love the pretty Halloween designs for quilts! So much fun crafting and sewing for the holidays! And your trees are spectacular! We see beauty everywhere, don't we? Hugs!
Raining here as well. That photo of the leaf colours, so beautiful,Our small maple is showing greenery, the bulbs are almost finished, and tomorrow there is a " Plant Fair" at a local church hall. I need some to replace those empty gaps when all the ixia and Sparaxis are finished.Lint rollers, what did we use before they were invented? Our one remaining cat does not shed much, but the last longer haired ones left grey, ginger or white fur everywhere.
Such lovely pics!!!!!
Such gorgeous Autumn colours in your trees Jocelyn, certainly a sign of changing seasons. Love your little turtle, do they grow bigger than this? And wonderful Rex is the very image of a dog on guard duty.
A Solitary Sandpiper I will never remember that name. Your leaves are lovely and the Sumac is wow. Neat banner quilt and your stitching patterns look fun.
That wasp photo is amazing! The colours this year are spectacular and we had hoped to go for a drive to enjoy them - today with the wind and the rain might mean they will be past their peak.
Our daughter is a bird scientist (not her technical title - haha) and she conducts field research on shorebirds. That's the only reason I've heard of a Solitary Sandpiper. Amazes me how many different birds are gathered together in the flocks along the shore! The fall colors in your neck of the woods are amazing! I'm going to check out that show!
Such amazing photos and WOW on the up close of the bee and turtle. Those sweet dogs always do make us smile. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Wow, Canada is gorgeous this time of year. We drove through Canada from Alaska a few years ago and it is such a beautiful country. Love seeing the patterns of nature. God is certainly a wonderful Creator. We just don't take the time to see the glory in it all. Thanks for sharing.
Bah for yellow jackets, but what a cool pattern! LOVE your fall colors! Oh, lots of happy likes. They're good stuff. :-)
Nature has the most perfect scenes and colors. Love seeing your pups. We have cats and dogs. We also have many lint rollers all over the place! lol Thanks for linking up today.
You take the most beautiful photos, Jocelyn! The tiny yellow jacket in close-up and the amazing fall leaves - love those! Your Halloween stitching looks so enjoyable. I have been enjoying stitching when we watch TV every evening, too.
Your leaf color is spectacular. Ours seems to be muted this year and many leaves are still green. We've had rain and wind the last two days, so who knows what's left on the trees. I only hope the black walnuts are almost down falling. A few warmer days are expected over the weekend and I must finish up the outdoor chores, but we haven't had a killing frost as yet and I hate pulling out the annuals until they are really done.
Thanks for those amazing and wonderful nature shots at the beginning of your post. As you say, remarkable patterns.
Although the foliage and nature photos are gorgeous, my favorites are of your puppies. :) I can't believe you have petunias still blooming!
Thanks for your visit to my blog and for your words of encouragement. I plan on following your blog.Looks like you have wonderful things to share.
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I agree, nature has such wonderful colour and patterns. Those trees are stunning! Our UK autumn colour hasn't really kicked in yet. Your saying about hugs and kisses made me laugh. I also have a squirrel watcher (and chaser)!
Fabulous fall photos! And the close up of the wasp is amazing....nature is always top of the class for sure. We are Succession watchers too. Enjoy your stitching. Love your very attentive guard dog xx
How natures surprises us every year with the bright recoloring of the trees. So breathtaking. Thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful autumn colour!
My older daughter that quilts has one of those shedding puppies, too! In our married life, I have had two dogs that were half collie and one dog that was fully collie, so I know first hand about shedding. But it is well worth the trouble in my opinion.
Hi! Beautiful autumn trees! I love the colors of their leaves.I like the colors you are using for your little ones to cross stitch.Hugs!
Been working and just catching up today. Wonderful autumn photos! No fall colors turning here (probably because of the drought we had in late summer) but I love living vicariously through you. I had a friend who told me that petunias prefer cool (not cold) weather and I think yours are looking good! The pups look adorable especially Miss Murphy! By the way, you said your are an okayest quilter--no that's me, I've seen your work and your an exceptional quilter!! Wow! Have a great week!
so much to like as usual. Haven't heard of succession. I still find hair in holiday boxes from my lab who passed years ago, and wouldn't have traded my time with her for a million bucks! Tell Rex my husband sheds 365 days a year too. Your color is brilliant, ours died with the 12F temps and 4" of snow. Oy.
Such a lovely post! I’ll be eager to see your stitchery as it progresses. Thanks for linking up to Creative Compulsions!
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